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Price of Atari XE is going up!

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I've done most of what Paul wants to do and for the exact same reasons. (One day I'll get into a video upgrade, but I'm in no rush.) I love my XEGS...except for that keyboard! (Yeah, I love it for those big pastel buttons and those angles. Anybody wanna make something of it? :lol: ) And it is really big on my desk. A fully-outfitted 600XL is much more suited to my needs.



Oftentimes the higher-priced XEGS units that I see on eBay are the new-old-stock boxed units that B&C are selling, unless I'm mistaken. I don't recall seeing anyone else sell anything like that on a regular basis.

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No joke!! I looked on Ebay for Atari XE stuff just to see some cool things, and wow! 2 out of the top 3 searches for the system on Ebay are above $100-$150.

What is making XE stuff, specifically the Entire package itself in original box, get so expensive?

I suppose it's a matter of rarity with lots of systems being thrown away every year by people who don't care to take the trouble to win a few bucks on EBay combined with the generation raised with systems of that era becoming affluent enough to feel like they can buy (back) their childhood/youth and have the space to keep it.


Many people throw away packaging so boxed systems are naturally more rare than loose ones. For all the Ataris I own, a 2600jr, 7800 and XEGS are the only ones that have packaging because I bought them at more or less closeout sales and never actually used them for more than a day.


I wish I had boxes for my 800/810 but I'm not even sure they came in retail boxes for Austria/Germany.

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Don't use the prices people list stuff for on eBay as I guide, look at the prices that things actually sold at. There are always a few people who list crazy prices for relatively 'rare' items, maybe they sometimes get their price.


This one went for $115: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Atari-XE-Video-Game-System-XEGS-Complete-in-Box-/251540524552


I think the price of the 'complete in box' stuff is pushed up by the collectors who just want one as an investment and to put on the shelf, not to actually use.

Edited by galax
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I love the design of the XEGS personally. But the reliability is the problem with it. Just isn't built like the 800 and I have it and a 130xe. It doesn't.. have a USE for me.


Now one with Model M keys and maybe microswitch function buttons and whatnot? OH DAMN.

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I just got two XEGS for $25.00 each, no keyboard or power supply. Pretty sure they will need work,but you never know. Everyone I have bought so far has worked, but the color pot always needs adjusting for some reason. On One XEGS I had, the sound on channel two was going out. Best and B&C have keyboards for them. It's better to buy 600's and put 64k and composite or svideo in them.

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Most of the XE's seem to go for ridiculous amounts of money with the exception of the 65XE. I can't stand the look of the big pastel buttons otherwise I would buy an XEGS.


130XE prices these days are absolutely ridiculous. That's the only thing that's kept me from trying the Peterson upgrade on mine, if I mess up it's going to be expensive. The XL's are much more fun to mod, more solidly built and cooler looking IMHO.


A 65XE w/ Ultimate 1MB, SIDE2 and XE-Touch keyboard mod would be a really nice little machine though.

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