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On eBay: Lantronix UDS-10's --- * CHEAP! *


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Okay, I thought I'd give all you classic computer guy's the heads up. Some guy is selling multiple Lantronix UDS-10's for one heck of a price... $18.68 (that's with shipping folks). :)

So, if you wanted to get your old classic computer on the Internet an online with all those BBS systems, now is the perfect opportunity. I have never see these devices go so little.


The "Buy It Now" is: << HERE >>


If you want to learn more about the Lantronix UDS-10, go << HERE >>

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Thanks for the heads up on these! There was another listing with an ac adapter for a few bucks more that I sprang for. Guess I'm going to have to get a NanoPEB now and trade in my CF7+ if I want to use the TI with it. :lol:



Will this work with V2 of the nanoPEB that has the RS-232 port designated as COM1?


Okay guys, slow down a little... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Nano-PEB will not work with Telco, and at this point I'm not sure if there are any communications programs for the TI that will work on the Nano-PEB. Now a REAL TI Expansion box WILL and even the CorComp 9900 will work, but NOT the Nano.


There are P-Box's currently available like << THIS ONE >> so far at affordable price, or this SPENDY CorComp unit << HERE >>. I also know that our Atari Age member Dano, who goes by the name 'cantstopslicking' will have another 'Super P-Box' available in the near future with HDX, multiple drives, etc.


If you think you have space limitations, you can always stand it 'on-end' (like a tower case) and it'll be fine. FWIW, IMHO, a real P-Box is the ONLY way to go because your will NEVER have to worry about non-compatible software and it gives you the most in future expansion possibilities. Besides, after conducting the polls, more people have P-Boxes than any other device, which means more possibilities for the future, a Nano-PEB will limit you and lock you in.

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