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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Hi guys,

Garou Densetsu 3 for Neo Geo #AES is currently in stock on Okini Land :D #NeoGeo #SNK #retrogaming #retrocollective #retro #videogame Check it now before out of stock!! >> https://okini.land/en/525-garou-densetsu-3-snk.html


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8 hours ago, fdurso224 said:

Wow!! This really is great to know. Thank you Steve for looking out for us. This made my day for sure. ;-)


Darksoft Neo Geo Multi Firmware Updates, Price Drop

Posted on June 5, 2020 by Bob

Darksoft has just posted firmware updates for both the AES and MVS versions of his Neo Geo ROM cart.  Each can be downloaded from their respective pages:

AES Firmware:  https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/8450-darksoft-s-multiaes-latest-firmware-menu-and-instructions/#post134321
MVS Firmware:  https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/5101-darksoft-s-multimvs-latest-firmware-menu-and-instructions/&pageNo=1

Here’s the full list of changes and bugfixes:

  • Fix BUFF opening and closing. Possibly also fixes other related to SD card issues.
  • Fix new type of code injection breaking handling after clearFix routine.
  • Fix vblank/USER subroutine injection: two ways of breaking injection: by last or first instruction hit.
  • Turn off JSR injection module when return to Menu detected. Bug introduced long time ago. Gets activated by latest changes.
  • Fix clear injection minimized
  • Improved loading speed.
  • Fixed GFX glitches on some AES models.

Also, the price of the AES cart has dropped to about $425 and is in stock at the sellers below.  Unfortunately, the MVS carts are out of stock, with no indication of when they’ll be available for purchase:

US Seller:  https://highscoresave.com/neo-geo-multi-aes-cart/
European Seller:  http://www.saveyourgames.it/index.php?route=product/product&path=89&product_id=166

While the video below is about a year old, the overall operation of the Darksoft cart is pretty much the same and the video will give you a good idea of what it’s like.  Since that video, the Neo SD Pro (only available for the AES) has added support for Neo Geo CD games (in mono) and Darksoft has implemented even faster loading times as well as the changes mentioned above:






Yeah, sure thing! This cart is a serious contender at its new price. I was set on the NeoSD Pro, but I'm seriously considering the Darksoft cart instead since it's a very good cart and considerably cheaper than the NeoSD Pro.

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1 hour ago, Steven Pendleton said:

Yeah, sure thing! This cart is a serious contender at its new price. I was set on the NeoSD Pro, but I'm seriously considering the Darksoft cart instead since it's a very good cart and considerably cheaper than the NeoSD Pro.

I agree bro. And at that price, you certainly can't go wrong. Now I'm really interested on buying one to play.  ;-)



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5 hours ago, dolemite14 said:

Hi guys, here is my latest Neo Geo love.  I hope you enjoy it.


Thank you for sharing your Neo-Geo love video as always Glynn. Wow! A NGCD unit. That was my first unit that I collected from SNK to start out my Neo-Geo endeavors bro. To this day, I still remember the purcgase well. It came with the AES pro controller and King of Fighters '99. What a great purchase that was. Thank you as always Glynn. Well done. ;-)



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Hi guys,

【お知らせ】オンラインにて大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加ください! #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ #週末大会 https://twitter.com/vsnetinfo/status/1268801345458323457 https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=4862
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Quote Tweet
· Jun 5
週末大会情報局: 第44回 サムスピ週末大会 開催告知 https://bit.ly/2BAQArj #週末大会 #サムスピ #サムライスピリッツ
6:33 AM · Jun 5, 2020·


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Hi guys,

【覚醒&刻印クエスト開催のお知らせ】 本日より、上位育成クエストがオープン! 覚醒&刻印クエストにチャレンジして ファイターをより強く育成させましょう
開催期間:6/5 メンテナンス終了後~ 覚醒クエスト▼ https://kofallstar.netmarble.jp/notice/view/10738/1 刻印クエスト▼ https://kofallstar.netmarble.jp/notice/view/10739/1 #KOFAS #KOF
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[Notice of awakening & engraving quest] Starting today, the upper training quest is open! Challenge the Awakening & Engraving Quest to train your fighter stronger
Holding period :6 /5 After maintenance is over Awakening Quest ▼ https://kofallstar.netmarble.jp/notice/view/10738/1 Stamped quest ▼ https://kofallstar.netmarble.jp/notice/view/10739/1 #KOFAS#KOF
4:50 AM · Jun 5, 2020·


