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HSC11 Round 5: Platform"E"rs

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Hey, Electro Maniac is a great game and I have lots of stories to tell about this game...


At the end of 2008 Stefan Müller contacted me per email. He lived about 100 km away from me and looked for some contacts to other 8 Bit Atarians.


We phoned and skyped some times and then we met and he came to me to play some games and talk about the good ole times.


I said there are not only good "old" times for me but also good "new" times, and showed him this new stuff like SIO2USB, SIO2SD, Flashcarts and all those amazing things.


He was fascinated. But he had also a surprise for me: He brought along one 5.25 " Disk and showed it to me with the words:"Hey, take a look at my game that I programmed eons ago!" Sure, I am always curious about never released stuff. I aspected a mediocre BASIC game, like my little poor games I produced in the 80ies. But far from it he presented a very polished game and I was stunned. He told me that he programmed it first time in Turbo Basic XL in 1987. He wanted to submit it to a german magazine as type-in listing. Then he learned Assembler and programmed it from scratch in Assembler and finished in 1988. At that time there was less interest in Atari 8 Bit in Germany and it was hard to find somebody who was willing to pay you some money for your game (a few years earlier the german magazine "Happy Computer" awarded the game of the month with 1000 DM). And so his game vanished into his drawer.


I was thrilled. In 2008 I was head of ABBUC's software department and organized the software contest. The game would enrich the contest. And so I suggested to send it ... erm ... to me and take part at the software contest. He polished it a bit, made some new levels (I constructed some, too) and put it in the contest 2009.


In october 2009 at ABBUC's "JHV" (annual genera meeting) the programs were presented by me to the members of ABBUC. Some of the voting sheets reached me before the meeting, but most of the sheets were submitted at the meeting. At the end of the event I counted the votes and Electro Maniac was on first place with 2 points lead. I was happy because it was my favorite. But I asked a last time:"Has anyone not yet delivered his ballot?" And there was one person (I can exactly remember who): 10 points Space Binvaders, 5 points Electro Maniac! - BUMMER - Hey, no, I'm the official and impartial...


I think Stefan was even more disappointed and I lost contact three years ago.

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Bin playing Electro Maniac for hours and I'm absolutely stumped by level 18. I'm actually thinking it's not possible, but I guess it must be.

Level 10 is also a killer to get right, it took me over an hour! Anyway the rest of the levels aren't too bad once you know how to beat them.

If anyone works out how to beat 18 you deserve the points, perhaps I've been playing for too long!



Edited by McKong
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Wow McKong! Level 18 on Electro Maniac! :-o

You could try it out in the editor of course - how about you creating a few new ones too ?


OK I've been playing the other games looks like I need to power up :D

Really liking Easy Money 56 - the baddies look like evil Bounty Bob's! I gave up trying to do the 5th screen and got the key - seems to take you somewhere else... tune ok but better with SFX toggled on.

Egon Level 6 - gets hard from 5 onwards.

Escape from Doomworld 13,910 - got the the flying stage but didn't work out what to do apart from shoot baddies and collect fuel, go to the left edge of the playfield... OK I must read the instructions (above!)




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I was playing EGON on an Atari 800xl (NTSC) with the Atarimax 8mb flash cart.


I won all levels at EGON. (Screen looked like person who posted earlier but also said congratulations and flashed). I think I was had just completed level 6 when it happened. I wasn't paying close attention. Didn't expect the game to be so short so, it was quite a thrill and a surprise when it congratulated me on winning all levels. Lots of fun for a basic game.

Edited by SIO2
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+ Pozbycie się Benego = Beny's out

+ Nieograniczony czas = Time stop

+ Moneta jako dwie = double score coins

+ Dodatkowe życie = extra life

+ Następna komnata = next localization

+ Wyjście = exit

+ Stan twojego konta - your actual account

That's all ;)

How does one use the items purchased? I'll assume double score coins and extra life are automatic

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I think 'Beny's Out' removes the evil looking guy from the next level. I'm liking Easy Money, a lot, making steady progress $64ish. On the 5th or so screen where the first key appears (bottom right) can you get under the bottom left dangling ball thing - I keep failing, the rest of the screen is doable.


Electro Maniac! Level 5 - 54,083 though I was on a left-handed stick with bad glare on the TV as the sun made a rare appearance ;)



I'll do the first tables later after I watch another torturous scrub that Rooney fantastic!!!! ....

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+ Pozbycie się Benego = Beny's out = the walking dude is gone for that level
+ Nieograniczony czas = Time stop = stops the timer for that level
+ Moneta jako dwie = double score coins= coins score double
+ Dodatkowe życie = extra life = awards an extra life
+ Następna komnata = next localization = skip to next level


all you do is highlight the one you want and press fire...as long as you have money you can make purchases.

