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List of Lynx Reviews (my opinions)


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The following list of reviews are my OPINIONS of the Lynx library.

I have played each of these games (the tolerable ones) for more than 5 minutes and in most cases have beaten the game (or at least the 1st level).

I'll use the following format: 1-10 rating (1=poor, 10=best) and rate each for:

(sound - w/headphones) (visual) (gameplay) (overall).

Also, please note that I haven't played any of these as multi-player.


APB (8 - it talks!)(8 - smooth framerate)(8 - as I remember it in the arcade)(9 - very playable)

Alien vs Predator Demo (8)(9.5)(8)(8 - they should have completed it!)

Awesome Golf (10 - great music and talks!)(10 - beautiful graphics)(10 - options galore)(10 - a MUST own)

Baseball Heroes (8 - it talks)(9)(6 - awkward fielding when cam angle changes)(7)

Basketbrawl (5 - cheesy sound)(6)(7 - reminds me of brutal sports football on the jag))(6)

Batman Returns (9)(10)(9 - building jumping is way too difficult!)(9 - one of the best looking platformers)

BattleWheels (9)(8 - very pixelated when objects get close)(9)(9 - great options)

Battlezone 2000 (7)(9 - nice job of vector graphics on an LCD)(10 - nice options)(9.5)

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (9)(8)(8 - HUGE levels)(8 - I'm not a big fan of RPG's)

Block Out (8 - in game music would've been nice)(9 - effective)(9 - rotating pieces can be frustrating)(9.5 - 3-D tetris, awesome!)

Blue Lightning (10)(10)(10)(10 - how can this version be better than the Jag?!?!?!?)

Bubble Trouble (8)(9)(9)(9 - re-hash of Slime World)

California Games (10)(10)(9 - skating and hackey sacking can be frustrating)(10 - a pack-in game, so it's polished)

Centepede Demo (n/a)(9)(9.5)(9.5 - very playable)

Championship Rally (8)(9)(9)(9.5 - reminds me of Power Drive Rally for the Jag)

Checkered Flag (9)(9)(10)(9.5)

Chip's Challenge (10)(9)(10)(10 - addictive puzzler)

Crystal Mines II (10)(10)(10)(10 - think Dig Dug for people with brains)

Cyber Virus (10)(10)(10)(10 - Battlewheels on foot!)

Daemon's Gate (8)(7)(8)(7.5 - appears to be complete, if you like RPG's)

Desert Strike (10)(10)(10)(10 - as good as the SNES version!)

Diagnostic Cart (does what it should)(ditto)(n/a)(7 - it's complete, but only necessary for technician or serious collector)

Dinolympics (10)(10)(10)(10 - a great game, similar to Dino Dudes on Jag)

Dirty Larry: Renegade Cop (8)(10)(7 - movements are limited to left and right)(6 - for previous reason)

Double Dragon (9)(9)(9)(8.5 - as I remember it from the arcade, only easier)

Dracula: The Undead (10)(10)(8 - pretty involved)(9 - not bad for a RPG)

Dragnet (10)(1)(n/a)(4 - only for the anal collector)

Electrocop (10)(10)(10)(10 - a great game that surprisingly wasn't duplicated on other platforms)

European Soccer Challenge (8)(9)(8)(8 - playable)

Fat Bobby (8 - cheesy music)(9)(9)(9.5 - a decent platformer)

Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (3)(8 - 3-D view is awkward)(10)(9 - all a chess game should be)

Gates of Zendocon (10)(10 - gorgeous)(9 - a bit easy)(10)

Gauntlet: The Third Encounter (9)(9)(8 - vertical, ugh!)(9 - a good rendition of the arcade classic)

Gordo 106 (10)(10)(10)(10 - one of the best platformers on the lynx)

Hard Drivin' (6)(7)(8 - 'Hard' to get used to)(7 - nice try!)

Hockey (8)(10)(10 - good pucking physics)(8.5 - rebound=goal)

Hydra (9)(8 - blocky)(8 - controls are awkward)(9 - Spy Hunter on the water)

Hyperdrome (8 - monotonous)(8)(6 - turning was poorly done)(7 - cool concept)

Ishido: The Way of the Stones (5)(8)(9 - takes a few tries to develop strategy)(9.5 - addictive!)

Jimmy Connors' Tennis (10 - it talks!)(10)(9 - takes a while to get used to)(10 - an excellent version of tennis)

Joust (10)(10)(10)(10 - as good as any version I've ever seen)

Klax (10)(9 - colors are hard to distinguish)(10)(9 - it's vertical)

Krazy Ace Miniature Golf (3)(4)(5 - poor physics and control)(4 - ga'bage)

Kung Food (9)(9)(9)(8.5 - a solid platformer)

Lemmings (10)(10)(10)(10 - a GREAT version)

Lexis (9)(9)(9 - possible 10 if it werten't vertical)(10 - tetris with words, cool - plus hidden Galaxian!)

Lynx Casino (9)(10)(10)(9.5 - excellent game!)

Lynx Othello (9)(10)(10)(10 - everything you'd expect, plus LGSS)

Loopz (10)(10)(10 - plays complete)(10 - same people that brought you Blockout!)

