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Season 3/ Week 25 ~ The NEW HSC ~ Strategy X


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Strategy X - 10,950 (score previously reported as 710,950 since the level counter is adjacent to the score)

This joke would be funnier if Scrabbler didn't just post a score in the 10s of thousands.



You really have to shoot a lot of planes and turrets to score in the 10k+ zone. The turrets get nasty starting on level 7.

Edited by CapitanClassic
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Giddy that I cracked 6,430. Amazing what a fresh start in the morning and playing with coffee instead of whiskey can do for you. Made me late for work, but nevermind.

Unfortunately, whiskey and Atari don't mix too well. Neither did the four saisons I drank before attempting Landungskommando tonight. Given the name, you might expect otherwise ;)


Fortunately, I also got some playing time in this morning during the caffeinated portion of my diurnal cycle. The result was a new score of 5,450.......



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@Scrabbler & StanJr. -- I think 1981 must refer to when Konami made the arcade game & copyrighted the name Strategy X, & 1983 to when it was ported to the 2600.


@Capitan -- :-o :-o got the hang of it is right ! ... so I'm curious, what do you mean by "joke?"

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I'm finding it really annoying when I get "warped" around the screen. I know I need to stay off the "grass" but sometimes I need to dodge onto it & then... no idea where it will take me.


also a bummer to get stuck in impossible situations. I guess I need to learn how to avoid those, perhaps by memorizing the level?

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Unfortunately, whiskey and Atari don't mix too well. Neither did the four saisons I drank before attempting Landungskommando tonight. Given the name, you might expect otherwise ;)


Fortunately, I also got some playing time in this morning during the caffeinated portion of my diurnal cycle. The result was a new score of 5,450.......

Gorfy, I was all set to agree with you, until a night of Manhattans and Strategy X culminated in my highest score yet. It doesn't really come through in my typing, but I'm terribly excited. Still using Stella, unfortunately, although the postman has one more day to deliver my cart, Playing this on my console will be a blessing. My computer is slow and all sorts of weird. Worst, it doesn't seem to want me to play Atari.


Every time a little tank shoots my fuel bonus just before I can get my sluggy tank up there to grab it, I swear, God kills a kitten.


Oh, and Scrabbler15 ... what a showoff.




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Definitely hit a point of diminishing returns here. Got the cartridge in the mail, but in spite of the beloved rf interference and silky smooth gameplay of my actual console, can't seem to get within a thousand or so of my other day's high. Anyone notice whether turrets get more accurate, or just faster, in later levels? I just know they kill me more.

Of course I didn't have my manhattans tonight, so that could be why progress ground to a halt.

Edited by Spacey Invader
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