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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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23 hours ago, Charlie Cat said:

Hi guys,


My latest edition. Thank you@JBarilleaux Featured in Playboy in December 1991 for what to purchase for the Holidays. The Neo-Geo AES



Holy Cow!! 1900 for a razor. And people think Neo Geo is expensive 

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Hi guys,

サムライスピリッツ 大坂冬の陣~第一章~ 会期中は店舗入口扉にて 覇王丸と徳川慶寅がお出迎えorお見送り 撮影スポットなので 是非写真を撮って下さいね #サムライスピリッツ #SNK #大坂冬の陣 #BGMO
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 Samurai Spirits Osaka Winter Camp ~Chapter 1~  During the exhibition period, Haohmaru and Tokugawa Yoshitoro will be at the entrance door of the store to welcome you or see you off   .It will be a photo spot, so please be sure to take a photo  #サムライスピリッツ #SNK #大坂冬の陣 #BGMO



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Hi guys,

サムライスピリッツ 大坂冬の陣~第一章~ 展示スペースにはサムライスピリッツネオジオコレクションスペシャルアートブックより漫画家やイラストレーターの方の絵を展示しております ぜひこちらも1枚1枚ご覧下さい #サムライスピリッツ #SNK #大坂冬の陣 #BGMO
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 Samurai Spirits Osaka Winter Camp ~Chapter 1~  In the exhibition space, paintings by manga artists and illustrators from the Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection Special Art Book are displayed  Please take a look at each one  #サムライスピリッツ #SNK #大坂冬の陣 #BGMO



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Hi guys,

サムライスピリッツ 大坂冬の陣~第一章~ 豆皿 ¥2,200(税込) 小さくてインテリアとして飾るのに良い大きさです こちらは観賞用の豆皿です #サムライスピリッツ #SNK #大坂冬の陣 #BGMO
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 Samurai Spirits Osaka Winter Camp ~Chapter 1~  Mini plate ¥2,200 (tax included) It is small and a good size to display as an interior decoration   This is a small plate for ornamental purposes  #サムライスピリッツ #SNK #大坂冬の陣 #BGMO



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Hi guys,

この度の能登半島地震により被害に遭われた皆様には sよりお見舞いを申し上げます。 少しでも早く平穏な日が戻りますよう 願います。 当社は本日より仕事はじめとなりますので 採用に関するご連絡は本日より対sいたします。 本年もよろしくお願いします。
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We would like to express our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake. I hope that peaceful days will return as soon as possible. Our company will start work from today, so we will respond to any inquiries regarding recruitment from today. Also thank you this year.



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On 12/27/2023 at 8:15 AM, Charlie Cat said:

Hi guys,

「テリー・ボガード」フィギュアが受注開始。超絶技巧の彩色で仕上げたドット絵ビジュアルがすごい https://news.denfaminicogamer.jp/news/231226q 『餓狼伝説SPECIAL』の姿を緻密な彩色で再現し、一見平面にも見える仕上がりに。筆塗りリペインターとして知られるMAマン氏の協力のもと、不可能と思われた量産化を実現
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"Terry Bogard" figure is now available for order. Amazing pixel art visuals created with exquisite coloring skills https://news.denfaminicogamer.jp/news/231226q The appearance of "Garou Densetsu SPECIAL" is reproduced with precise coloring, resulting in a finish that looks flat at first glance. With the cooperation of Mr. MA Man, known as a brush painting repainter, mass production, which was thought to be impossible, was achieved.



I love it. Thanks for sharing. 😍

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On 1/7/2024 at 2:16 PM, NeoPancho said:

It looks like i was a good enough guy and this year i got some NeoGeo games for Christmas /  Los Reyes Magos !

I already had WH2J, but finally got WH and WH2, also Flip Shot (CD) and Super Sidekicks 2 (not in the picture) for MVS.

Ideally i would love to complete the WH collection for AES with Perfect (I have it for CD), but it cost quite a bit more than i would pay... so it's out of the picture.


