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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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On 8/3/2023 at 6:41 PM, roots.genoa said:

I think the reason is the NeoGeo was famous for its one-on-one fighting games, and these games are responsible for the (slow) disappearance of beat 'em ups in the 90s. It's a bit like developers felt you couldn't have both, which is a shame imho.

Well said roots. I agree wholeheartedly on your posting. :)



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4 hours ago, enoofu said:

Steam is having a crazy SNK sale

Just bought the new KoF for 15, bought the new SS for 12, and SS5 for 1.99



"SNK Fighting Games Sale - August 2023
Bust out your fighting stick and call over a friend because the SNK Fighting Games Sale is here!

Save big on SNK’s latest and greatest fighting games, including titles from iconic KOF, SAMURAI SHODOWN, and THE LAST BLADE series!

Sale ends on August 17th so don’t miss your chance to save!"


Wow! That really is some fantastic deals enoofu. Thank you for the heads up. I'm going to head over and take advantage of the sales bro. :)



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Hi guys,

Our second event for SNK Official Tournaments in Evo 2023 has finished! Congrats to our GAROU: Mark of the Wolves winners! scrubs Jean-Carlo Colossus Cole Chiavoni ManChest pineapple_consultant TakiTonfa Thank you for joining us, everyone!  #Evo2023



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Hi guys,


【FATAL FURY】 Legends Never Die. They Get Better! Teaser trailer now up for "FATAL FURY: City of the Wolves", the hotly anticipated new fighting game from SNK! https://youtu.be/cTyy0kgQ8Ug #FatalFury #GAROU #CotW



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Hi guys,

【KOF XIII GM】 KOF XIII GLOBAL MATCH, with rollback netcode and overhauled online functionality, is slated for release on November 16th, 2023! >Trailer https://youtu.be/YcuwzXf4_KE #KOF13 #KOFXIII



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Hi guys,



【SAMURAI SPIRITS】 ロールバックアップデートを2023年9月に実施! #サムスピ #SamuraiSpirits
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[SAMURAI SHODOWN] Rollback update will be implemented in September 2023! #サムスピ #SamuraiSpirits



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Hi guys,

「餓狼伝説」最新作に込めた思いとは――。小田泰之氏に聞くSNKの近況と各タイトルの開発進捗 https://4gamer.net/games/649/G064915/20230729022/ 「10年間でグローバルのトップ10パブリッシャになる」という目標を掲げるSNKでは,さまざまな企画が進行中のようだ
Translated from Japanese by
What are the thoughts behind the latest "Fatal Fury"? Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title https://4gamer.net/games/649/G064915/20230729022/ It seems that various projects are underway at SNK, which has the goal of becoming a global top 10 publisher in 10 years.

What are the thoughts behind the latest "Fatal Fury"? Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title

 The company's Osaka studio is working on a project to revamp (reboot) SNK's famous IP such as "THE KING OF FIGHTERS", "SAMURAI SPIRITS", "METAL SLUG", and "FATAL FURY" . We asked Mr. Yasuyuki Oda , head of SNK's first software development division, who is in charge of the Osaka studio , about the latest developments and the progress of each title. At the end of the interview, he also mentions the latest work "Fatal Fury City of the Wolves

 " announced at the fighting game festival "EVO 2023", so if you are interested, please check it out. I want you to.
Thumbnail image of image collection No.005 / What is the thought put into the latest "Fatal Fury Legend"?  Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title
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[EVO2023] The title of the latest work in the "Fatal Fury" series is "Fatal Fury City of the Wolves". Release of teaser trailer

[EVO2023] The title of the latest work in the "Fatal Fury" series is "Fatal Fury City of the Wolves".  Release of teaser trailer

Today (August 6, 2023), SNK announced the official title of the latest work in the "Fatal Fury" series, "Fatal Fury City of the Wolves" at the stage of EVO 2023 being held in Las Vegas, along with a teaser trailer . Published. In the video, we were able to confirm the voices of some characters such as Mai, Jenny, and Marco who are expected to participate in the war.

 Thank you for your time today. First, please give us a brief self-introduction, Mr. Oda.

Yasuyuki Oda (hereafter
 referred to as Mr. Oda): I actually joined SNK twice. was Originally I was an artist, and at that time I was making dots, but halfway through I became a planner and director of game design.

 After that, in 1999, after the release of Garou MARK OF THE WOLVES, I moved to Osaka in 2000 when the developer Dimps was launched. I joined SNK for the second time in 2014, and it was triggered by the founder, Eikichi Kawasaki. That's why I was involved in the development of "THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV" from the very beginning.

 The headquarters office moved in March 2023. Did that change the development site?

Mr. Oda:
 It's close to Shin-Osaka Station, so I think there are a lot of staff who have an easier commute. Right now, I'm working on game development while working and working remotely, but as the building becomes cleaner and more convenient, I get the sense that more and more people want to go to work.

 What about Oda-san himself?

Mr. Oda:
 I feel like I'm finally getting used to it. At first, it felt like I was on a business trip somewhere, and it felt like my butt was itching (laughs).

 Has there been any change in game development since the company's ownership changed?

Mr. Oda:
 It won't change completely, but it will have some impact, to a greater or lesser extent.

 Fighting games are particularly popular in Saudi Arabia, where the current owner, the MiSK Foundation, is based.

Mr. Oda:
 No, when you say it that way, it seems like you usually cut corners. Regardless of the owner, I always do my best (laughs).

 Is there anything that makes things easier for you?

