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5200 / XE combo idea


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For awhile I've been thinking about turning my XE game system into a combo 5200/XE system. I know I can put both OSs on to one eprom and have a switch select them. I have a few spare 5200 systems that I could use the cartridge port and make an adapter that would plug into the cart slot for the 5200 games. The keyboard should work for the keypads and then make a cable to the 5200 controllers for the pot-lines and the 2 fire buttons. What I need to know first is if the cartridge port on the XE has all the signal lines the 5200 games need? I believe it does but just want to check first before I start hacking. All input on this idea will greatly be appreciated! Thanks, Rob

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There is more to it than just swapping the roms and the additional cart port. The major A8 chips ANTIC, POKEY, and GTIA occupy different parts of the memory map. Basically they are physically wired to the bus differently; also the 5200 lacks the PIA chip would probably cause compatibility issues if left connected. You would need something like a GAL programmed with switching logic to switch the chipset wiring and roms.


This would be a major and messy project that would practically require a new logic board. Now Foft's FPGA A8 has much cleaner possibilities for doing something like this.

Edited by frogstar_robot
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Sounds like a great idea to me! What's Foft's FPGA A8? Sounds interesting.


Foft is active in the Atari 8-bit forum. He and few of the more advanced A8 regulars have been polishing his recreation of the XL/XE on FPGA.




He has not been working on the 5200 in any way (and probably wouldn't be super enthused by wish-listing!) but his 99% done A8 is by it's nature most of the heavy lifting in recreating the 5200. The design would need the aforementioned glue switching logic, the 5200 OS, and a way to gracefully handle the physical differences between the cart and controller ports. That is pretty major work in and of itself but doable IMHO.

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