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Hi guys,

発売前のグッズをちょこっとご紹介! 今回サンプルが届いたのは、「サムライスピリッツ 白刃取りクリップスタンド」~! ドットキャラの白刃取りしている手がクリップになっていて、カードや名刺など、色々なものが挟めちゃいます! スタンドが付いているので、机に並べてもGOOD♪ #サムコレ
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Introducing a few pre-release goods! The sample arrived this time is "Samurai Spirits White Blade Removal Clip Stand"! The hand that the white blade of the dot character is taking is a clip, and you can pinch various things such as cards and business cards! As it has a stand, you can place it on your desk and it will be GOOD ♪ #サムコレ
2:02 AM · Jun 4, 2020·


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Hi guys,


Back with Andrew from the backofficeshow. Here we see him doing a teardown on a Neo Geo pro controller and giving it a good cleaning. Enjoy. ;-)


From the description,

"Neo Geo Controller Teardown My Neo Geo Controllers were acting up, I was not quite sure of the cause but cleaning them up in this way both solved the problem and satisfied my curiosity on the build quality. They are simply the best controllers I have ever seen, watch the video and see why!"





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Hi guys,


Back with Steve from retroredsteve. Here we see him playing Last Resort for Shootem'Up Saturday. Enjoy. ;-)


From the description,

"hi all, its shootem'up saturday time again. This time its neo-geos last resort. The game was picked by Anthony"






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Hi guys,

Translated from Japanese by
Now that all the products have been relocated to the store, 50% oFF will make the jackets that are a little hard to put up a little cheaper.
I have to buy it now
11:56 PM · Jun 5, 2020


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Hi guys,

イベント「刻を超える悠久の絆」開催期間中にログインするだけで、 毎日プロテインドリンク1個がもらえます
プロテインドリンクを使用するとFPが5回復します! 忘れずに毎日ログインして受け取りましょう
Translated from Japanese by
Introduction of event-only login bonus
Just log in during the event "Eternal Bond over Time" Receive 1 protein drink daily
Use protein drinks to recover 5 FP! Remember to log in daily to receive
11:00 PM · Jun 6, 2020


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Hi guys,

【イベント】 現在開催中のイベントでは、カードを最終覚醒させると読めるエピソードが新登場! エピソードのテーマは「二人でさくらんぼ狩り」
対象カード SSR[侍の心得]ヨミ SR[強さと優しさを]リョウ・サカザキ ※エピソードは該当のカードストーリーページに追加されます。 #KOFG #KOF乙女
Translated from Japanese by
[Event] At the event currently being held, a new episode that can be read when the card is finally awakened appears! The theme of the episode is "two people hunt for cherries"
Target card SSR [Samurai Knowledge] Yomi SR [Strength and kindness] Ryo Sakazaki ※ Episodes are added to the relevant card story page. #KOFG#KOF乙女
1:00 AM · Jun 7, 2020·


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Hi guys,

【キャンペーン】 経験値UPキャンペーン開催中
期間中、経験値の獲得量がUP! この機会にRANKを上げてサイドストーリーを読み進めましょう! ※開催は6/15 13:59 まで #KOFG #KOF乙女
Translated from Japanese by
【campaign】 Experience UP campaign now being held
Experience gained during the period! Take this opportunity to raise RANK and continue reading the side story! ※ Held until 6/15 13:59 #KOFG#KOF乙女
5:00 AM · Jun 6, 2020·


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Hi guys,


Back with Atariage member Dak1ngofgames98. Here we see Brendan in action and playing 3 Count Bout for the Neo-Geo. Enjoy. ;-)


From the description,

"As I said in this video, I'm not very good at 3 count Bout. But that doesn't stop me from playing it, or at least trying to play it! Have you played 3 count Bout before? If so what did you think of it? I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments section down below!"





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3 hours ago, Sapicco said:

As far as the neo geo mini, what’s people’s thoughts on the differences between the USA and international version?  If you were to buy the USA version with two controllers, will the controllers work on The international one?

Hi Sapicco. If you like more fighters in the lineup, the Japanese version is the better choice. Now if you like a more wider choices of genres, then the International version will be to your liking more. The controllers are region free.


