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Target Covidea?

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I was scanning eBay this morning and I found that someone recently listed and sold a cartridge called "Taget Covidea" for $799.00 (


The cart looked familiar. I went through my stuff and found that I have one.


Is this thing really that rare and/or valuable? If so, it belongs in more careful hands than mine. I'd be glad to sell it, especially for as exorbitant a price as $799.00. But if there is no buyer and still a desire in the community to get a dump of it, I'd be glad to facilitate that as well.


Informative responses would be deeply appreciated.

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There's one on eBay right now - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Atari-TARGET-COVIDEA-Banking-Cartridge-v1-15-400-500-800-800XL-1200XL-XE-XL-8bit-/171261432384?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item27dffa1240


Current bid is $31, but "Reserve not met".


EDIT to add: looks like the same seller, with "Buy it Now" at 799, followed by auction starting at $249/ $499 Buy it now, followed by the current auction.

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