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Did anyone else spot this "cheat" in Midnight Mutants?


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I really haven't been able to find much info about how grandpa is able to raise you from the dead sometimes. I can't help but wonder how/what conditions must actually be met for this.


link to video for demonstration of what I'm talking about, it took me 2 tries and I pretty much did the same thing each time so maybe there is a randomness factor:

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should I take the silence as a no then?


It seems like all the reviews etc say one of the problems with the game is no continues... well, here is a way to continue .... something I discovered about 15 years(or so) ago I never really shared. at least until I came back to the game and used a video capture device and uploaded it to youtube...


I just wish I could nail down the rules to this continue system.


I'm fairly certain that:
A. this does not work when you die to blood purity("I can't purify your blood")

B. this does not work when your health bar is under a certain level(you lose a fair amount for this)

C. this does not work when you are fighting a boss


Even if I allow all 3 things though it does not always work. There must be something that I am missing.

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I'm glad you brought this up thucon!


The continue feature has always occurred to me as random. The first time I encountered it (just got the game late last year), I'd died, left the room for a few minutes, and then I came back to find the top banner letting me know I could continue.


I've found that the continue feature is less likely to pop up the further I progress in the game, and that it never works when I die for lack of blood purity. Also, if i die in a cavern and turn into a monster-thing, no continue is allowed. I've waited for over an hour to see if there's a timeout, but haven't found that there is one.

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