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Street Fighter 6 director shares details on how developing Terry and Mai's moves is being approached in Season 2




Street Fighter 6 director shares details on how developing Terry and Mai's moves is being approached in Season 2

Posted by Steven 'Dreamking23' Chavez • June 13, 2024 at 7:35 p.m. PDT • Comments: 17


We're all still reeling from the major announcement that guest characters will not only be coming to the mainline Street Fighter series for the first time ever in the franchise's history, but that these initial guests are none other than Fatal Fury and King of Fighters' own Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui.


This incredible announcement has fans wondering, naturally, what these two outside fighters might play like in the Street Fighter 6 sandbox, and if they'll be retaining some of the key elements they utilize in their own games. In a recent interview with the developers, Famitsu spoke to Street Fighter 6 Director Takayuki Nakayama and Producer Shuhei Matsumoto to pick their brains a bit on these upcoming DLC characters, and Nakayama-san shared a bit of insight into Terry and Mai's development — among other things pertaining to the two guests.


Moving on from discussing M. Bison, another upcoming DLC character in Season 2, Famitsu asked the developers about Terry and Mai's abilities in Street Fighter 6. Specifically, they wanted to know how their maneuvers are shaping up, and Nakayama obliged with a response.

"There's a lot of ways to interpret this, but basically we at Capcom go to SNK and say 'This move should be like this, right?', and work on it like that," Nakayama began. "Every time, someone would say 'I want to make a move like this' and draw up a design document for it, and then the conversation would expand from there."

Capcom outright states that they're getting input from SNK directly when it comes to Terry and Mai's moves in Street Fighter 6. As Nakayama said, their process can be interpreted in several different ways, but one thing that's clear is that they are carefully crafting these guest characters' moves with SNK overlooking things seemingly every step of the way.

So far, Street Fighter 6's launch and DLC characters have seen a ton of attention to detail injected into their designs, which shows just how much the developers know and care about history and lore. Most recently, we saw a secret Easter egg for Akuma that allows you to play as Shin Akuma and gain access to some new moves that past fans of the character will undoubtedly recognize.

I think it's safe to say that trademark moves like Terry's Rising Tackle are going to be a part of his Street Fighter 6 move set in some capacity, but one of the major questions we still don't quite have an answer to is whether or not Terry and Mai might see some unique capabilities that are reflective of mechanics they have in their own games.

Based on past experience, there's a good chance they will have some traits such as this in Street Fighter 6. Back in Street Fighter 5, we saw Rival Schools' Akira added to the DLC roster, and with her came unique, high-flying air combos that are reminiscent of those she'd use in her tile of origin.

Though the prospect of having Terry and Mai as guest characters in Street Fighter 6 was being discussed for a while, Matsumoto notes that the two weren't locked in until about six months after Evo 2022. The posters we saw at that event that featured Capcom and SNK characters together and facing off against each other were a hint at the collaboration between the two companies, though Terry and Mai specifically weren't quite decided upon until a bit later.

Famitsu went on to ask about the connections between Terry and Ken, where in past games they had special interactions, and whether or not we might see this revisited in Street Fighter 6. Nakayama couldn't spill the beans just yet, but he explains that the team is well aware of this facet while developing the upcoming content.

"You'll have to see that once you play him," said Nakayama. "During development, we've been very aware of previous interactions and connections between the two."

Lastly, if you were wondering what guest characters means for World Tour mode, you can rest assured that Terry and Mai will be getting the same treatment that other DLC fighters have received. Essentially, this means that they will be Masters, you will be able to find them and learn from them, and you can even take selfies with them.

"Of course. We're pretty particular about the story. We can't give specific details right now, but we have scenes where fans will definitely go 'Ah!! This is it!'" Nakayama said. "Since it's a collaboration, we're really putting all of our power into it," added Matsumoto.

While this insight is definitely appreciated, there still remains an important question that we currently do not have an answer to. With Terry and Mai being in World Tour mode, does this make them officially canon in the world of Street Fighter?