Also Sapicco. There is a great video and article that that I think will benefit you. Hope this helps ya bro. ;-)


First the video.


Now the article.



Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Mini International Edition - Different Design, Different Games, Same Problems?

Troubled over which version to pick? We're here to help...

IMG 9243.JPG

The 'classic console' market is getting pretty busy right now, what with the NES Classic, SNES Classic and PlayStation Classic sure to keep the tills ticking over this Christmas, and the Mega Drive Mini to look forward to next year. SNK is another company that has entered this niche but profitable arena; earlier this year, we went hands-on with the Japanese version of the Neo Geo Mini, a tiny arcade cabinet-style system which featured 40 classic titles and could plug into your TV for the full console experience.

Strangely, SNK didn't feel that a single Neo Geo Mini unit would be suitable for global consumption and quickly announced that a second machine – with a different software line-up and a modified case design – would be made available to buyers outside of Japan. We've now been able to secure a review unit of this model, and while we'll perhaps stop short of analysing it quite as deeply as we did the Japanese edition, we'll nevertheless aim to tell you if this more readily-obtainable version is worthy of your cold, hard cash.

Neo Geo Mini International Edition Review: The Hardware

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First things first, the international version of the Neo Geo Mini is a slightly different beast when it comes to pure aesthetics. The Japanese model had a bright and eye-catching colour scheme, mixing white, red, blue and black to good effect. It also came with a sticker which could be applied (painstakingly, we might add) to the control panel for an even more appealing look. Compared to this version, the international model is rather dull; the marquee is still blue and has the Neo Geo logo on either side, but the main bodywork is now purely black and white. Why SNK has opted for this more austere colour scheme for the global version is anyone's guess; what makes the choice all the more confusing is the fact that the packaging is much more vibrant and colourful than what the Japanese edition ships in.

It's also worth noting that the control area of the unit has undergone some changes too. The control panel has a different shape (and comes without the option of fitting a sticker) while the shaft of the joystick has a metal cover; on the Japanese version, it is entirely plastic. The final big change is that the blue power LED that sat below the screen on the Japanese model has vanished, and instead the base of the joystick is illuminated to show when the machine is turned on. We have to admit, we vastly prefer this to the Japanese original; it looks seriously cool.

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The controllers that are available alongside the system are identical to those that launched in Japan, and connect via the two USB Type-C ports situated on either side of the machine. They're based on the iconic Neo Geo CD pad but the button placement has been changed; it's also worth noting that the directional pad is not micro-switched. This has caused some consternation among hardcore SNK fans and while it's arguably less precise to use (and doesn't feel quite right, either), we can understand why this decision has been made from a production standpoint – the micro-switches inside the original Neo Geo pad didn't have a very long lifespan.

The LCD screen on the console is fantastic and has the exact same 320x224 pixel resolution of the original Neo Geo hardware. As a result, everything looks pin-sharp and there's no unsightly blurring of pixels. Sadly, things aren't quite as appealing when you plug the console into your TV using a HDMI cable (not included in the box, we should add); everything looks soupy and fuzzy, and the optional image enhancement setting simply applies an emulator-style pixel-smoothing filter over the top, which is somehow even worse. From a distance, the Neo Geo Mini doesn't look too bad on your big-screen telly, but it's a real shame that SNK couldn't match the image quality generated by the NES and SNES Classic Editions.

Neo Geo Mini International Edition Review: The Games

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Outside of the aforementioned hardware changes, the 40 games that come pre-installed on the console are slightly different on the international version. While the Japanese model was keen to highlight SNK's proud fighting game heritage, this global edition offers a wider selection of genres and is perhaps a more 'balanced' offering, as it doesn't rely so much on you being a rabid fan of one-on-one brawlers.

