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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Hi guys,

[KOF XV] Participate in the "KOF XV" #PS5 tournament and get a special PSN avatar! The avatar coming this week is LEONA! ■How to participate Register from the PS5 console game hub *Times vary by region #KOFXV #KOF15



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Hi guys,

Anuncio: Estamos dando apoyo a este torneo a través de nuestro programa de ayuda e-sports! Announcement: We are supporting this tournament via our e-sports support program! http://start.gg/JustKOF #SNK #KOFXV
From start.gg



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Hi guys,


Don't miss the Fighting Games Fest sale! THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV - 70% off SAMURAI SHODOWN - 70% off Check out our Steam storefront for more discounted SNK titles—up to 70% off! SNK on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/SNK #KOF15 #KOFXV #SamSho #Steam



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Hi guys,

#海の日 専属祝日限定コードを用意しました! \ コード:20240715 コードの使用期限:2024年7月15日(月)0:00-2024年7月21日(日)0:00 ※専属ギフトコードは1回のみ使用できます ※下記のページで入力してください: https://kof98.fingerfun.co.jp/t2/166/3034.html #KOF98UMOL #KOF #海の日
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/ #海の日 We have prepared an exclusive holiday code! \ Code: 20240715 Code expiration date: July 15, 2024 (Monday) 0:00-July 21, 2024 (Sunday) 0:00 ※ Exclusive gift code can only be used once ※ Please enter the following information on the following page: https://kof98.fingerfun.co.jp/t2/166/3034.html #KOF98UMOL #KOF #海の日
From adj.st



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Hi guys,

[#MSAR] Available now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam! Train up your favorite characters and assemble your own trademark decks! Official HP: https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/metalslug_attack_re/ #MetalSlug




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10 hours ago, Charlie Cat said:

Hi guys,

[#MSAR] Available now for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam! Train up your favorite characters and assemble your own trademark decks! Official HP: https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/metalslug_attack_re/ #MetalSlug




This game is selling for $9.99 on Nintendo Switch. I’m not sure if the price is a promotion or not, but it’s well worth the money. It’s a lot of fun!

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Gold Star Team Update:


Some news on Sensitivity: the game is compatible with emulators only. We made this decision to shorten the original development time on the project. Future releases will be released on cartridges and CD. As it stands, JJ only has 5 levels left to debug and the game is complete! 


We apologize for the delays; bugs have a habit of popping up out of nowhere during development and JJ wants you to have a fun, bug-free experience with #Sensitivity. 

More as it develops…
#NeoGeo #NeoGeoCD #IndieGames #IndieDevelopment

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Hi guys,

[KOF XV] Special character DLC silhouette has dropped! Who or what lies beyond the veil? All will be revealed at the Evo 2024 SNK Developer Panel (July 19 - 7 PM PDT), with your host ! https://evo.gg #KOF15 #KOFXV



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Hi guys,

#プレゼントキャンペーン 開催中 #餓狼伝説ウィッシュリスト公開キャンペーン[第5弾] 【#Amazonギフトカード 1000円分】が100名様に当たるチャンス 今すぐフォローしてリポストするだけでs募完了! 期間:7月21日23時59分まで 当選者は8月中にDMで通知 #キャンペーン #餓狼伝説
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#プレゼントキャンペーン Now on  #餓狼伝説ウィッシュリスト公開キャンペーン [5th edition] Chance to win 1000 yen worth of #Amazonギフトカード for 100 people  Just follow us now and repost to enter! Period: Until 23:59 on July 21st  Winners will be notified by DM in August  #キャンペーン #餓狼伝説



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Hi guys,

『METAL SLUG ATTACK RELOADED』BGM試聴動画公開! ゲーム内の「GALLERY」モードでは、過去の「METAL SLUG」シリーズ楽曲を含む197曲のBGMを聴くことができます。 #MSAR で聴くことができるBGMの中から15曲をピックアップ! 動画はこちら https://youtu.be/OHDmqJTDIAE #メタルスラッグ #MetalSlug
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"METAL SLUG ATTACK RELOADED" BGM preview video released! In the game's "GALLERY" mode, you can listen to 197 background music tracks, including music from past "METAL SLUG" series. We've picked 15 songs from the background music you can listen to on #MSAR ! Watch the video https://youtu.be/OHDmqJTDIAE #メタルスラッグ #MetalSlug





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Hi guys,


Back with Bitmap Bureau on a video demonstration on  Final Vendetta. Alright!! :)



Here's a quick video demoing Final Vendetta running on original Neo Geo AES hardware using our new prototype PCB. It's great that we're now into the final stages as we begin to ramp up on manufacturing - we hope that it gives you a taster of what's coming! #finalvendetta #neogeo





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12 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

Looks like someone at Bitmap Bureau must have taken inspiration from Streets of Rage and the Rushing Beat series by Jaleco.

