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Season 3/ Week 25 ~ The NEW HSC ~ Strategy X


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Has anyone scored higher than 1510 on the first screen? (not counting the 300pt bonus for completing)


I figure the good Captain has already determined the max score for each screen, yes, yes?

I know that I over analyze every game, but haven't done the math on this particular one. I do know that you can blow up smaller partitions of the bridge and score slightly more points than if you shot toward the center of each piece. Didn't realize that you can speed-up/slow-down the scrolling of the screen (I don't think you can). Edited by CapitanClassic
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Holy crap. Just cracking 3,000 took some doing. On day two, here I am, exhibiting a score of 4,460. I have photographic evidence, but no matter what I do to the file, it says it doesn't support the extension, and anyway, no one's going to have trouble believing this score. Stuck with Stella 3.9.3 until cartridge arrives in the mail. Had to resort to eBay. Not proud. At least I have an Atari joystick stuck into the computer via an adapter. Any tips on getting photos posted in these things?

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Any tips on getting photos posted in these thing


In Stella, the screenshot function (F12) usually works just fine. Did you try to embed the picture into the text or did you use the attach function here? You probably have to press "More reply options" on the bottom right to see that one.

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