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Season 3/ Week 11 ~ The NEW HSC ~ Ms. Pac-Man


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You guys won't believe this: I was about to hook up my camera to the computer and download the screenshot, when this happened: See attached photo


Well, it didn't happen right away, of course. He was born Sunday, May 11 in the evening. So I was kinda busy in the last few days. And I would say that's the highest of highscores. You guys can play till your thumbs bleed. This week I win :-).


My Ms Pac Man score, so I get on the board: 49,000.



Edited by karokoenig
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Congrats Karo!!!

Enjoy the time with the kid... Time will FLY.

I remember my now 15 year old son playing Mario for the 1st time at age 3. He enjoyed Mario saying 'Weehee' when my son pressed a button on the controller.

That was his first experience with a console.

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What's Karo Jr.'s name? I'll smoke a good cigar this week in his honor ;)


Judging from those outstretched hands in the pic, he's already yearning for his first grasp of a CX-40 :thumbsup:



Thank you Gorfy. His name is Yorick, and I got to be careful. Imagine how pissed his mom will be if his first word is "Atari" :D

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karo, his name is Yorick? Honest? That is super badass. Super, super badass. Much respect to you sir. Please enjoy those bonus points (Vocelli, I'm serious about that)


Meanwhile, I broke a person best tonight with Ms. Pac-man and I think I am going to stop there. When you break a 7 year personal record, it's a laurel you can rest on.




Plus, I know this will drive Cap nuts and he will not sleep until he gets 105,000. :P :D















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Yay for babies! I like them so much, I had two of my own, and now they play Atari in the HSC! Who's got the High Score for Babies? I'm down for 2, and bonus if mine was born first (2000)!


As for this week's game, I'll never be a contender: 35,710 on tonight's go around. I hope to crack 50K and I'll be content.


Not played much, as I've been a bit distracted... by...


THIS: www.facebook.com/artbit.decor

Edited by DT Kofoed
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Please enjoy those bonus points (Vocelli, I'm serious about that)


Now really, that's not necessary. It's rather nice of you to offer it, but it would skew the competition and I'm sure Vocelli will see it the same way. Believe me: I am happy enough without extra bonus points.


Thanks a lot also to all others for your good wishes. It's much appreciated.

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Plus, I know this will drive Cap nuts and he will not sleep until he gets 105,000. :P :D


Damn, you are absolutely right. I thought I was going to have some time to get further in Henry's House for the 8-bit Atari HSC, but I cannot let you beat me by a couple hundred points without making a couple more attempts to beat it.

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