Malibu Bikini Volleyball (10)(10)(8 - 3-D awkward to adjust to)(9 - nice options)

Marlboro Go (10)(10)(8 - not much here)(9 - a complete demo)

Ms. Pac-Man (10)(10)(10)(10 - all it should be)

NFL Football (10)(9)(10)(a possible 10, if it weren't vertical)

Ninja Gaiden (10)(10)(10)(9)

Ninja Gaiden III: Ancient Ship of Doom (10)(10)(10)(10 - smaller and faster than the 1st)

Pac-Land (6)(7)(7 - cheesy platformer)(6 - there's better games than this)

Paperboy (9)(9)(10)(10 - the most playable of any version)

Pinball Jam (10 - it talks!)(9)(10)(10 - two different machines!)

Pit-Fighter (7)(6)(7)(7 - I was never a big fighting fan, this didn't sway me one bit)

Ponx (8)(9)(9)(8 - well done, but it is only pong)

Power Factor (9)(10)(9 - lots going on)(10 - I ike this better than Slime World)

Qix (9)(10)(10)(10 - a great version of the classic)

Raiden (10)(10)(9)(9.5 - would've been a ten if it wasn't vertical)

Rampage (9)(9)(9)(8 - smashing buildings gets old quickly)

Rampart (9)(8)(7)(8 - this is not my cup of tea)

Remnant (9)(9)(8)(8 - repetitious)

RoadBlasters (10)(10)(10)(10 - a great version!)

Road Riot 4WD (9.5)(10)(9)(9.5 - nicely done!)

Robo-Squash (8)(9)(9)(9.5 - an awesome 3-D pong/breakout)

Robotron: 2084 (10)(10)(10)(10 - very well done, even the controls)

Rygar (10)(10)(10)(10 - awesome version!)

S.I.M.I.S. (9)(10)(10)(9.5 - great variety here)

S.T.U.N. Runner (10)(10)(10)(10 - keeps you coming back for more)

Scrapyard Dog (9)(9)(9 - frustrating in some areas)(9.5 - a decent platformer)

SFX (10)(7)(n/a)(8 - not really a game, but nice to see what the Lynx audio is capable of)

Shadow of the Beast (10)(10+)(9.5 - level bosses are difficult)(10)

Shanghai (9)(10)(10)(10 - nicely done version)

SokoMania (10)(10)(10)(10 - highly addictive puzzler)

Steel Talons (10)(7)(10)(8.5 - plays nice, too bad the graphics leave little to be desired)

Super Asteroids & Missile Command (10)(10)(10)(10 - most excellent versions of both classics)

Super Off-Road (7)(5)(7)(5 - where's the rest of the frames?)

Super Skweek (9)(8)(7 - a while to get used to)(8 - cute puzzler, should have been easier to pick up and play)

Switchblade II (8)(8)(9)(9.5 - a simple platformer)

T-Tris (10)(9)(10)(10 - one of the BEST versions of tetris I've played)

Todd's Adventures in Slime World (10)(10)(9 - very involved)(9.5 - this one'll keep you busy for hours)

Toki (10)(11)(9.5 - very difficult)(10 - a pretty platformer!)

Tournament Cyberball (9)(9)(6)(8 - not like I remember in the arcade)

Turbo Sub (9)(8)(9)(9.5 - It's Blue Lightning with a twist!)

Viking Child (8)(8)(8 - a bit slow)(8.5 - cute platformer)

Warbirds (10)(10)(10)(10)

World Class Fussball/Soccer (7)(4)(6)(6 - poor attempt at better graphics, missing frames)

Xenophobe (9)(10)(8 - kinda easy)(8.5 - just another platformer)

Xybots (10)(10)(10)(10 - just like the arcade!)

Zarlor Mercenary (10)(10)(10)(10 - a nice scroll-up shooter)


I hope this list helps a few in their decisions!



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Hey, thanks for the reviews! One comment, though: your review scale seems to be swayed towards the high numbers (lots of 9's and 10's). Even a game it seems obvious you didn't like (Pit Fighter, for example), you still gave it relatively high marks. The lowest over-all score you gave is a 4. Do you really think there are no Lynx games worthy of a really good thrashing (like a 1 or 2)?


I agree 100% with your Rygar review, by the way!

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There's a lot of work in that review... thank you for sharing it.


A couple notes:


If you play Daemon's Gate for a while, you will discover that it is definitely not finished. This could have been a really great game with the proper tweeks and finishing.


Overall, I would not dole out quite as many 10's if you reserve a "10" to represent the best of the best, but that is purely subjective :)



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Unfinished as in you can't get beyond (or maybe to) the 3rd level, and there's basically nothing to do except wander around. There are also some graphics glitches.


IMHO, the backgrounds and character movement was basically finished, but the actual game is missing.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Alright, not a lame attempt at revitalizing this thread, but:

After reading my list a month later, I still agree with my evaluations.

Please realize my scale was based on expectations of what each of these titles should have been.

With this being a 16-bit handheld system - expectations are kept relatively low.

With that being said, is any title worthy of a thrashing?

If I want a true gaming experience I'll pop in some Splinter Cell or Serious Sam on that MS thingy!

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