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How/what exactly does the 74ls00 do in 5200 protos?


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I know it's used for chip select, but can someone explain it a little more detailed than that? Like can I program 2 2764 eproms for a 16k cart and just swap them out for mask roms? I see they are also used in xe games so how does that work with a 27c512? And why does the 32k eprom carts that were sold here use a 74ls04? What's the difference?

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it's a logic gate.....specifically a NAND gate.

2 input's with an inverted output.


using Boolean algebra:





0 0 1

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0


a and b are inputs, c is the out come.


in digital circuit you have different type of logic gates






and others just google Boolean algebra and it will give a better description.

Edited by mightywiz
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