We'll likely have to wait until closer to their release to find out.

Street Fighter 6's second season of DLC characters begins on June 26 with the release of M. Bison.



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Capcom confirms fans waiting to play Mai Shiranui are going to be doing so for quite a while in Street Fighter 6 #StreetFighter6



Capcom confirms fans waiting to play Mai Shiranui are going to be doing so for quite a while in Street Fighter 6

If there was any hope for a December launch before

Posted by Dakota 'DarkHorse' Hills • June 15, 2024 at 5:32 p.m. PDT • Comments: 17


After more than 35 years, Street Fighter is doing something the series never has before by bringing in not one but two outside guest characters into the new game.


Between SNK's Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui, however, it looks like only the former is on the somewhat immediate horizon for Street Fighter 6 Season 2.


Capcom made a new post on social media tonight that confirms Mai, the Alluring Kunoichi, won't be playable in SF6 until early 2025.

Previously, the developers did state that the Shiranui ninja was planned for a Winter 2025 release, but there was still some hope that'd she'd be arriving sooner rather than later.

That's because "Winter 2025" technically begins in December 2024 though it looks like Mai won't be visiting for Christmas or New Year's, leaving Terry by himself with the world warriors.

Since Season 2 content is starting its content release schedule sooner than the first year, we could still at least be looking at a bit less of a wait for Mai and Elena than Ed and Akuma.


Mai, the Alluring Kunoichi. Arrives in early 2025.

M. Bison is launching on June 26 while Rashid didn't come until the end of July last year, so Capcom keeps a similar DLC calendar, we can map out some tentative times for when we may see the rest of Season 2.

Moving things a month back from A.K.I. could put Terry's release sometime around August with Mai in January and Elena around April though that's just pure conjecture at this point based on last year's schedule.

That wait between A.K.I. and Ed was particularly long last year as well at around five months between characters, so maybe they'll keep Terry around September or October to keep a more even spread of content this time around.

It'll also be interesting to see how Mai's release lines up with Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves too considering that game is slated with an "early 2025" launch window with that cross promotion between studios going on.

The Street Fighter 6 developers have been talking quite a bit about Terry and Mai's inclusion as the first guest characters in the series like how they're approaching bringing their iconic Fatal Fury moves to Street Fighter and the Drive System.

They've also answered questions about what this means for a potential Capcom vs. SNK revival, and why the pair were chosen in the first place.

With M. Bison coming soon, Terry Bogard will likely receive at least another teaser with his actual in-game appearance for SF6 next month at Evo 2024 running from July 19–21.



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Director Takayuki Nakayama mentions how Terry and Mai's inclusion in Street Fighter 6 promotes a world with more fighting games #StreetFighter6


Director Takayuki Nakayama mentions how Terry and Mai's inclusion in Street Fighter 6 promotes a world with more fighting games

Posted by Justin 'AdaptiveTrigger' Gordon • June 16, 2024 at 11:05 a.m. PDT • Comments: 27


It still feels a bit surreal to think that M. Bison, Terry, Mai, and Elena will be joining the Street Fighter 6 roster via the Year 2 Character Pass. With Terry and Mai, this will be the first time that third-party guests will be featured in a mainline Street Fighter entry.


We somewhat had a hint at this over a year ago when Director Takayuki Nakayama and Producer Shuhei Matsumoto declared themselves to be big fans of SNK fighting games. However, it turns out that the reasoning behind Terry and Mai's inclusion in Street Fighter 6 goes beyond just that.


Nakayama and Matsumoto recently say down for an interview with Famitsu following the reveal of the Season 2 roster. The interview is in Japanese, so we had Nicholas 'MajinTenshinhan' Taylor provide translations of everything that was said.

During the interview, Nakayama acknowledges that some people might have a difficult time accepting all of this considering that it's the first time that they've done this sort of thing for Street Fighter. Prior to the big reveal, Nakayama basically said that he was expecting fans to be flabbergasted to the announcement, and he was seemingly right about that.

