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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Is the AES/MVS memory card used to save your place in games, or just for scores and initials, or saving options settings? That always struck me as a weird feature for an arcade system. Personally, I would not want to be able to save my place in an arcade game, kind of defeats the purpose of learning the game and improving your performance. I guess the memory card is a better method of score/settings saving than an internal battery inside the AES or the cartridges that would eventually need to be replaced. If you turn on an AES without a cart, will it boot to a menu for the memory card?


The omission of the card slot in the NGCD is weird, come to think of it.



AES/MVS does save score, though only for the last 4 games played;

Having internal batteries in Carts adds to maintenance for CoinOps operators, which would make less desirable at locations.


Also some games saved progress, since they were either very long games or very tough;


Memory Card system developed into the modern day as some modern games save all your Stats, that are saved online;

Player just uses a Card to tell the arcade who they are

Hi zeta,


enoofu said it best..... Take it from me, he's very knowledgeable and helps the thread out with technical concerns. If you need other Neo-Geo advice, enoofu is also a great member to turn to. :)



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Well, I finally got the Puzzle De Pon! conversion to work. I had to swap out the board for a Samurai Shodown 2 board. Here is a before and after.

Looking good Evan. :thumbsup:


Nicely dob job you did. Looks topnotch and thank you for sharing this. Planning on doing some other works in the future?



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Looks like a proper surgery and a more enjoyable experience too (never was a big fan of SS2 or SS even numbered releases for that matter.)


And if we're talking memory cards, NeoSaveMasta, do that, not the junk from SNK as if they're not dead yet they're ticking time bombs and very short on space with 2K of storage retained by an aging lousy battery. The NSM saves to the chip with no battery and has 32K of space so you can save anything you want a game will allow, and with a UniBIOS add to that hi scores off any game.

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Looking good Evan. :thumbsup:


Nicely dob job you did. Looks topnotch and thank you for sharing this. Planning on doing some other works in the future?



Well, right now I am looking at best offering a copy of KOF '95. After that, I plan to either get Bust a Move or Goal Goal Goal, whichever I can find for the cheapest.
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Hi guys,


Thought I would play some KOF14 tonight and decided to record it. Go easy on me I am not great at it :-o





Thank you or sharing this with us Paul. I fixed it in the meanwhile for others to view. Contact Albert to help you out with this isue since he is the owner of Atariage.com. :)



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Hi guys,


Review: The King of Fighters '96 (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)

Version: European

Or, the one with Geese Howard




Much like the first two instalments, The King Of Fighters '96 gives you a diverse roster of 2D fighters to pick from as you assemble a team of three to punch, kick, throw and brag your way to victory. The third instalment in the series also sees the sprites of old discarded for an instantly familiar hand-drawn style, as well as folding in a series of much-welcomed gameplay tweaks.

For a start, there's the removal of the sidestepping ability, replaced with a much more tactile and intuitive roll that can be used to avoid attacks. Initially designed to perform the same function as the old sidestep, it enables you to get close to an opponent (or put some distance between you), possibly opening the door for a sweet counter attack. It's performed by simply pushing a direction with whatever buttons you've mapped for Neo Geo’s A and B, although for ease of use this particular button combo is mapped to Switch’s ZR button.


Another change is the ability to run by double-tapping forwards, quickly closing the gap between fighters without the need for a risky jump. Jumping itself is also different this time around as it's affected by whether you go from a standing or running position. You can also pull off a slight jump animation by quickly tapping up (useful for faking out opponents and potentially gaining the upper hand). The rolls, jumping options and run ability make for fast, frantic fights and offer plenty of player agency during fights, adding significantly to the entertainment (particularly during two-player bouts).

Character-wise, there are 27 fighters to pick from and the lineup is quite similar to that of the '95 edition, although that game’s boss characters (Saisyu Kusanagi, Omega Rugal) are gone, replaced with new final challengers Chizuru Kagura and Goenitz. As far as playable characters are concerned there are seven newcomers including the popular Leona, but four fighters (including Billy Kane) have been left out.

