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Season 3/ Week 27 ~ The NEW HSC ~ Robot Tank


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Discovered a gameplay exploit (not an 'exploit' as in glitch, but an exploit in the sense that computers are stupid. If you can discover an effective pattern to destroy the tanks without getting shot, you can do so for every tank.) I can now score 72+ points every game. Video (PCAE 2.6, so no sound) to follow the conclusion of Week 27.

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If you can discover an effective pattern to destroy the tanks without getting shot, you can do so for every tank.) I can now score 72+ points every game.



That's like saying, if you can avoid the ghosts in Pac-man you can eat all of the dots in every maze. :lolblue:

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That's like saying, if you can avoid the ghosts in Pac-man you can eat all of the dots in every maze. :lolblue:

not exactly. The original Pac-man had a pattern for the ghosts (Ms. pac-man doesn't). If you memorized the pattern, you could clear every board of Pac-man untul the game froze at 256 levels.


There is a simple pattern in Robot Tank that isnt too difficult to execute. If you perform that pattern, you will not get shot by the tank.

Edited by CapitanClassic
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71. Patience is a virtue!


yet you did that in 10 1/2 days! At the rate I was going, I would have barely made it to your score by then & I wasn't being patient at all -- I just keep attacking, rain, snow, dark or shine!


well, there was that one part where my tank was all busted up & all I could do was retreat. I had EVERYTHING broken & kept retreating til I got hit again. Still alive though! has anyone here had that happen? all four devices are broken & you still survive another couple of hits? what a TANK ! so there's a war story for ya. almost makes me wish someone was in the tank to make it more of a tale.


funny thing is, my next tank immediately got hit & killed in one shot :?

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well, there was that one part where my tank was all busted up & all I could do was retreat. I had EVERYTHING broken & kept retreating til I got hit again. Still alive though! has anyone here had that happen? all four devices are broken & you still survive another couple of hits? what a TANK ! so there's a war story for ya. almost makes me wish someone was in the tank to make it more of a tale.


funny thing is, my next tank immediately got hit & killed in one shot :?

I cannot remember four systems being down (2-3 regularly). I can usually survive a whole squadron or more of tanks with just the Visuals or Cannon damaged. Radar is more problematic, especially with the later 4+ squads. Treads are hit and miss. I have had tread damage where I could still move at about half speed (least dangerous in the Rain, most dangerous in the Snow. But what isn't dangerous in the snow?), and I have had times where I could only move a pixel a second. And I was praying for the robot tanks to kill me.


What I hate to see is the phantom cannon fire when you spin clockwise (i.e. the enemy tanks move off screen to the left). A phantom shot can come from the center of the screen right after the tank spins off to the left. Has anyone seen that?

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What I hate to see is the phantom cannon fire when you spin clockwise (i.e. the enemy tanks move off screen to the left). A phantom shot can come from the center of the screen right after the tank spins off to the left. Has anyone seen that?


YES! in fact, the very next thing I was about to post here is, "I think there's aliens in this game."



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Still attacking relentlessly without patience!


I am however using Cap's tip to back up & shoot then move forward to hit the guy in the distance. that's a very useful tip, thanks Capitan!


I actually got this score at exactly 5 days, 00hrs! my last 2 tanks were total tomato cans.


I wonder, are the enemy tanks robots too? and if so, who is controlling them? the aliens?



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68 (6d and 3min)


i did it AGAIN i beat my dad and took second so far and again i am shaking from the stress of survival after the 5th squad. i am surprized to see the numbers have not changed all that much, i can give you a hint. but i think i am going to make it my new matto, if you are not timed stay alive. :D :D :D :D :-o :-o :rolling: :lol: :lol: :cool: now hopefully it will last until tomorrow. |:) |:) |:) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: or i might have to go super human style :spidey:


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Here is a little exploit that will help improve your score, especially for the later rounds where if you rotate the tanks in from the left you will have to shoot an incoming shot.


To make this work, you have to have a working Radar. Spin the tank around to the rear of your tank. The safest way to do this is to spin the tanks off the left of the screen to avoid the phantom shots. Once you get the enemy tank behind you, keep the enemy dot on the radar between 3-4 o'clock. The tank will usually keep drifting counter-clockwise, but will usually make a speedy turn and move clockwise. When it does, spin to bring it to 3' o'clock, (I have tried several techniques here, but am not sure of the best one.)


1.) move diagonally-right and blast the tank when it comes on screen.


2.) move right and blast the tank when it comes on screen


3.) don't move at all, and let the tank move itself on screen.


The video has me mostly using the diagonal-right technique, but I have been trying the other techniques with some success. I think the biggest differences are caused by when the enemy tank moves on screen. I don't think the tank fires until it changes direction from left/right or right/left. I seems to me that moving forward or backward makes the tank change direction quicker, so I think that the latter techniques would work better. I haven't perfected the technique, but I am close


The important thing to remember here is that trying to destroy a tank while moving it onscreen from the left is nearly impossible starting with tank 61. The tank will fire at you, and you will need to shoot that shot before it hits you. But, then it will immediately fire and either kill you or take out a component. Using the technique above, I have had at >50% success rate.


Here is a recording of the technique in action. I don't start using it until blowing up the 4th squadron (8:30 minute mark). The technique really isn't necessary until the 5th squadron (14:00 mark).

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