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Season 3/ Week 24 ~ The NEW HSC ~ Spacemaster X-7


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Bonus +4 (6273)


Any reason to play Starmaster makes it a good day...



@Scrabbler, that isn't your score, that is your energy remaining. You need to go to the Galactic Chart (Color / B/W Switch). Your score is the E on the top.




These bonus or penalty points are added to or deducted from a base score set at

the beginning of each mission, as follows:

Game Level                  | Base Score | Maximum Score
Ensign                      | 3100       |  4000
Leader                      | 4300       |  6000
Wing Commander              | 5700       |  8000
StarMaster                  | 6900       | 10000

Your score is determined by how efficiently you complete your mission. You are
awarded 100 points for each enemy starfighter you destroy. You are penalized:

-500 points for each starbase destroyed by the enemy.
-100 points for each time you dock for refueling and repairs.
  -1 point for each Stardate elapsed.

These bonus or penalty points are added to or deducted from a base score set at
the beginning of each mission, as follows:

StarMaster Game 1 (Ensign) - 3950



Edited by CapitanClassic
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@Scrabbler, that isn't your score, that is your energy remaining. You need to go to the Galactic Chart (Color / B/W Switch). Your score is the E on the top.




These bonus or penalty points are added to or deducted from a base score set at

the beginning of each mission, as follows:

Game Level                  | Base Score | Maximum Score
Ensign                      | 3100       |  4000
Leader                      | 4300       |  6000
Wing Commander              | 5700       |  8000
StarMaster                  | 6900       | 10000

Your score is determined by how efficiently you complete your mission. You are
awarded 100 points for each enemy starfighter you destroy. You are penalized:

-500 points for each starbase destroyed by the enemy.
-100 points for each time you dock for refueling and repairs.
  -1 point for each Stardate elapsed.

These bonus or penalty points are added to or deducted from a base score set at
the beginning of each mission, as follows:

StarMaster Game 1 (Ensign) - 3950




Gives me another reason to play, again, which makes it a good day, again. Thanks Capitan.



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I posted some tips last time when I rolled the score. Don't know if I'll have time to attempt that this go around as I need to finish getting ready for CGF.


I'm out of time, so that'll be my only attempt for the week. I'll be heading to Austin tonight after work so I can help Al set up the AtariAge booth tomorrow. Hope to see some of you at CGF!



ROLLAGE :-D 991,750 - 1,015,325


Congrats! I'm glad my tips helped.

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Description: My pattern which works well after the completion of Stage 28, when the difficulty reaches the maximum. If you complete 28 levels and then follow this pattern with a lot of concentration, you will be able to get more significant scores.

Video recorded by oyamafamily and posted through Facebook Video.



Edited by oyamafamily
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that's exactly what was happening to me until that last game. I got my timing & positioning down & once I made it to 200k I was able to just keep going.


one of SpiceWare's tips is to stay near the middle of the screen vertically & near the edge horizontally when "homers" & the random dangerous ones that come at you are coming out. stay put firing horizontally & they usually run into your fire. it doesn't always work , but pretty good. also sometimes you have to adjust a little vertically which kicked my ass at first til I got used to it.


letting the spirals & snakes wander around as much as possible helps a lot to keep the dangerous ones at bay.


still I never stopped them from killing me regularly, so taking out that reactor quickly (for winning extra lives) is what pushed it over the edge so I could keep going. as someone else from Season 3 mentioned, shooting the shield gives the reactor more power so aim for accurate shots through the hole. I try to time it so I can rapid-fire 2 or 3 shots in there & stop firing. (when shield reaches max speed I could sometimes get 2)


you can get more shots in from a diagonal direction because you can shoot faster when closer to the center. Trouble is, those auxiliary shields are in the way so you have to use the sides at first. to do that quickly I tried to stay on one vertical line a little bit away from left or right edge (about 1/3 of the way from edge to center). so I was trying to mostly only move up & down, shooting a few quick shots then move vertically to dodge the shield. only moving off the vertical line sometimes when I freak out getting attacked by stuff.



[edit] wow oyama it looks like you have a better strategy! If you can keep that up you might be able to roll in about 20 mins. (mine took about 40)

Edited by S.BAZ
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