Should you grab The King of Fighters '98 from the eShop you’ll find all but one of the '95 omissions included alongside a chunk of this game’s additions, but not all of them. Art Of Fighting 3’s Kasumi Todoh is in this game, but not '98 and more notably this game features a Boss Team absent from the Dream Match title. The appeal of this team is that it is headed up by the Fatal Fury series’ ultimate bad egg Geese Howard, joined by Fatal Fury 2’s Krauser and Art Of Fighting’s Mr Big.


In addition to the regular arcade mode, the usual ACA Hi Score and Caravan modes are included, limiting you to one credit and five minutes respectively as you try to gain as many points as possible to move up the online leaderboards. It provides a slightly different way to play, but as with most fighters the modes aren't as appealing as with other genres. Other than team battles, you can still dive into the options menu and switch the arcade mode to a traditional one-on-one, best of three rounds fighter – although as with its predecessor, cutscenes/endings play out the same as if you had a full team.

Story-wise this is the second part of the Orochi saga, offering up a few scenes to read through towards the end of the game. There’s some replayability in going through the game again too, as each of the set teams have their own endings in addition to the standard one you get from fielding a custom group.


The King of Fighters '96 offers the usual enjoyable team battles with a good range of fighters to pick from. This particular entry introduces some nifty gameplay changes to the series. Of course, all of this and more would feature in the ultimately better The King of Fighters '98, but it's a confident entry in the series nonetheless. If you're interested in the ongoing story then The King of Fighters '96 is still a competent fighter, and there's plenty of entertainment to be had in its hand-drawn brawls.

Good 7/10


Edited by fdurso224
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Hi guys,


Review: King of the Monsters (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)

Version: European

Fun for a few rounds




Thanks to HAMSTER’s ACA Neo Geo series there are plenty of options for Switch owners looking to engage in some virtual fisticuffs. SNK’s King Of The Monstersoffers something a bit different to the other choices however, as it is essentially a wrestling game, albeit a wrestling game with giant monsters duking it out and where the squared circle is a few blocks of various Japanese cities.

Upon starting a game you pick from one of six monsters. There’s a giant ape and a huge lizard, the inspiration of which is obvious and there’s a giant dressed as mis-coloured Flash. Making up the numbers there’s a big bug and rock and mud creatures. Move-wise the characters are largely the same with a button to punch and one to kick (or swing a tail) with a run button adding to your options.


Get into a grapple and there are a number of moves that can be performed including body slams and piledrivers. For the most part the game is a button-masher, but there’s still quite a range of moves performed as a result of that mashing. You can drop an elbow on a grounded opponent and you can even send them running off-screen to bounce off unseen ropes for you to smack them with a kick when they return. The only real difference between the characters is their special attack. Hold down both attack buttons and you’ll charge up a move, before unleashing the attack (which includes projectiles, fire-breath and extending arms). Once your opponent’s energy is sufficiently depleted you can pin them for a three count in true 'rasslin fashion.

Fights have a three minute time limit that rarely proves an issue, although should the timer run down, you will lose so finishing the fight is key. Electrified barriers are to be avoided and as you play, vehicles can be seen moving along the streets and the likes of aircraft and tanks will shoot at you; a mostly insignificant threat they can interrupt you when charging a special attack. Vehicles can be grabbed and thrown at the other monster and buildings will collapse as you fight, either from the monsters falling into them or deliberately smashing them up for a points bonus, which makes the game feel a bit like Bally Midway’s Rampage.


There’s not a lot of strategy in the game, but it can entertain in two-player versus mode, providing a few fun fights before the sameyness of the bouts lessens the enjoyment. The main arcade mode sees you battle the other five creatures and then your clone, before making you fight everyone again. Fights get tougher as you progress and your health carries over between fights (with a small top up following victory). To help you out, power-ups can be collected to increase a meter that eventually results in a power boost, but the biggest help is unlimited continues. Should you continue, you continue from where you were, with your opponent’s health at the same level it was when they were victorious.

Continues can be adjusted/turned off from the options menu to increase the challenge or you could play the one credit Hi Score mode, which has the bonus of a online leaderboard for you to try and move up. The five minute caravan mode also has an online leaderboard and it too works well as you focus on getting as many points as possible during the time limit, whereas usually you just fight. The main arcade mode can also be tackled in two-player with you and your friend engaging in two-on-two fights (not tag-teams sadly) and must defeat both opposing monsters to progress. But whether you are playing this solo or with a friend, after the first go round of fights, the repetitiveness makes for quite a dull experience.


