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Running virtual U1MB under ALtirra


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While awaiting my U1MB ordered from lotharek, I tried to test it virtually under Altirra v2.5. The following are some of the of findings:


- I was able to install/run virtual U1MB under Altirra using Ultimate.atr from: http://www.atari8.co.uk/apt/ultimate1mb/index.html

- Used fdisk.com v4.5 to set up FAT and APT (drives D3-D8). ran the "format" command under Spartados x to format D3 only and made it bootable. Copied X33A_50.DOS into it and used boot command to make it the loaded DOS. But if I choose to disable Spartados from U1MB menu, Altirra freezes (may be D3 is not booting from start !!)

- Made my custom ROMS and flashed them using "TheRomGenerator_v1_0_19". Thank you AtariGeezer


- Loaded games ATRs into FAT and ran them successfully through side loader.

- Unfortunately, I couldn't flash ROMs using Ultimate 1MB (U1MB) Rom Builder v1.0.4 by Ray. after flashing, I could see the flashed ROM names, but when I hold down the "L" key, I only get repeated key clicks.

- I managed to go to basic (solved the issue).


Things I couldn’t manage to do (yet). A helping hand is appreciated:

- Format any of the HD drives using MYDOS. I only was managed to configure the drives with "R" and make any drive size to 65535 sectors (i.e. 4H). For mating with "I" returns error 139.

- I had better times using SIDE for virtual hard drive VHD than SIDE2 (as a hardware).


Special thanks you flashjazzcat for the enormous links and subjects about U1MB and SIDE. I learned a lot and still learning .

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:) - Used fdisk.com v4.5 to set up FAT and APT (drives D3-D8). ran the "format" command under Spartados x to format D3 only and made it bootable. Copied X33A_50.DOS into it and used boot command to make it the loaded DOS. But if I choose to disable Spartados from U1MB menu, Altirra freezes (may be D3 is not booting from start !!) :)


If you use SDX44x partition at 512 bps then 33a DOS does not recognize sector size... If using MyDOS or x33a then FDISK for 256 sector size and use FMTDIR from the x33a dos utility..

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@ rdea6

Thank you for the hints. I changed the sector size to 256 and things turned great. I now have D3: act as a booting SpartDOS hard disk (SpartaDOS Pro Ver 3.3a 3-Nov-94) :-D

I had difficult times to figure out how to format a partition (ie, D4:) using MyDOS. It turned to be that "\N" is needed to complete the format. How noob I was. Did not read the MyDOS manual.

@ phaeron

Sorry for my English.


I was referring to the "Ultimate 1MB (U1MB) Rom Builder v1.0.4" by (atari8warez) where I was not able to flash the Ultimate 1MB ROM correctly.

Actually, I did flash the Ultimate 1MB ROM after adding my choice of ROMs correctly using "TheRomGenerator_v1_0_19". by AtariGeezer.

The save configuration "S" and load SIDE Loader "L" options were already working from start.


Thank you for the Gem program (Altirra) :thumbsup:. Also, thank you very much for the time and efforts you devote into it in order to make it easier for Atari users.


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