Ultimately though, Nakayama believes that they're doing this for the sake of creating a world where people have more fighting games to enjoy. It's not just because they love only Street Fighter or Fatal Fury. This statement seems to imply that we could even see more guests later down the road.

Check it all out below:

Famitsu: Finally, please give a message for all of the fans who are looking forward to Street Fighter 6's Year 2.


Nakayama: This is our first time doing something like this, so I think there are some people who have a hard time accepting it as well. But please rest assured, we are working hard to make sure that every character fits well with the world of Street Fighter 6 and that our users will be able to fall in love with them.

We are trying to create a world where people have more fighting games to enjoy. The more opponents you have, the more communication tools you gain access to. We love fighting games, not just Street Fighter 6 or Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, and want to learn more through many titles and cultivate our own abilities as well, and that's our aim for everyone.

With this announcement, there may be people out there who started playing Street Fighter 6 but are a bit afraid of fighting games as a whole, so we're hoping to show them that there's nothing to be afraid of, just relax and have fun.

Matsumoto: This is a pretty challenging title. It's our first time doing a collaboration in a mainline title, and with so many people playing the game and it being such a big subject, we thought it was important for it to be NOW that we do a collaboration.

Looking at it through this lens, it's also connected to our own creation and the quality will be there. You'll be seeing footage of these characters in the future and we really believe that you'll want to play them, please look forward to it.



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[FATAL FURY: CotW] Check out the character design sheets for Terry Bogard! Character page also live over on the official site! https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/fatalfury-cotw/characters/terry.php #FatalFury #CotW #TerryBogard



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Hi guys,

#FATALFURYWishlistOpenCampaign #1 We're giving away an #Amazongiftcard (valued at $5) to 500 lucky people each week Entry 1.Follow@SNKPofficial 2.Repost this announcement ↓Click here for the lottery https://web.sns-cp.jp/c971e926-ad3d-4d92-9dbc-2924dfb8409d Entries close June 23 (07:59 PDT) #FatalFury #CotW



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Gold Star Team Update:


Our #Kickstarter for #Sensitivity for the #NeoGeoCD, #NeoGeoMVS and #NeoGeoAES is under review and it will go live by the end of June. We can’t wait to serve the #NeoGeo community with our first release! More to come as it develops!

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9 hours ago, SlidellMan said:



8 hours ago, ColecoGamer said:


I love SpinMaster growing up Shane and Mike. I use to play this game so much in the arcades. The problem was I use to be the only one that seemed to enjoy it and about 99% of gamers I knew never heard of it during my grade school years. Shame. It's worth playing and owning for sure. :)



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Hi guys,

From carefree kids after school to middle-aged men, the SNK MVSX Arcade has witnessed a generation's growth and the enduring friendships of our fathers. Here's to those innocent and beautiful childhood memories!#ChildhoodMemories #SNKMVSX #ArcadeGames #Nostalgia#RetroGaming



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Hi guys,

From her nerdy ways to how she plays, here's everything you need to know about newcomer Preecha in Fatal Fury City of the Wolves






From her nerdy ways to how she plays, here's everything you need to know about newcomer Preecha in Fatal Fury City of the Wolves

Posted by John 'Velociraptor' Guerrero • June 14, 2024 at 10:04 a.m. PDT • Comments: 32


Given that it's been a quarter century since the last mainline Fatal Fury entry, there haven't been a ton of new developments for the franchise in the way of characters and such. That's changing with the coming release of Fatal Fury City of the Wolves, which not only brings a revamped visual and gameplay approach to the series, but also fresh faces.


One such fresh face we already know about is nerdy newcomers Preecha, a pupil of series staple Joe Higashi and one of the starter roster members of City of the Wolves. Rooflemonger got some hands on time with Preecha at Summer Game Fest this year, and has produced a whole video detailing just about everything we know about her thus far.


