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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Hi guys,


【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSの大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加下さい! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9531 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ
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[Notice] A SAMURAI SPIRITS tournament will be held. Please join us! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9531 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ



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Hi guys,

【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSのNintendo Switchによる大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加ください! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9530 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ
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[Notice] A SAMURAI SPIRITS tournament will be held on Nintendo Switch. Please join us! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9530 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ


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Hi guys,


【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSのXbox Series X|Sによる大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加ください! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9533 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ
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[Notice] A SAMURAI SPIRITS Xbox Series X|S tournament will be held. Please join us! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9533 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ



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Hi guys,


【KOF XV】 DLC Character, HINAKO SHIJO is now available for download! Have fun! >Trailer https://youtu.be/AUQrML1wGxE >Character breakdown trailer https://youtu.be/D1yGe9OjJAI #KOFXV #KOF15 #HinakoShijo



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Hi guys,

【KOF XV】 Details behind HINAKO SHIJO's story have now been revealed!  Find out how and why she joined this KOF! https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/teams/ #KOF15 #KOFXV #HinakoShijo



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Hi guys,

【KOF XV】 HINAKO SHIJO's profile has been revealed! Also, many of the questions submitted by fans have been answered in Bellamy's Interview! https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/characters/characters_hinako.php #KOFXV #KOF15 #HinakoShijo #KOFXV_HINAKO

Sumo Sweetie


 CV : Akane Tamura

This well-to-do daughter of the Shijo Zaibatsu is calm and easygoing by nature, though her occasional airheaded ways can leave people positively reeling. Don’t let her prestigious educational background fool you—hidden beneath that prim, petite, and proper student exterior is a powerhouse of a sumo wrestler, ready for action. She even has her personal cook make sumo hot pot (chankonabe) for her.

Fighting style /
Birthdate /
March 3rd
Birthplace /
Blood type /
Type B
Favorite food /
Chanko nabe by her private cook, tea, petit fours



Congrats on joining the tournament!

Thank you kindly! I’m delighted to be here once again!

It seems you were trying to start a school sumo club around the time of your first KOF. How did that go?

Ah, yes. The school board gave its blessing in the end, and our member count slowly grew from there. I’m quite happy with how things turned out. We’re always looking for new recruits, though, so if anybody is interested, please don’t hesitate to join!

Congratulations on that. You’re club president, then, I presume?

That’s right. I may be a little wet behind the ears, but I’m doing my best.

What has your training regimen been like since your last KOF outing?

Oh, nothing special in particular. Just focusing on improving what I do in my day-to-day—to make things even more impactful!

I see. And how do you manage to balance that training with regular student life?

It’s all a matter of properly separating academic study time from sumo time. No seesawing in between. Can’t very well be exerting myself physically if I’ve already taken a bath and am ready to hit the books, now, can I?

Speaking of physicality... Why do you tape up your fingers like that?

To prevent wrist injuries, and to also make sure I don’t inadvertently scratch my opponents. Take care not to injure yourself out there, everyone. Safety first!

What made you want to become a sumo wrestler in the first place?

Hmm, sometimes I even wonder myself... Perhaps because it felt like sumo was my life. It was my everything; it consumed me.

Have you ever had a chance to wrestle any of your fellow KOF competitors?

I did have a few sparring sessions with Daimon and Chang Koehan after the last tournament. Wonder if there’s anyone here who’d be willing to lock up?

Which fighters this year, if any, would you like to see step into a sumo ring?

All of them, if possible... But if I had to choose one, then Shingo Yabuki. He’s still a student like myself, but I think he would be a natural. I sense a real spark in him.

Do you still keep in touch with any of your past team members?

Oh yes. We sometimes have tea together. I also invite them to sumo practice, but unfortunately their schedules never seem to work well with mine. Pity...

What do you think about the other female competitors here?

No doubt they’re “tough as nails,” as they say, if they’re competing in KOF. I would love to go toe to toe with them!

Imagine teaming with any of the fighters in this tournament. Who makes the cut?

