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Altirra crash & question..


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Hi Avery or whoever..


Just tried the Jnr Pacman for the 5200 from this thread and it picks up the game name but crashes after a few secs.




Bad rom? Says illegal op..


And the question / request..(not sure if its been asked before?)


When you drop a 5200 cart on is there a reason why you didn't get the system to auto configure to a 5200 NTSC 16K for the user rather than setting it by hand?


Are there any carts for the 800XL range that appear to the system to be 5200 carts but are not? (I've tested hundreds and don't remember ever seeing one), its the only reason I could imagine why its not set to auto convert to 5200 mode apart from a personal coding issue?


Just the same if you drop what it thinks is a standard 8 or 16K cart for the 800XL when the system has been last used as a 5200 on Altirra would it be a problem to Auto set the system to say an XL for 99% compatibility chances and then the user can by hand change various items if needed?

Edited by Mclaneinc
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Bad ROM dump. Contains half of a 16K ROM repeated four times. The title is at the end of one half, but the game start is in the other half that's missing.


As for the autoswitching, the place where Altirra knows it's a 5200 ROM is a bit of an inconvenient place to switch the system -- it'd need to roll back out, do the switch, and retry the load.

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Hello Avery.


Your attempts to give us emulated Atari is GREAT!


Week ago I got my new atari 130XE mobos from B&C Corso.

Many thanks them for all!

Today I worked for initialize and update all of stuff thus I obviously used Altirra 2.50

test 26 as a butts for my real attempts.


The strange thing is that till now I can't make C:\ (D3:) as bootable and seeing config in Sparta environment,

but in real HW I did it sucessfully.


Have you any suggestions?

(I know that APT is very early stage project...)

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(I know that APT is very early stage project...)

Depends which implementation. What APT hardware are you using? APT is not a "very early stage project"; this would tend to imply that implementations were all in a beta state and generally unreliable. Most implementations are at least two years old now, and I'd consider the latest Ultimate 1MB/SIDE/Incognito APT firmware at least to be "complete".

Edited by flashjazzcat
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Hello FJC,

you know of course :) that I used your SDX atr image with fdisk 4.4 on CON: device.

Thank you again.


I asked Avery because I think that my altirra.ini is bad in some manner.


Because of it's complexity I can't realize what's happen.


I remember that earlier when I set DiskDrive/SIO to Patch Altirra couldn't load config.sys.

But now I'm sure that Patch is cleared and no effects at all.


Host machine is notebook with Win7/64. I load Altirra64. (I can count to 1 hundred.)


And Best wishes from Moscow!

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