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Atari800MacX and OS10.9

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My wife and I recently got a new Mac, and I'm trying to get all my emulators up and running. One issue I have had is with Atari800MacX. It was working on my pervious OSX laptop (OS 10.6), but it appears to be having problems on my new computer (OS 10.9).


I have downloaded all the ROMs, and I get the right messages on the screen, i.e., "Ready", and "Atari 5200 Emulator". Unfortunately, when I type anything after the Ready, I can hear typing noises, but nothing appears on the screen. If I try to insert a 5200 cartridge, I can hear the sound, but I don't get any video update on the screen. This same error happens with cassettes.


Any thoughts?


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does it do it on both fullscreen and windowed?


In the Display-Settings, try to switch from "OpenGL" to "Software" (I had to do this on my Intel MacBook anyway to run the Emulator in Fullspeed, while my iBook G4 runs well in OpenGL).


That worked! After sending the email, I found a workaround, but the "software" fix is much better. I found that if I loaded a cart and then changed the scale, I was able to properly see video. Thanks for the help!

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