Well, Ryo Sakazaki for one. We could have our very own Team Sumo! Chang Koehan would be another good pick... Oh, is he not participating?

What about the other end of the spectrum? Who are you most looking forward to facing here?

Goodness, that’s a tough one. Each fighter certainly has their own unique appeal, after all... Elisabeth Blanctorche does come to mind, though. I hear she’s a proficient horseback rider, so her upper body strength must be leagues above...

Athena Asamiya, Mai Shiranui, and Yuri Sakazaki are competing together as Team Super Heroine this time, but obviously they’re also former teammates of yours. Any messages for them?

Please do your best, everyone—I know I certainly will. Here’s hoping we can fight side by side next time!

Switching things up a bit with this next one. What sort of foods do you like?

Chankonabe ranks right up there, of course. I often put in requests to the kitchen for it personally. Oh, and I have a sweet tooth as well—whenever there’s cake around I can hardly resist.

While we’re on the topic of favorites... Word is you enjoy making herbal products by hand. Can you tell us a little more about that?

I often find myself making lavender potpourri in particular. Not only does it have a wonderful fragrance, but it’s also a fantastic insect repellent!

Your profile says that you’re not too fond of piano practice. Why is that?

Ah. It’s just that I would prefer to spend that time on sumo instead.

We’ve already talked a little about the past. What about the opposite, Hinako? What are your dreams for the future?

To establish sumo clubs all over the world—so that everyone can get a feel for how wonderful the sport is. Wouldn't that be grand?

Just on that subject of community, one of your fans has this message for you: “Gottsuan-desu!”

Goodness! Interest in sumo certainly does reach far and wide—even overseas! I’m touched!

We received a ton of questions for you this time around. Is there anything you want to say to your fans, who’ve been waiting for your return for so long?

Thank you, everyone. I’ll keep pushing forward in an effort to make the wonderful sport of sumo as interesting—and exciting—as I can for you all!



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Hi guys,


【KOF XV】 「四条雛子参戦記sキャンペーン」を開催! アカウントをフォロー&このツイートをRTで、四条雛子役の声優 田村茜音さんのサイン色紙が1名様に当たる!11月26日(日)まで #KOF15 #KOFXV #四条雛子 #キャンペーン #田村茜音 さん
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[KOF XV] “Shijo Hinako Participation Commemoration Campaign” is being held! Follow the account and RT this tweet to win a colored paper signed by Akane Tamura, the voice actress of Hinako Shijo! Until Sunday, November 26th #KOF15 #KOFXV #四条雛子 #キャンペーン #田村茜音



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Hi guys,


\スマホ壁紙プレゼント/ 『KOF XV』DLCキャラクター「四条雛子」の配信を記sして、スマホ壁紙をプレゼント! スマホに保存して、壁紙としてご利用ください♪ #KOF15 #KOFXV #SNKfanpresent #四条雛子
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\Smartphone wallpaper present/ To commemorate the release of "KOF XV" DLC character "Hinako Shijo", we will give you a smartphone wallpaper! Please save it to your smartphone and use it as wallpaper ♪ #KOF15 #KOFXV #SNKfanpresent #四条雛子



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On 11/12/2023 at 8:39 PM, Charlie Cat said:

Great one Matt. I wish I can have fun and celebrate like Terry does. Would be awesome to try it out some day. Nice setup you have Matt. I'm unfamiliar with Pelco brand televisions. But I do say it looks really nice with good size dimensions to play Neo-Geo.I need to look into it more. Thank you for sharing this with us bro. :thumbsup: :)



Me & my daughter were watching Netflix last night and look what popped up. You might have to zoom in to see itIMG_2648.thumb.jpeg.5567572cee537825ab9fd0cf19b7a6bb.jpeg

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9 hours ago, Madwindoman said:

Me & my daughter were watching Netflix last night and look what popped up. You might have to zoom in to see it

Wow! Another Pelco set. That's really cool to see Matt. I was looking though the internet and found out that Pelco has a number of leading cameras that help in high tech security across the globe. I was also amazed to know that the security system in my surrounding areas are also been installed by Pelco and had absolutely no idea that it was done by Pelco, Interestingly, they have contracts with the United States military especially with the U.S. Air Force, the Navy, and considered one of the top electronic security companies in the world . Pretty cool to find this out.