Well, you have been a good guy, it is the equivalent of the "Nobel Peace Prize" but for the common people. Congratulations. 😄

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4 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

Am I the only person who thinks that SNK should consider making a 3D brawler? It would be a nice change of pace, but I don't want it to be an empty sandbox. For those who missed this:


I agree with that Slidel. They been way overdue for one and would like to see them do a good sports game as well. :)




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Hi guys,


Back with Retro Neo Ness. Here we see him with a few surprises that he shared with us to view. Enjoy.  :)


From the description,

Embark on a double feature journey with special guest @MrWrightWayand Neo Geo Classics – 'Riding Hero' and 'League Bowling'! In this video, we explore the condition, pricing, and playability of these two unique titles. First up, saddle up for the motorcycle racing thrills of 'Riding Hero.' We'll delve into the game's condition, assessing its visual and functional aspects. Discover the current market trends and pricing insights to determine if 'Riding Hero' is the high-speed addition your Neo Geo AES collection needs. Next, we hit the lanes with 'League Bowling' – a classic bowling experience on the Neo Geo. Explore the game's condition, discuss its price range, and evaluate its playability. Whether you're a fan of striking down pins or navigating intense race circuits, this video provides a comprehensive look into the condition, pricing, and playability of 'Riding Hero' and 'League Bowling.' Join us for a gaming excursion into the arcade gems of Neo Geo AES! "




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7 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

Cabal has been ported to the Neo Geo:

It's an arcade perfect port, but has no enhancements.


Developer's Patreon: IQ_132 | creating Arcade/Neo-Geo ports, hacks, and a custom PGM BIOS | Patreon


Cabal onto the Neo-Geo Sounds like a perfect match to me Slidel. I love that game. Thank you for sharing this and looking out for us bro. :)



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Hi guys,


Square profile pictureEVO@EVO
With 9 appearances in an Evo event main lineup, THE KING OF FIGHTERS franchise has had quite a history. Take a look at some of its best moments at Evo in today's #EvoThrowback  https://youtube.com/watch?v=WmTvBwhK03A



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Hi guys,


Back with BitBeamCannon with updates on how the progress is doing with DaemonClaw. Enjoy. :)


From the description,


On the modern version/game-design side of things we're working on the final sub-boss design and behavior and the level 4 boss design and behavior working in game. We're targeting getting the entire game (in the rough) designed and working (still with many bugs and imperfections to be polished later) implemented in the modern version. This will allow us to start to make all the final art for the remaining elements of the game and will allow NeoFid to copy the behaviors etc into the Megadrive version. The full Splash-screen, main menu, and character select are now fully working on Megadrive, as are the level intermission scene, intro cinematic, and the game over screen. We continue to play-test and refine the gameplay for Gareth (the second playable character for the Megadrive version)and will begin making the final art and animations for his sprite soon. Corey has made the final art for the level 3 environment and has begin making the final art for the level 3 boss fight. Neofid has begin programming level 3 (environment and basic enemies) and continue to work on the level 2 boss and have started coding the level 3 boss. Corey and Mike also wrote the first draft of all pages for the manual of the game which will come with all physical versions of the game. Mike also drafted a rough description of the 6 collectible cards which will come with all the physical versions of the game. (Kickstarter version at least)"





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8 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

I have to hand it to Mike and Corey of Bit Beam Cannon, they know how to make use of the Scorpion Engine and Construct. By the way, do you think that the Neo Geo could use more Gallery Shooters in the vein of Nam-1975 and Cabal?

Not a bad idea Slidel. I think that the Neo-Geo has been deprived of so many genres for so long that I feel that all is fair to venture on doing so. Sports, racers, and really most of all, an RPG. Now that's something I would love to play on the Neo-Geo. A good RPG title. :)



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Hi guys,


Back with Steve from Mr. Wright Way with another great video for us to watch. Here we see him discussing about the complete US Tag Tag games for the Neo-Geo.


From the description,

"This is the complete NEO GEO AES DOG TAG SET with @retroneoness3129 THE COMPLETE LIST IN THE VIDEO IS THIS Alpha Mission 2 Art of Fighting Baseball Stars 2 Baseball 2020 Burning Fight Eightman Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Football Frenzy GhostPilots King of the Monsters King of the Monsters 2 Last Resort League Bowling Mutation Nation Ninja Commando Roboarmy Samurai Shodown II Soccer Brawl World Heroes 2 World Heroes 2 Jet."





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Hi guys,


【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSの大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加下さい! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9677 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ
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[Notice] A SAMURAI SPIRITS tournament will be held. Please join us! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9677 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ



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Hi guys,

【お知らせ】SAMURAI SPIRITSのNintendo Switchによる大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加ください! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9679 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ
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[Notice] A SAMURAI SPIRITS tournament will be held on Nintendo Switch. Please join us! https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=9679 #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ



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