Hahaha. I was thinking the same thing Slidel. Glad our minds think the same on two great titles. :)



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Hi guys,

[SAMURAI SHODOWN] Up to 85% off #Samsho content on the Microsoft Store! Other #SNK title content also on sale for 75% too!  Microsoft Store: https://xbox.com/en-US/games/store/samurai-spirits-standard-ver/9NLDLX8L7J99/0010


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Hi guys,

Fighting Games Fest sale on now for Steam THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV - 70% off Just in time for the exciting special character DLC reveal! Check out our Steam storefront for more discounted SNK titles—up to 70% off! SNK on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/SNK #KOF15 #KOFXV #Steam


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Hi guys,

Metal Slug! Mission Start! Metal Slug: Awakening is now officially available on Mobile and PC platforms! Click the link below to download now to not only experience perfectly replicated classic characters and high-quality stages, but also to receive free in-game rewards! Commanders, welcome to the Metal Slug World! FYI Metal Slug: Awakening Steam Version will be launched soon. Please stay tuned and follow our community to get the latest game information.  Head over to Download https://msaw.haoplay.com/mdl > Join our official community for more game-related information. Discord: https://discord.gg/metalslugawakening #MetalSlugAwakening #OfficialRelease



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Hi guys,

『メタルスラッグ』というゲームは、30年前の若かった私が起案したゲームなんですが、そんな昔のレトロゲームが今も尚バージョンアップされ、作り続けられているってスゴくないですか?これも全てファンの皆さんのおかげですね。何時の時代になってもメタルスラッグで遊んでくれる皆さんに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。本当にゲームデザイナー冥利に尽きますよね。30年前から贔屓にしてくれている古参のファンだけじゃなく、若い世代のファンの方々もいるようなので、メタスラはまだまだ系譜を刻み続けるような気がします。そんなメタスラの今を担うのがHAOPLAYさんの『Metal Slug: Awakening』です。今回は、HAOPLAYさんからのご依頼でお祝いイラストを描かせていただきました!お題は「マルコ」です。マルコは色んな作家さん達がイケメンなマルコを描いていますね。akioバージョンのマルコはイケメンではないですが本家が描いてるのでレアですよ!マルコを描くのは15年ぶりで懐かしく、とても楽しかったんですが、なんと、このイラストを描いてる時に大きなクシャミをしたら、胸の骨が折れてしまったんです。私は骨折の経験が豊富で、手や足や首の骨が折れた時でも、それほど痛くはなかったんですが、今回の骨折は息をするたび、胸に打ち込まれた極太の杭をグリグリされてる様な激痛が我慢できませんでした。近所中に聞こえるほどの断末魔の叫びをあげてしまい恥ずかしかったです。呼吸困難の中で描いたこのイラストは一生の思い出となりました。『メタルスラッグ』というゲームを起案して30年が経ち、私は骨がスカスカのお爺さんになってしまいましたが、マルコ達はあの頃のまま戦い続けています。皆さん!胸が痛くて動けない私の代わりに、ぜひ『Metal Slug: Awakening』のミッションに参戦して下さい!
Translated from Japanese by
The game "Metal Slug" is a game I came up with 30 years ago when I was young, but isn't it amazing that such an old retro game is still being updated and made? It's all thanks to the fans. I'm full of gratitude to everyone who plays Metal Slug no matter what era it is. It's really the greatest reward for a game designer. There are not only old fans who have been supporting it for 30 years, but also fans of the younger generation, so I feel that Metal Slug will continue to carve out a lineage. The one who is carrying Metal Slug now is HAOPLAY's "Metal Slug: Awakening". This time, I drew a celebratory illustration at the request of HAOPLAY! The theme is "Marco". Many artists have drawn handsome Marco. Akio's version of Marco is not handsome, but it's rare because it was drawn by the original artist! It was a nostalgic and fun experience to draw Marco for the first time in 15 years, but when I was drawing this illustration, I sneezed loudly and broke my chest bone. I have a lot of experience with broken bones, and even when I broke my hands, legs, or neck, it didn't hurt that much, but this time, every time I breathed, I felt like a thick stake was being driven into my chest, and I couldn't bear the intense pain. I was embarrassed because I let out a death cry that could be heard throughout the neighborhood. This illustration, drawn while I was having difficulty breathing, became a memory for the rest of my life. Thirty years have passed since I first created the game "Metal Slug," and I'm now an old man with a lot of bones, but Marco and the others are still fighting as they were back then. Everyone! Please take part in the missions of "Metal Slug: Awakening" in place of me, who can't move because of the pain in my chest!



