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5200 red power led not working when turned on


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I'm surprised noone had an answer to this. I've never come across a bad led till now. Decided to open the unit up figuring it could be one of two things. Either loose or dead. I happened to have an exact match on hand so after moving the led around and still getting nothing, i took the new one and jumped it across the two leads and it worked so i went ahead and removed the old one and put in the new one. Back in action again.


Edited by Video_Invader
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Out of all my consoles I have never seen an led go bad ... Knock on wood

My NES had the red LED go bad, so it can happen. I've not heard of too many stories working NES with failed Power LED, but mine did. The LED got extremely weak for a while before it went out completely. The LED had a burnt mark inside it, no idea how it happened. I've long since replaced it with an ultra-bright 5mm blue LED that I bought from Radio Shack.


I may replace the indicator LED in my 7800 as well because it's so freakking dim I can hardly tell it's turned on. Possibly blue or lime green, I dunno yet. My 2600 has a green LED mod so I may stick with green.

Edited by stardust4ever
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