King Of The Monsters is simple to play, but with a range of moves available as you fight your way through the different creatures. Outside of aesthetics the monsters largely play the same however, making the fights quite repetitive. The game works well with the five minute caravan mode as you attempt to smash up as much of the city as possible, whilst not losing the fight to increase your score. There's no long term appeal with the game, but turn off continues and boot it up for a few two-player fights every now and then and it can still provide some entertainment.

Average 5/10




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Hi all! Just new to the thread, thanks for having me, glad to be a part of the community!!!

Hi Field,

Welcome Aboard to Atariage.com. Thank you for participating on The Official NEO-GEO Thread. :waving:

Please enjoy your stay and were glad to see you here posting on the exciting Atariage forums with the many discussions that it have to offer. Feel free to look around for your convenience and revert to the many pages that we accumulated here on the Neo-Geo thread, Hopefully, we have a posting(s) that will be a benefit for you to help in your Neo-Geo endeavors! If you have any inquires or concerns that you would like to address, you're more than welcome to write here that pertaining to the Neo-Geo! :)

Thank you again Field for enlisting and posting on the Neo-Geo thread on Atariage.com We certainly will be glad to see you around doing what you do best here on the forums. :thumbsup:


Edited by fdurso224
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I've been recording games on various systems, but today I returned to Neo Geo for Metal Slug 2--the first game in the series that I got to experience in the arcade back in the day. This game really got me into the Neo Geo, back when I could only dream of owning one.


I hear there is a hack or some kind of mod floating around without as much slowdown. I'd like to try that one out someday.



Edited by Reaperman
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I've been recording games on various systems, but today I returned to Neo Geo for Metal Slug 2--the first game in the series that I got to experience in the arcade back in the day. This game really got me into the Neo Geo, back when I could only dream of owning one.


I hear there is a hack or some kind of mod floating around without as much slowdown. I'd like to try that one out someday.


Nice job playing Metal Slug 2 Reaper. :thumbsup:


I never really thought it was a bad game to play. Despite the slow downs, I really enjoy playing this one from the series. It my not be the overall best, but it certainly worth the time playing it and having fun at the sametime. :)


Thank you for sharing this as always bro.



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Hi guys,


【攻略本還元、バッジ還元イベント開催!】 11日AM5時まで攻略本をページに、バッジを素材に還元することができます! いらない攻略本、バッジを還元して、新しい攻略本、バッジに作り直そう! 攻略本・バッジは一種につき1回しか還元できないので、ご注意ください。 #KOF98UMOLpic.twitter.com/YtwtkBTQVu

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Hi guys,


【お知らせ】 本日よりお正月イベント後半戦を開始!「BOXおみくじ」に、「ドゥクガー&イッチャーBOXおみくじ」を追加!大吉アイテムの復刻怪人「ドゥクガー&イッチャー」を手に入れましょう! #キミヒロ https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/kimihero/news/archives/1216 pic.twitter.com/g8IPZGEWIu

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[Announcement] new year's event in the late game starting today! BOX Omikuji add Dugger & itchy BOX Fortune! To earn the Reprint Edition Phantom of the daikichi item "Dugger & itchy"! https://www. snk-corp.co.jp/official/kimihero/news/archives/1216 #ttps://t.co/Do1IOGbQWO




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Hi guys,


【お知らせ】 復刻ガチャ第二弾!新沖縄SSRヒーロー「シマエイサー【海人】」&復刻沖縄SSRヒーロー「バットナイト【水着】」「シマエイサー」が新登場! #キミヒロ https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/kimihero/news/archives/1212 pic.twitter.com/F7qUjbjHY5

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[News] reprinted Gazza round 2! New Okinawa SSR hero cimeracer [Kaito] & reprint Okinawa SSR hero battening [swimwear] [cimeracer] new! https://www. snk-corp.co.jp/official/kimihero/news/archives/1212 #ttps://t.co/yr3aE4xOcm




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