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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Does anyone have experience with the Neo 50 II cabinets?  I just picked this bad boy up as is, the owner didn’t know how to work the machine as it was left over from his fathers video store. 

I can’t find any recourses online about these. But I am determined to get it restored.


I look forward to preserving this and contributing to the community with a full write up on my endevours.


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1 hour ago, Foolycoolyguy said:

Does anyone have experience with the Neo 50 II cabinets?  I just picked this bad boy up as is, the owner didn’t know how to work the machine as it was left over from his fathers video store. 

I can’t find any recourses online about these. But I am determined to get it restored.


I look forward to preserving this and contributing to the community with a full write up on my endevours.


Hi FoolyCoolyguy,


Thank you for posting onto the Neo-Geo thread and glad to have you aboard with us. Enjoy your time here on AtariAge and looking forward on seeing you post away with us on the AtariAge forums.


Welcome board kind sir. :waving:


WOW! A Neo 50 II Arcade unit. These are really hard to find and glad that you have this and plan on restoring it bro. As of right now, what are your concerns for this cabinet? Is anything missing or has any non-working parts that need to be replaced?



Edited by Charlie Cat
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Well to begin we attempted to fire it up but could Not do much other than see the screen flicker on. The person I purchased this from had no idea how to turn the unit on.


I’ve started cleaning the control panel, as it appears some one spilled a soda on it years ago.

You would think powering on the unit would be straight forward, but I’m not exactly sure how to power it up when it’s plugged in.


ive also noticed there is a pcb with a leaking cap.  I will take pictures and post them when I get home tonight.

Thank you for welcoming me and also for replying to the post.

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1 hour ago, Foolycoolyguy said:




Your welcome Fooly. Were glad to have you on with us. ;-)


Sure, we would love to see them to help out. Now if I remember, the screen is a Hitachi C50-15SN and with MVS and Jamma support. I also recall it had a 4 slot MVS slot board in it as well. Someone mention once that these units were built by Sega and sold to SNK. I don't know if that's correct, but if it's true, I can see them doing so since it reminds me of Sega's units when I played Virtua Fighter II. Let's see if we can help with additional information down the road for you bro. 





Edited by Charlie Cat
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6 hours ago, Foolycoolyguy said:

Well to begin we attempted to fire it up but could Not do much other than see the screen flicker on. The person I purchased this from had no idea how to turn the unit on.


I’ve started cleaning the control panel, as it appears some one spilled a soda on it years ago.

You would think powering on the unit would be straight forward, but I’m not exactly sure how to power it up when it’s plugged in.


ive also noticed there is a pcb with a leaking cap.  I will take pictures and post them when I get home tonight.

Thank you for welcoming me and also for replying to the post.

Believe it should power up once plugin to the wall. Even one bad cap can kill the board as it would change the voltage.

Edited by enoofu
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Okay guys so I woke up early and did a couple hours of cleaning up in the cabinet and got my bearings on.


the mystery pcb that was connected was some Chinese arcade board.  I’m guessing some Pandora’s box type set up.


Now because someone had decided to install this I have all sorts of modifications to the harness done.


this explains why the owner said the control panel didn’t work, the kick harness wasn’t wired in and there was all sorts of madness I won’t get into with that.


Moving forward I believe I will re wire the p1 and p2 control panel first.

Needless to say the unit did not come with a mvs board or any bonus games due to the Pandora’s box being installed.

I do have a 4 slot that will now live inside here tho.


lastly, does anyone know what the object in the last picture is? It weighs about 10 lbs and the wires were snipped off.995C93C7-AF61-4496-B4EA-12F9FA0974C0.thumb.jpeg.4d974654dd454d8b9337df75a98ed5e9.jpeg






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2 hours ago, Foolycoolyguy said:

Okay guys so I woke up early and did a couple hours of cleaning up in the cabinet and got my bearings on.


the mystery pcb that was connected was some Chinese arcade board.  I’m guessing some Pandora’s box type set up.