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Hi guys,


Here's Our First Footage Of 'Final Vendetta' On Neo Geo Hardware

Bitmap Bureau says they're "now into the final stages" before manufacturing


by Jack Yarwood  6h ago


Final Vendetta


It was over a year ago now that we first reported that Bitmap Bureau was bringing its critically acclaimed retro-style beat 'em up Final Vendetta to the Neo Geo AES and MVS and we've finally got our first glimpse at how it will look running on Neo Geo hardware.


In case you're unfamiliar with the story so far, Final Vendetta was previously released across a range of modern platforms like PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox before Bitmap Bureau announced its intentions to bring it over to the retro systems and started accepting pre-orders in July last year. At the time, the plan was for the finished ports to be delivered sometime between Q4 2023 and Q1 2024, but it has since been subject to an indefinite delay, which the company blames in part on its recent acquisition.


In the absence of any major news, Bitmap Bureau has been offering customers occasional updates via Twitter to reassure them that it was still in development and let them know that it would eventually show the ports publicly when it was "close to perfect". Now it appears that time has finally arrived, with Bitmap Bureau finally debuting 6-minutes of footage from the game on Twitter, which was recorded using a new prototype PCB on AES hardware.


The footage shows off the opening cutscene, main menu, single-player and multiplayer options, as well as two of the game's levels (The Streets and Club Tigre). It all looks super promising and comes with another update from Bitmap Bureau on how the Neo Geo versions are progressing.


This update states they are now "into the final stages" before manufacturing ramps up.





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Hi guys,


A New Metal Slug Game Is Out Today, But Don't Get Too Excited

Metal Slug: Awakening is a mobile game featuring "chance-based in-game purchases"

by Jack Yarwood  10h ago


A new Metal Slug game is arriving today on multiple platforms, including PC, iOS, and Android, but sadly, there's a bit of a catch for those who are expecting something in a similar vein as the classic Neo Geo titles.


That's because this "new game" isn't a new numbered entry but the global release of Metal Slug: Awakening, a 2023 mobile game developed by Tencent and published by HAOPLAY that ditches the series's iconic pixel art and reportedly features "chance-based in-game purchases".


While we understand that there's a huge market for mobile games of this nature and this will likely sell like gangbusters regardless of what we say, we can't really look at this without wishing for a more traditional follow-up, as it has now been almost 16 years since Metal Slug 7.


Metal Slug: AwakeningMetal Slug: Awakening
Metal Slug: AwakeningMetal Slug: Awakening

 Images: HAOPLAY Limited


Between this and Metal Slug Tactics from Leikir Studio and DotEmu, it's clear Metal Slug fans have been left pining in recent years for the type of "classic" experience that made them fall in love with the series in the first place — one that doesn't have anything to do with slot machine-like gameplay (Metal Slug:

Awakening) or turn-based combat (Metal Slug Tactics) — and it doesn't look likely that the situation will change anytime soon, as things currently stand.


The only silver lining is that a group of former Nazca employees have recently got together to work on Black Finger Jet, a new run and gun title that will hopefully make the wait for a new mainline Metal Slug a little more tolerable


Here's the description for Metal Slug: Awakening taken from Steam, in case you want to know more about the game:

"Metal Slug: Awakening continues the classic gameplay loved by fans, with exciting new features like World Adventure, 3-player Team-up, and Roguelike challenges. Join forces with your friends online to take on powerful bosses anytime, anywhere!

Experience high-quality graphics and a fresh retro aesthetic design. Embark on an entertaining gaming journey with a wide variety of weapons, diverse battlefields, and stylish vehicles.

- New adventure in Metal Slug!
The Metal Slug characters regroup, ready for new missions.

- Cooperate with teammates in PvE gameplay!
Team up with 3 players, collaborate, and challenge powerful bosses for great rewards.

- Master the levels and show off your skills!
Pair different weapons with characters and overcome challenges with precision control skills.

- Explore innovative content that goes beyond the classic!
Content and gameplay fully upgraded! Engage in real-time battles in the Ultimate Arena and enjoy rewarding World Adventures. More innovative content awaits your exploration!"


You can also watch a trailer for the game below:





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Hi guys,

[#MSAR] A colorful cast of 300+ units! Five factions in an armed conflict for the ages! Characters new and old collide in METAL SLUG ATTACK RELOADED! Here's some of the Independent Army combatants who made the cut! Official HP: https://snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/metalslug_attack_re/ #MetalSlug



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Hi guys,

Square profile pictureEvo@Evo
#Evo2024 officially kicks off tomorrow, and there will be a ton of action to catch throughout the weekend. If you're trying to keep up with this year's 8 featured tournaments, we put together viewer's guides for each game with some of the major storylines and players to watch from guest writers @jackie_peanuts and @tradewarhj



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