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SIO dead of installing U1MB


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I've installed an U1MB in my 800 XL. he computer works fine on power-up, config menu etc. but it refuses to perform an disk I/O.

AspectQT does not output anything during boot (it does for a reference 800 XL with the same cables & hand shake).

I have swapped POKEY and PIA already. The result is that the ones from the non working board work fine in another board.

I've checked the connections from CB2 (COMMAND), SIO/SOD/ACLK/BCLK to the SIO connector and they look fine (all 100 Ohm).

[in fact I had incidentially cut 2 of these traces when I installed the 1UMB, but I fixed them, see above].


Now I'm clueless where/how to search next? Any ideas?


Cheers, Peter/JAC!

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Peter, check the voltage levels on SIO3, SIO5 and especially SIO7 pins, they should read close to 5v. I had cases where an Atari drive worked fine but SIO2PC did not work when connected to the same Atari, when I measured voltages I found that SIO7 pin was around 2-2.5v. You said you already swapped POKEY and PIA and they work in another machine, that to me means there is some other problem with the mainboard or some other component, but check to see what are the voltage levels first.


EDIT: You could also run a serial port monitor program on your PC to see if you are getting any activity on the DSR line (or CTS/RI depending on your SIO2PC hardware).

Edited by atari8warez
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After checking all of the above (with no result), finding a working serial sniffer and seeing $31 .... correctly appearing, I realized that now it's simply working.

So I happily re-soldered the SIO connector pins (just in case they were to balme...), tested and it's fine.


.... except for the U1MB which I now see is mounted in a way, so I simply cannot close the case anymore .... aaargh - time for going to bed :-)



Thanks for your tips, guys!

Edited by JAC!
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Cut a hole in the CASE!




JK, Don't do that! icon_dunce.gif


The proper solution is to whittle down the pcb untill it fits, or use a variable swing press. if any traces break, use crazy CRAZY glue to fix!
















Seriously, don't do that either! Post some pictures, lets see the Atari 400 naked ;D

Edited by ZarK
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Cut a hole in the CASE!




JK, Don't do that! icon_dunce.gif


The proper solution is to whittle down the pcb untill it fits, or use a variable swing press. if any traces break, use crazy CRAZY glue to fix!


Seriously, don't do that either! Post some pictures, lets see the Atari 400 naked ;D


I know it must be bloody cold up in NWT but alcohol does not prevent hypothermia, it just makes you say things that doesn't make sense :), JAC is talking about a 800XL not a 400......and I pitty you if the best thing you can see naked is a an atari 400 :P

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I know it must be bloody cold up in NWT but alcohol does not prevent hypothermia, it just makes you say things that doesn't make sense icon_smile.gif, JAC is talking about a 800XL not a 400......and I pitty you if the best thing you can see naked is a an atari 400 icon_razz.gif


Haha! yeah... Frozen brained comes to mind. Gotta keep busy and outta trouble, so vintage computing and gaming comes in. That and a '70 pickup, but not as fun working on it in a snow bank, icon_razz.gif


Still post some pictures of the 800xl! and found some neekid 400 keyboard post with pictures instead of the parka covered uhm, ladies

Edited by ZarK
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