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Scrolly / Wiggly Screen - Atari 2600A restore


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I have a Vader 2600A I am bit by bit bringing back to life. After replacing the cartridge slot (originally two pins were missing), the system now, at least, sort of appears to recognize cartridges. However, every is wiggly on the screen (somewhat shown here):



If you can't tell - that is ET :), but this happens with several games. I am using one of these to plug it in to the TV - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0028MXOF6/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&tag=atariage&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0028MXOF6&linkCode=as2


I have switching between channels 2 and 3, but nothing has worked (although it appears the switch is a bit finicky). I also played a bit with the two adjusters


Any thoughts as to what else to look at?

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If it were mine, I would double check for any solder bridges or broken traces around the newly replaced cart slot.


Then replace that ruptured cap with an axial electrolytic of the same spec uF and voltage. Take care to orient the capacitor correctly.


I was reading another post which said that a ruptured cap can be a sign the board was once powered with reverse polarity.

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