Here's the complete line-up:

  • 3 Count Bout
  • Art of Fighting
  • Blazing Star
  • Blue’s Journey
  • Crossed Swords
  • Fatal Fury Special
  • Foot Ball Frenzy
  • Garou: Mark of the Wolves
  • Ghost Pilots
  • King of the Monsters
  • King of the Monsters 2
  • Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
  • Last Resort
  • Magician Lord
  • Metal Slug
  • Metal Slug 2
  • Metal Slug 3
  • Metal Slug 4
  • Metal Slug 5
  • Metal Slug X
  • Mutation Nation
  • Ninja Master’s: Haou Ninpou Chou
  • Puzzled
  • Real Bout: Fatal Fury
  • Robo Army
  • Samurai Shodown II
  • Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa’s Revenge
  • Samurai Shodown V Special
  • Sengoku 3
  • Shock Troopers
  • Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
  • Super Sidekicks
  • The King of Fighters ’95
  • The King of Fighters ’97
  • The King of Fighters ’98
  • The King of Fighters 2000
  • The King of Fighters 2002
  • The Last Blade 2
  • Top Player’s Golf
  • World Heroes Perfect

Having the entire Neo Geo Metal Slug series is a massive bonus which will make this particular edition appealing to seasoned SNK fans, and games like Crossed Swords, Robo Army, Magician Lord, Last Resort, Ghost Pilots, Mutation Nation and 3 Count Bout – while not what you'd call essential – offer a much better view of the Neo Geo's library than the fighting-focused Japanese version. Of course, the model you ultimately opt for will be based on your personal taste in games, but it's rather maddening that SNK has given us two different selections. To confuse matters further, a special Christmas edition of the system is also on the way which offers a third line-up of titles, although there is naturally a lot of overlap between all three units.

Neo Geo Mini International Edition Review: The Verdict

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While it may seem like there's little difference between this model and the Japanese original, the revised case design and slightly different software line-up mean that there's actually a lot to mull over before making a purchase. If you're a fan of SNK's fighting games and like your mini-consoles to be bright and colourful, then the Japanese edition is the one to go for. However, if you don't mind a more understated design and want to sample a wider range of genres, this international version is by far the better choice – and you've got the added bonus of being able to order it domestically, too.

Tricky region-based decisions aside, there's no denying that the Neo Geo Mini is something of a rough gem; on the plus side, the LCD screen is fabulous and the selection of games is fantastic, but the quality of the image generated via the HDMI cable is annoyingly poor. It's also a shame that an internal battery wasn't included, as it would make the unit a little more portable. Ultimately, it's not perfect, but we can't help but love this dinky little arcade machine, and if like us, you recall when SNK's prohibitively-expensive console was first released, the prospect of being able to own a mini version with 40 games without having to sell any of your vital organs is something we're not sure we'll ever grow accustomed to.

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Hi guys,

【MSA 更新情報】 新規ユニット「特務ベルセク」を追加しました!6月14日まで先行獲得を実施中です! #MSA https://game.snk-corp.co.jp/official/metalslug_attack/news/20200607_01c0bv3.html
Translated from Japanese by
[MSA update information] We have added a new unit "Special Affairs Beruseku"! Advance acquisition is ongoing until June 14th! #MSA https://game.snk-corp.co.jp/official/metalslug_attack/news/20200607_01c0bv3.html
1:00 AM · Jun 7, 2020·


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Hi guys,

】 『THE KING OF FANTASY 八神庵の異世界無双 月を見るたび思い出せ!2』 ついに魔王、草薙京ーー降臨‼︎ コミック第1巻も発売中! 合わせてどうぞ! スペシャルPVも特設ページにて公開中です! ▼特設ページ http://fujimi-trpg-online.jp/special/kof/ #KOF #八神庵の異世界無双 #ドラゴンノベルス
Translated from Japanese by
[Today released!
] "THE KING OF FANTASY" 2'' Finally, Demon King, Kyo Kusanagi
︎ The first volume of the comic is on sale! Please put it together! The special PV is also available on the special page! ▼ Special page http://fujimi-trpg-online.jp/special/kof/ #KOF#八神庵の異世界無双#ドラゴンノベルス
9:05 PM · Jun 4, 2020


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Hi guys,

【発売情報】コミックスの新刊『THE KING OF FANTASY 八神庵の異世界無双 月を見るたび思い出せ! 1』が発売になりました! #コミックウォーカー #COMICHu ▼詳しくはこちら! https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF09000003010000_68/?anker=comicsArchive
Translated from Japanese by
[Release Information] The new comic book, "THE KING OF FANTASY Yagami Iori no Yatai Sokai Tsuki Reminder! 1" is now on sale! #コミックウォーカー#COMICHu ▼ Click here for details! https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF09000003010000_68/?anker=comicsArchive
10:35 PM · Jun 3, 2020·


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