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5200 Repair


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I've got an old Atari 5200 which stopped working 20 years ago. I just pulled it out, and it still boots up but it still has the same problem. The game (every game I've tried) will come on, but I cannot start it. Back when I first had trouble with it I thought the controllers were bad because the Start button was on the joystick. We ordered brand new controls from Atari but they didn't fix the problem. When I started it last night the sound also didn't come through even though the picture was fine. Is this a common problem with the 5200 that can be fixed? If so are there any reference materials for do-it-yourselfers? If not who can I call?

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What I meant by the "game started" was that the Atari logo came up and then the game demo started (if there was a demo on the cartridge).


I don't think the game demo's included sounds. Could be the controllers or controller ports on the console. Only way to probably know for sure is to try a known working 5200 controller and see if it will start the game.

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I have a 5200 that doesn't work. I had to piece it together. Switchbox from Corssbow, Power supply from... Can't recall, and Realsports Baseball from oesii...


Power it up and nothing happens. I have everything hooked up correctly, and no sounds on anything, no led powerup, and no pic on screen. Just nothing.


Any help would be helpful.

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It's all good, even though you were supposed to pay for the shipping at some point. :D


Inky, I think your 5200's problem is likely the voltage regulator, it's an easy fix and an easy one to test. I just got my hands on the real 5200 field service manual, I can probably fixed most problems now but shipping those beasts around is expensive. :(

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I had the same problem Inky. There was a guy on these boards named NoahsMyBro who has some experience fixing 5200's. He traded me a 2 port for my DOA from auction 4 port. He changed the voltage regualtors and I think something else minor and got it working. I haven't seen him around here in a while though. He's in the member list if you want to try emailing him.


Here's his post upon fixing it:


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