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SDRIVE NUXX Q-Meg loading problem


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I have Sdrive NUXX, but with q-meg 4.04 is possible to boot or load software only with settings N on D1. When I use F for D1 and reset for boot, atari play sound such as try to boot without booting device, but green light on the NUXX is sometime blinking and on the end boot program is loaded. When I turn off qmeg sdrive works in Normal mode OK, here is not possiblo to boot or load program in FastSIO Mode. I tried to chnage SIO speed setting 39000 or 53000 and other, but there was not effect on anything. I tried to switch three small switches on different positions, no effect too.


I have inside Ultimate 1MB, Covox, Stereo and VBXE 2.1 from Lotharek.


SIO2SD works OK, SIDE2 too.

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My old 800XL had QMEG 4.04 installed my new one does not. I hope to remedy this as soon as possible.


I booted my 800XL with SDrives (but neither are SDrive NUXX) regularly at high speed via QMEG OS 4.04. I believe the speed that allowed it to work was 67 kbits. [edit - make that 69kbits).



Edited by a8isa1
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It's not that I want someone to change/delete his signature. It's more like that I'm wondering what the idea is of listing a whole of, mostly non-Atari related, info on an Atari forum. It's as useful as I would add my complete comic database to my signature.

But I've seen the light (the "X" actually) so it's solved anyways.



Why no PM...


because it's a PM. It may be useful for others.





Latest version I used was 3.2 and have no Nuxx

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