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Help With 5200 Console Calibration

Liquid Snake

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So I just Got an Atari 5200 to add to the collection and certain games just don't seem to work right, Congo Bongo and Gyuss mostly. Gyruss I can move the ship up 90 degrees but then it gets stuck and can only move slightly but it is practically stuck, but I can shoot. Congo Bongo, I can start the game, but then I can move my guy up a little bit but then he gets stuck and wont move as well but will jump. It's not the controller, I took that sucker apart and clean the crap out my two controllers and all the buttons work. My Mario Bros, Mario won't move to the right unless I wiggle the crap out of the analog for a few seconds then it works fine until I turn off the console and back on which then I gotta repeat the process, however the weird thing is after wiggling the analog and pressing reset on the controller, Mario will move to the right, it's just when I turn off the console and then back on. Now my super Breakout, I can move the cursor to the left end perfectly but to the right I can't, unless I pull the stick up with much force then to the right. Do I need to readjust the pots or whatever. Can I get a clear picture of how to have the pots adjusted about perfectly. I ordered a copy of missile command but I don't want to wait till it gets here to adjust the pots. Like I said a closely detailed picture of an ideally calibrated pots on the console, that way I can just look at the pic and match it. Or do I need to replace some chips, I already ordered a 10 pack to replace 4 chips that can sometimes goes bad, and also do I need to solder or is it socketed so I can just pull out a chip and replace. Any help would be great. My 5200 Is a 4 port with a glossy finish.

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I think I fixed it mostly, I had to adjust the color wheel ( my color was messed up), And I adjusted the pot, but I do think I will need to wait for my Missile command in order to have it calibrated 100%, Gyuss works better but could be improved, Breakout I can move to end of screen however if I move diagonally right it is slightly off, but left is fine. Now Gyruss is very annoying due to the fact I am trying to calibrate but getting shot at makes it very hard and annoying. Congo Bongo is working mostly as well. Now is Missile Command the best game to properly calibrate or should I get something else. Light off is before, Light on is after.



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