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Just bought a 5200, need help with controllers.


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I finally got a 5200 today and some games + 2 controllers. I'm having some strange issues with the controllers, but only with certain games. Honestly, it doesn't make any sense!


For Pac-Man, neither controller will go in the down direction.

For Vanguard, only one of the controllers will go in the down direction.

For Q-Bert, only one of the controllers will go in the down direction.


For all other games, they both work fine in all directions (Centipede, Kangaroo, Defender, etc.)


I know that these controllers have issues, but I am baffled by this since in most of the games the sticks work just fine in all directions.

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most games have floaty centers and sort of auto compensate have you tried starting the games with the joysticks at the 12 oclock postion


i noticed a bit of weirdness with vanguard once just keep playing it doing circles with the joystick it may take 30 seconds for it to catch the drift you are intending to go down


its a flakey system find a high bridge over deep water and huck it

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I've read that some games require a calibration at first before they will function properly. I would check the game manual for each game your having issues with, they might give calibration instructions. There's a whole 5200 game manual data base here...



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The good news is there's probably nothing wrong with your joysticks. The bad news is that you'll need to open up your 5200 and adjust a small potentiometer, preferably while running Missile Command. Check out this thread...




In which zylon points out the location of the pot that needs adjusting.

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I've read that some games require a calibration at first before they will function properly. I would check the game manual for each game your having issues with, they might give calibration instructions. There's a whole 5200 game manual data base here...



Unfortunately I didn't see any calibration instructions in Pac Man, Vanguard, or Qbert.

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Unfortunately I didn't see any calibration instructions in Pac Man, Vanguard, or Qbert.

My bad... I know I've read on here that people have done something with their 5200 controllers upon start up of certain games to make them work... I don't know where I got the idea that such info would be in the game manuals... I must have been wrong. My apologies.

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Thanks for the tips guys! It took me like 10 minutes to open it up and calibrate and it fixed the problem.


I have a new problem now with one controller. Many of the keypad buttons don't work at all. I even tried the pencil eraser cleaning trick and that didn't help. I suspect some of the traces are messed up. Besides replacing the flex circuit, any other way of fixing it?


I saw the directions for replacing the flex circuit and it seemed really complicated. Are there any video walkthroughs?

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The wiring in the 5200 controller/trak ball harnesses are terrible. Even if you buy one from Best Electronics, they are still problematic because they are NOS from the 80's, not brand new. If it is the traces, there is no real fix unless newer, modern harnesses go into production. I was actually thinking of getting a pair of 5200/neogeo wire extenders and making new harnesses from them.

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