With perhaps the most recent example being Street Fighter 6's A.K.I. from Street Fighter 5's F.A.N.G, we've seen pupils act as successor figures in fighting games many times in the past, and so one of the first questions franchise fans will surely have


is whether or not Preecha is something of an evolution of Joe Higashi.


While both contenders root their fighting style in Muay Thai and utilize wind-based attacks, Rooflemonger assures us that


Preecha's overlap with Joe is almost entirely cosmetic in nature.


Preecha simply explodes with personality as SNK developers have clearly gone the extra mile to show off themes and quirks in both obvious and more subtle ways. She's a nerdy scientist, which is evident both in her basic visual design as well as the naming of her attacks ("Sine-Cosine" and "Hyperbolic Kick," for instance).


You may not see it the first time she performs them, but some of her attacks have small animations that underscore her personality. Some of her maneuvers are so powerful they ignite her fists, something extremely common in fighting games, but unlike most everyone else in the genre, Preecha actually has to desperately wave the flames out when this happens, reminding us of the "scientist whose latest experiment may have gotten slightly out of control" trope.

She also has to re-adjust her glasses after many of her more intense maneuvers, again pointing to her endearingly awkward character design.


Of course, the majority of Rooflemonger's video concerns one of the content creators superpowers: showcasing and elaborating on the potential of the character's move arsenal. Meet and learn all about Preecha in the full video below and be sure to let us know what you think of this new Fatal Fury addition in the comments afterwards.


Want more new City of the Wolves action? Be sure to check out this gameplay and mechanic showcase from Maximilian next.





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Hi guys,

Capcom vs. SNK 2 actually kicked off crossplay in video games 20 years before the modern trend




Capcom vs. SNK 2 actually kicked off crossplay in video games 20 years before the modern trend

But only in Japan of course

Posted by Dakota 'DarkHorse' Hills • June 16, 2024 at 7:02 p.m. PDT • Comments: 7


Many of the features and expectations present in our current roster of fighting games can be traced back farther than most players realize.


That even applies to cross-platform play, which took many years to become the standard in not just fighters but video games in general, with Capcom pulling off the feat on console over 20 years ago.


Even longtime fans in the West likely don't know that Capcom vs. SNK 2 was the first video game to officially support crossplay on consoles between the Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation 2.


Hell, I played the PS2 version of CvS2, and I admit that I had never really heard of this before seeing Richmond_Lee share an old magazine advertisement trying to get players hyped up about the special feature.


On top of talking about "multi-matching," they list a special modem pack for the PS2 release for 3,000 yen more to play online in 2001 (or around $20 USD today).


This was of course only available in Japan using the KDDI's multi-matching service, which Capcom had used previously on the Dreamcast presumably in titles like "Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service" a year earlier as one of the very first fighters to natively support online play.

A couple of other titles like Dai Guru Guru Onsen would also support crossplay between Sega and Sony's consoles but would come out later than CvS2.


Dreamcast even had crossplay with PS2. It was pound for pound one of the best, most innovative systems ever. The Dreamcast didn't fail. The world failed the Dreamcast.
MBsuGUUI_normal.jpgDan 'The Mega' Driver @swooper_d
Jun 15
Dreamcast was online ready out of the box. Not a year after either, day one. Dreamcast was available online in numerous markets, including Australia. Dreamcast and even Saturn had friends lists. Sega pioneered online gaming, not Xbox. x.com/Riskit4TB/stat…

It would have been mind boggling to see this feature come westward back then, but that would have also been a doomed venture considering the Dreamcast had already been discontinued earlier in 2001.

The Xbox and GameCube versions of CvS2 did release later, which is where many people may have experienced their first fighting games online along with the likes of Mortal Kombat: Deception, and Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (on Xbox).

Those of course were not crossplay compatible (and considering what connections were like in the U.S. at the time may have been for the best anyway).

