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Which games do not behave with Digital controller?


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Hey guys, starting a project with a friend of mine to create a pair of digital controllers for my 5200. Before we start, is there any definitive list of which games do not behave with a digital controller? I've see a few mentioned here and there, but no real collective list.


Edited by valthonis
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Thanks, glad to see Star Raiders isn't on that list. :)

Star Raiders does use the analog joystick. You can turn your craft at variable speeds based on how far you move the analog stick.

With a digital controller the turning would be all full speed. The game also uses the number pad, very convenient on a stock controller.

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Star Raiders does use the analog joystick. You can turn your craft at variable speeds based on how far you move the analog stick.

With a digital controller the turning would be all full speed. The game also uses the number pad, very convenient on a stock controller.


Hrm...I would have to guess at this point that a digital controller with Star Raiders is not fun? I was planning to build a number pad into the controller as well.

Has there been any homebrew controller projects with an analog stick? I've seen plenty of digital controllers, but none with a different analog stick.

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Those of us who consider the original computer version the One True Star Raiders might have some expressive hand gestures regarding that sentiment.


Most people consider the 5200 version the definitive version and it works best with the analog joystick.

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Those are sweet, any chance there is any documentation? Especially on that first one.

Not really. I built the enclosure out of stuff I had in my junk box(es). It was meant to be a mechanical prototype, but ended up functional. It also ended up being a one-off for various reasons. I gave it to a guy who spent some time play testing it for me.


I wired it directly from the 5200 controller schematic except for the addition of 2 capacitors to compensate for the 100k thumbstick. The information about the added caps can be found on the 'net in a mod/adapter that allows using a PC joystick with the 5200.


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H.E.R.O. does not play well with digital controls. The movements are very extreme, making the game unplayable. If someone knows a way to make it behave, I'm all ears. H.E.R.O. is one of my favorite games and it looks great on the 5200. Unfortunately the controls kill it, so I just have to play the 800/XE version.

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