Thank you for introducing me to Pelco Matt. I've learned a lot in a matter of a few days thanks to you bro. Maybe we can see videos of you in action paying off of yours in the near future. :)  




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Hi guys,

【新たな進化格闘家登場】 躍増する幻影「シュンエイXV Ver」が進化解禁!!!より強くなった「八極幻影拳」の威力は試してみよう! イベント時間:11月17日(金)5:00ー11月20日(月)5:00 #KOF98UMOL #KOF #シュンエイ
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[A new evolutionary fighter appears] The rapidly increasing illusion “Shunei XV Ver” has been released! ! ! Let's try out the power of the even stronger "Hakkyoku Geneiken"! Event time: November 17th (Friday) 5:00-November 20th (Monday) 5:00 #KOF98UMOL #KOF #シュンエイ



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Hi guys,

【お題】 赤で囲んだ影の正体を教えてください。 金の影賞に600ダイヤ、銀の影賞に覚醒石3個をプレゼント! 締切:11/19(日)20時 #kof98umol #大喜利
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【theme】 Please tell me the identity of the shadow circled in red. We will give you 600 diamonds for the Golden Shadow Award and 3 Awakening Stones for the Silver Shadow Award! Deadline: 11/19 (Sun) 20:00 #kof98umol #大喜利



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Hi guys,


Well, it's been a while since we heard anything from NGDEVTEAM, Here's what they had to say. 


The 3rd batch of KB AES PCBs arrived. We need 2 weeks to program, test and assemble. Once we know an exact shipping date we will write a newsletter in the old shop system. Plan is to ship end of November/latest 1. week of December. Fast Striker AES and KB reprints next in 2024.


Kraut Buster AES 3rd batch ships next week / 20th November. More information are in the old shop's newsletter. The shop will send an address check email when processing starts.




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Hi guys,


Here's the official NGDEVTEAM Newsletter they sent. So it looks like they will still be developing new Neo-Geo games and reprints in the future.





Newsletter from 15. November 2023


NG Dev Team


[NGDEV] Kraut Buster AES 3rd batch ships next week.


Dear customers,


The remaining orders of Kraut Buster AES RE 3rd batch start shipping *20th November*. Should we not be able to ship everything before 8th December we will continue in January as it's too risky shipping to close to XMAS.


The overall packing and shipping processing will take about 10-14 days.


Again apologies for the insane waiting times.


The shop system will inform you if the shipping status changes. Please keep in mind that address changes in the shop system can only be done by us.


We will send an address check with the processing status email.


You can find your AES orders in the old shop



Fast Striker AES is then next in line. But as the old parts are not available anymore or got too expensive we need to do a PCB and firmware redesign. This will take some time but shipping 3 or 4 quarter in 2024 hopefully works out.


Please also look forward to new NEOGEO games from us and some reprints.

Best regards,






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1 hour ago, SlidellMan said:

I wonder if they are going to reprint GunLord, but considering the eShop, Steam, PSN, and XBL Marketplace ports; that is highly unlikely. Oh, and I am thinking about sampling my Neo Geo presets that were made in Furnace Tracker.

It would seem like easy money for them right. Since the games are already developed and the high price point they sell them for. But I’m sure there’s more to it that I’m not aware of. Maybe

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Hi guys,


Back with Retro Neo Ness with another great video for us to enjoy. This time we see Ness with a unique Neo-Geo item. 


From the description,

"Dive into the realm of #neogeoaes gaming as we embark on a thrilling quest that unveils an extraordinary discovery – a unique telephone card hidden within the depths of a classic title. Join us in this video as we share the excitement of stumbling upon this rare gem, exploring its significance in the gaming world, and delving into the untold stories behind its inclusion. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a gaming enthusiast, this revelation promises to captivate, surprise, and reignite your passion for the hidden treasures within our favorite games!"





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