Game Watch still has a press release from Capcom in 2001 online stating that the multi-matching technology offers "low lag in low latency environments" to make action-packed multiplayer possible.

We're not quite clear how the service worked exactly since the release says there's no need to apply for an internet provider and just needed a modem to play (so there may well have been subscription or pay to play fees to battle foes on the internet).

Interestingly, it goes on to say that Capcom plans to develop games to allow four or more players to connect simultaneously and make more popular titles compatible with the internet on consoles as well as PC.

It's difficult to say what the PS2 to Dreamcast connections would have been like back in 2001, but they probably weren't very spectacular compared to modern rollback netcode (although still likely better in Japan than what was available on early Xbox Live in the U.S. at the time).

Online fighting games themselves date back almost 30 years now to at least the release of the XBAND service in 1994/1995, which unofficially brought the multiplayer services to titles like Mortal Kombat 3, Super Street Fighter 2, Primal Rage, Killer Instinct and of course Weaponlord across the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis.

That service saw very limited success and was discontinued in 1997 except some dedicated fans apparently managed to resurrect it.

Funnily enough, XBAND had a big issue with rage quitters even back then where players would simply unplug their modem adapter to the point the company had to implement a system to detect that and distribute wins and losses after a disconnect.

The Dreamcast was ahead of its time in regards to internet-related features and pioneered crossplay between console and PC too, but CvS2 appears to be the first successful attempt connecting competing consoles.

Plenty of game companies would make their first attempts at online connectivity in the PS2, DC, Xbox and GameCube era though it wouldn't become an expectation for fighting games until the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 era where we'd see a mixture of bare bones offerings and wild experimentation.


And even then, it took until around 2020 for most Japanese developers to get fully on board with using rollback netcode over the previous delay-based tech.


Although their last crossover game came out in 2003 with SVC: Chaos, the chances for a Capcom vs. SNK 3 have arguably never been higher than now with Fatal Fury's Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui coming to Street Fighter 6 as DLC characters.


The lead developers for SF6 have also discussed both parties being interested in doing more in the future too while The King of Fighters 15 is gearing up some "special character development" that some fans suspect may be a Street Fighter / Capcom team for them too.

The future is unknown as to what's coming as the next big thing for fighting games, but the past remains forever fascinating and full of things to learn about.


And though not much remains of Capcom vs. SNK 2's crossplay venture that's become the standard for video games as a whole now, there is at least a commercial that's survived online to help take us back to 2001.





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Hi guys,


Great screenshots from our pal and AtariAge member @Steril707 on his game Hyperblaster. Looking good Mike. Thank you for sharing the pics with us. :)









Some new screenshots from Hyperblaster on the Neo Geo.
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Played Fatal Fury 3 for the first time earlier...

I need to increase my Fighting level thou. My strategy is 'The best form of defence is attack!'😂

The production and polish on every NEO-GEO game I have played so far is outstanding.

Don't think there is a 'Bad' game? I haven't come across one yet anyway.

Initially when I bought my CD unit months ago was going to just purchase games I liked.

Now I think I'll probably go for a complete collection, or as close to as...








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2 hours ago, shane857 said:

Played Fatal Fury 3 for the first time earlier...

I need to increase my Fighting level thou. My strategy is 'The best form of defence is attack!'😂

The production and polish on every NEO-GEO game I have played so far is outstanding.

Don't think there is a 'Bad' game? I haven't come across one yet anyway.

Initially when I bought my CD unit months ago was going to just purchase games I liked.

Now I think I'll probably go for a complete collection, or as close to as...








Fight Fever is probably the worst fighting game on the platform, but other than that - the fighting games on the Neo Geo are the best you can buy. Period. Real Bout Fatal Fury comes after FF3, and it and its sequels are absolute gems. Buy them; you won’t regret it!

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2 hours ago, shane857 said:

Played Fatal Fury 3 for the first time earlier...

I need to increase my Fighting level thou. My strategy is 'The best form of defence is attack!'😂

The production and polish on every NEO-GEO game I have played so far is outstanding.