Edited by NIKON
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Level 4 is often a problem for me:

Didn't found yet the best solution to solve this space upper with the moveable block.

Where to stand and when to jump.


Any hints here?

Cos afterwards two levels more will work easily...

But this one situation I getting AAAARRRGGHHHH :)

Edited by powersoft
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here is a .BAS version of Crazy Egon, as well as a new .COM/XEX version (created with BAS2COM from the BAS version). I merely edited line 2270 and put a REM in it, thats all I changed there. Since I have never completed the game, I dunno if this is enough to make the game restart after reaching the end... (but I guess line 2280 makes it restart).


One can use Fast Basic, TB XL or even the BXL runtime to make the BAS version execute a little faster. Of course one can also compile the game (with ABC, MMG or TB XL compiler). If someone creates an ABC or MMG compiled version, it would be nice to share it here... -Andreas Koch.


P.S.: In the german magazine "Homecomputer" there was also the sequel Crazy Egon 2, does anyone have this version ?


Edited by CharlieChaplin
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Level 4 is often a problem for me:

Didn't found yet the best solution to solve this space upper with the moveable block.

Where to stand and when to jump.


Any hints here?

Cos afterwards two levels more will work easily...

But this one situation I getting AAAARRRGGHHHH :)

Stand on the right edge and jump fully right - if you miss you can clear the skull below so don't lose a life. Jump when the platform is approaching the left side ;)




here is a .BAS version of Crazy Egon, as well as a new .COM/XEX version (created with BAS2COM from the BAS version). I merely edited line 2270 and put a REM in it, thats all I changed there. Since I have never completed the game, I dunno if this is enough to make the game restart after reaching the end... (but I guess line 2280 makes it restart).


One can use Fast Basic, TB XL or even the BXL runtime to make the BAS version execute a little faster. Of course one can also compile the game (with ABC, MMG or TB XL compiler). If someone creates an ABC or MMG compiled version, it would be nice to share it here... -Andreas Koch.


P.S.: In the german magazine "Homecomputer" there was also the sequel Crazy Egon 2, does anyone have this version ?

Thanks for this Andreas :thumbsup: - Egon is fast enough, plays very nicely ;-) If you change the line to say RUN instead of RUN "D:Menu... it works (with BASIC) or the XEX on a mypicodosmenu. Egon 2 would be 8)

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I think 'Beny's Out' removes the evil looking guy from the next level. I'm liking Easy Money, a lot, making steady progress $64ish. On the 5th or so screen where the first key appears (bottom right) can you get under the bottom left dangling ball thing - I keep failing, the rest of the screen is doable.


Electro Maniac! Level 5 - 54,083 though I was on a left-handed stick with bad glare on the TV as the sun made a rare appearance ;)



I'll do the first tables later after I watch another torturous scrub that Rooney fantastic!!!! ....

Great goal, let's hope for a few more like that in the summer

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First Tables (just the games for now)

Bonus HSC points for creating any Electro Maniac! levels - Combined Editor & Game Disk it's really quite easy and good fun too. If anyone needs any help just post :)


Electro Maniac! (level reached)
1st McKong (p) 18 30
2nd powersoft (p) 7 29
3rd therealbountybob (p) 5 28
4th Sikor (p) 5 28
5th NIKON (p) 4 26
6th roadrunner (n) 1 25


Easy Money ($)
1st therealbountybob (p) 64 30

2nd NIKON (p) 54 29
3rd powersoft (p) 47 28
4th Sikor (p) 39 27
5th roadrunner (n) 18 26


Escape from Doomworld (score)
1st powersoft (p) 21,960 30

2nd NIKON (p) 15,660 29
3rd therealbountybob (p) 13,910 28
4th Sikor (p) 2,000 27
5th roadrunner (n) 2,000 27


Egon (level reached or 10 for completing the 6 levels)
1st powersoft (p) 10 30

1st SIO2 (n) 10 30
3rd therealbountybob (p) 6 28
4th NIKON (p) 3 27
5th roadrunner (n) 2 26

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Thanks Jason for the hint! It works :)

Last Screen-Shot was done with 57 - I get in four more in the next level, so 61 in total


Version 2:

Next turn as the max reached level was hard with this moveable piece left side down where you need two jumps - I payed for reaching next level and played some more. Nice thing is graphics changes soon, from mid aged castle style to police style :)

But as I payed for skip one level I got at the end 59

This made me sad, haha! Nope, but at the end, after the really hard level it was again more easy to continue.

But I didn't counted the levels when graphics changed, but anyone knows:


how many levels in total the game got

and how many different background graphics


Have a nice weekend





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