Now because someone had decided to install this I have all sorts of modifications to the harness done.


this explains why the owner said the control panel didn’t work, the kick harness wasn’t wired in and there was all sorts of madness I won’t get into with that.


Moving forward I believe I will re wire the p1 and p2 control panel first.

Needless to say the unit did not come with a mvs board or any bonus games due to the Pandora’s box being installed.

I do have a 4 slot that will now live inside here tho.


lastly, does anyone know what the object in the last picture is? It weighs about 10 lbs and the wires were snipped off.






Hi Fooly,


Glad that you're getting a head start with your unit and thank you for sharing the pictures with us. That last pic with the piece weighing like 10 pounds. Does it have any markings on it? From what another good member in the comunity was telling me, it looks like maybe a transformer.



Edited by Charlie Cat
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Just now, Foolycoolyguy said:

Yes is has 110v and 240v printed on it. What would it need a transformer for? Possibly the for the display? I will def take more comprehensive photos on my day off. 

Hi Fooly,


They say an Isolation transformer. Anything at that weight would most likely be related to the screen. Maybe that's why it's not showing anything on display.



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9 minutes ago, Foolycoolyguy said:

Yes is has 110v and 240v printed on it. What would it need a transformer for? Possibly the for the display? I will def take more comprehensive photos on my day off. 


Fooly, from what I'm looking off Google typing in "Neo Geo Isolation Transformer" it looks similar to yours. This might be the answer for you. 



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2 hours ago, Foolycoolyguy said:

Ai think you are 100 percent correct!  Thank you,  well now to figure out why it was disconnected, how to reconnect it and if it damaged the display at all

You're welcome Fooly. Were to help.  Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance. Will be here for you bro. ;-)



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\ SNKキャラを描こう / 「#SNKフリークギャラリー」を付けて、テーマに沿ったイラストを投稿しよう! 第1回のテーマは、最新作の開発が決定した「餓狼伝説」シリーズにちなんで、『餓狼MotW』! みなさまの投稿は、SNKフリークで積極的にRTさせていただきます♪ #SNKフリーク
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\ Let's draw SNK characters  / Add " #SNKフリークギャラリー " and post an illustration that follows the theme! The first theme is "Fatal Fury MotW", which is related to the "Fatal Fury" series for which the development of the latest work has been decided! SNK freaks will actively RT everyone's posts ♪ #SNKフリーク



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Hi guys,

【ノベルティ情報】BAR KOFにてコラボ商品(グッズ・ドリンク含む)税込5,500円ごとのお会計で「KOFXV ランダムラバーコースター」をプレゼント たくさん集めてコレクションしてください ※数に限りがあります。 #BAR_KOF #akibaTVG #SNK #INDOR
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[Novelty information] At BAR KOF, you will receive a "KOFXV random rubber coaster" for every 5,500 yen including tax of collaboration products (including goods and drinks)  Please collect a lot and collect  ※ number is limited. #BAR_KOF #akibaTVG #SNK #INDOR



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Guess I'm late to this but that removed part likely is why that screen is out, that is the transformer.  I have one in my all stock original MVS-2 cabinet.  If that's been removed I see no reason why the system would power up at all.


Now they are or aren't required, if your power supply is swapped out for a new one, some of them have the isolation as part of the inside of it, in that case, that big thing there is not needed.  The thing is, if you can get that wired back up to what's inside there now odds are your screen may be just fine.  I'm reading a bit about it, problem is the information is on the most utterly toxic Neo Geo community online, so I'm not linking it, but they had the same part knocked loose and wired it back into their 4 slot MVS system and the CRT that wasn't working and assumed not good, popped right on and worked.


I'd go with a test and re-wiring on that box there back into the system, it may be your entire problem, outside of the hackery done to put a crap pandora in the thing.  In the end that box there is to isolate the monitor, and your monitor is what is not supposedly working, so maybe it's just that simple if you're lucky.



I did find this though about the part in general for arcade cabinets and info about them, help, etc. https://www.aceamusements.us/the-arcade-video-game-crt-monitor-isolation-transformer.html

Edited by Tanooki
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