Don't think there is a 'Bad' game? I haven't come across one yet anyway.

Initially when I bought my CD unit months ago was going to just purchase games I liked.

Now I think I'll probably go for a complete collection, or as close to as...


Oh wow! So glad you played Fatal Fury 3 Shane. I love this game and have it for the AES and CD. Well worth the investment and glad you had fun playing it. The game still looks fantastic after all these years of playing it. :)



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Hi guys,


The KickStarter is now up for @ColecoGamer and Gold Star Teams title Sensitivity. Hope our members and guest will support Mike and the campaign everyone. :)



God Star Team Update: Our #Kickstarter is now live! It’s time for #Sensitivity to meet the world! #NeoGeoCD, #NeoGeoMVS, #NeoGeoAES, #NeoGeo, #ArcadeGaming, #IndieGames, #Coinop,


Sensitivity - Neo Geo CD, Neo Geo AES, Neo Geo MVS

Sensitivity is a challenging puzzle game where you have to destroy all the yellow tiles to maintain your score.








Sensitivity’s story: An evil Warlock has taken control of a quiet village and its people, imprisoning them all. Heroes have come and gone, failing the wizard’s test. Instead of it being a test of agility or strength, the Warlock uses his magic to conjure a puzzle so dastardly deceiving,  even the bravest have failed. To participate in this test, the hero is turned into a shimmering, red metal ball. From there, the hero has to chance his luck through 50 levels of tile destroying platforms. If the hero wins, he frees the kingdom and his people from the Wizard’s grasp. No one has ever succeeded.

Will you be the one who defeats the labyrinth-like puzzle? Be prepared to have your patience and reflexes put to the test.

Update#1: Sensitivity is on schedule to be finished by the end of June. Manufacturing the CDs and cartridges will take the longest, as the manufacturer is constantly producing carts and CDs for other teams.

Gameplay: Sensitivity appears simple, but it’s challenging. The object is to eliminate as many yellow tiles as possible for the best score. If you try to exit the levels quickly, you will lose the game. 




Risks and challenges

The game is close to completion, so the only turn-around time is manufacturing.




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13 hours ago, ColecoGamer said:

God Star Team Update:


Our #Kickstarter is now live! It’s time for #Sensitivity to meet the world! 



Congrats on the kickstarter!! Best of luck. It might be good to add a little more content (easy for me to say right)Maybe a little more on the history of the game and give credit to the original dev. Seeing the game running on original hardware and maybe a demo while the kickstarters still live. Some mock up pics of the packaging (boxes, manuals etc). A little bit about the dev team.These are just a couple things I was curious about

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5 hours ago, Madwindoman said:

Congrats on the kickstarter!! Best of luck. It might be good to add a little more content (easy for me to say right)Maybe a little more on the history of the game and give credit to the original dev. Seeing the game running on original hardware and maybe a demo while the kickstarters still live. Some mock up pics of the packaging (boxes, manuals etc). A little bit about the dev team.These are just a couple things I was curious about

Same here Matt. Wishing Mike and the Gold Star Team the very best with the KickStarter and will do our best to support Sensitivity as much as we could. Like Matt said, if you could continue with with some gameplay footage on original hardware and history of the game to give credit to the original developer would be good. The more dedication, the better. :)



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Hi guys,

New in METAL SLUG ATTACK RELOADED: All-new scenarios in the ANOTHER STORY mode! These character tales from the battlefield and beyond give you a glimpse of daily life in each faction—with some unexpected interactions to boot! 45 stories in total! Official HP https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/metalslug_attack_re/ #MSAR #MetalSlug



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Hi guys,

New in METAL SLUG ATTACK RELOADED: Fresh balance adjustments make battles even more rich and rewarding than the mobile original! Complete audio quality overhaul (music/SFX), plus 3 new tracks added to the mix! Official HP https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/metalslug_attack_re/ #MSAR #MetalSlug



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