 In that sense, it has become easier to increase the number of employees, so the development site is getting more and more fulfilling . You've obviously increased the number of developers. I joined the company in 2014 and set up a console game team, but there were only 5 people in the first month. By the end of the year, we had originally been creating smartphone apps in-house, and had added about 30 to 40 people, including the people who moved to the consumer team. Now, the consumer team in Osaka has over 150 people, so it can be said that it is expanding rapidly.
Thumbnail image of image collection No.004 / What is the thought put into the latest "Fatal Fury Legend"?  Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title

 Mr. Oda, you have many opportunities to be exposed to the media as a producer of SNK titles, but what is your main job?

Mr. Oda:
 I'm the general manager of Osaka Development, so I'm looking at all the titles being developed in Osaka. Each title has a producer and a director, so it's one layer above that.

 But regarding fighting games, Mr. Oda himself is the producer.

 It's just inertia, but the first time I was involved in development was a fighting game, so it feels like I'm doing it as it is.

 The official title was announced at EVO 2023. How is the development progress of "Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves"?

 We're at the stage where the core of a fighting game has been completed to some extent. Seven or eight of the playable characters have all the actions and are ready to move . At the same time, we will also create various game modes. If you say it's going well, it's going well.
Thumbnail image of image collection No.002 / What is the thought behind the latest work of "Fatal Fury"?  Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title

 How are things going so far?

Mr. Oda:
 Looking at the reaction of the staff around me, I think everyone feels the response.

 By the way, why did you decide to make a new "Fatal Fury" at this timing?

 It's partly because I'm originally from the "Fatal Fury" team, but it's also because the original "Fatal Fury" was the first title when the old SNK made a leap forward with NEOGEO. It's a symbolic title for SNK, so I think it's the perfect title for the current timing of the second founding period, and I'm working hard to make it.

 SNK has a mission to become a top 10 global publisher in 10 years. Do you think you can contribute to that?

 There are many fighting game titles out there right now, so I want to make sure we don't lose out to them. In this day and age, it's hard to make a single fighting game in the top 10, but I'd like to keep making SNK-like games every year.

 How will follow-up reports be released in the future?

 It's not clearly decided, but I think it will move on a fairly large scale from 2024. If there is a big event where fighting game players gather, I would like to actively release a playable version.

 Then, please tell us about other titles. Do you have any plans to update "THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV" in the future?

Mr. Oda:
 We will add three characters by the end of 2023. "Najd" in August , "Duoron" in autumn , and another one in winter. Also, in the fall, we plan to adjust the balance of the main characters and make updates after that.
Thumbnail image of image collection No.009 / What is the thought put into the latest "Fatal Fury Legend"?  Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title
Related article

[EVO2023] Duo Lon participates in "THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV". The 6th DLC character following Najd that will be implemented on August 8th

[EVO2023] Duo Lon participates in "THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV".  The 6th DLC character following Najd that will be implemented on August 8th

 Today (August 6, 2023), SNK announced the participation of a new DLC character, Duolon , in the fighting game "THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV" . The character is scheduled to appear around the fall of 2023 as one of the six DLC characters scheduled for Season 2 .

 Then how about "SAMURAI SPIRITS"? For example, are you planning a sequel?

 "SAMURAI SHODOWN" is a sequel, but it's still at the draft level, but I'm thinking about doing something different from fighting games .

 So-called spin-off.

Mr. Oda:
 Rather than calling it a spin-off, I think that ``SAMURAI SHODOWN'' matches the worldview better.

 That might be true. Speaking of "SAMURAI SPIRITS", a community beta test for rollback netcode support was also conducted, but what happened after that?

Mr. Oda:
 Right now we are making the final adjustments. The graphics system is more complicated than KOF XV, so I had some trouble, but it looks like it's finally taking shape. I think it's a game that can still be played, so please look forward to it.

 Well, this is also from an interview, but Mr. Oda also said that he wanted to do something about past SNK IPs such as "Angry", "Metal Slug", "Athena" and "Psycho Soldier". Please let us know if there is any specific progress being made, or if there is a vision you are aiming for.

Mr. Oda:
 We are already working on two of the IPs you just mentioned. We are still at the level of making prototypes and verifying whether we can make something good.
Thumbnail image of image collection No.006 / What is the thought behind the latest work of "Fatal Fury"?  Interview with Mr. Yasuyuki Oda about SNK's current status and development progress of each title

 What is your goal? For example, I think there are several directions, such as an IP reboot, or something like a faithful remaster of the past.

Mr. Oda:
 Basically, we make new things and revamp IP. On top of that, for example, there are titles that do things that look like orthodox evolution, but since they were originally arcade games, it's hard to play them even if they're modern console games. There are also titles that have been changed to genres for.

 Lastly, please give a message to those who are paying attention to the titles Mr. Oda is working on, starting with the new Fatal Fury.

Mr. Oda:
 We have finally announced "FATAL FURY: City of the Wolves" as the latest installment in the "FATAL FURY" series. This time, the fictional city "Southtown", which is the stage of "Fatal Fury" and "Art of Fighting", is featured. You can feel it from the teaser trailer released at the same time.

 Also, the reason we didn't use the word "legendary" in "FATAL FURY MARK OF THE WOLVES", the previous work in the "FATAL FURY" series, is because we were envisioning the future at the time of development. If it's the future, you can't make it a legend, can you? But now, if we were to make a continuation of the Fatal Fury series, we would be depicting the past, so in the new work, we have revived the "legend" . Please look forward to the follow-up report.



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On 7/24/2023 at 8:49 PM, Charlie Cat said:

Great to know Darrin. At that price, it' worth purchasing. And with the free shipping option, it's a real win-win for us the gamer. Glad Eli at @PikoInteractive was able to offer the game at such a sweet deal to make all interested for sure. :)



Ordered today!

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