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4 port 5200 with Asterisk in Serial Question


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Two silly questions, but I hope someone can answer or shed some lights on something.


I have a friend's 4 port 5200 in my "shop" that is experiencing some issues. I noticed that it had an Asterisk in the serial number, which from my understanding means it is compatible with the 2600 adapter.


However, when I took the metal shielding off, it doesn't look like it has any re-work. This is my first motherboard I've seen with the asterisk. I was expecting to see some factory rework. Is this correct? Yes? No? Here is a photo of the mother board.


Also, second question--Seems like I read that if you plug in the 2600 adapter into an unmodified 4-port motherboard you will fry something? Is that true, or am I imagining that I read that?


5200 motherboard



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Also, second question--Seems like I read that if you plug in the 2600 adapter into an unmodified 4-port motherboard you will fry something? Is that true, or am I imagining that I read that?






I put my adapter in my unmodded 4 port not knowing it wont work when I first got my adapter. Nothing happened. Just a blank screen and my 4 port lived on!

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part # CA018087U is the last factory revision of the 4-port boards and has the "rework" kit built into it, so there shouldn't be any signs of modification.

There was a run of final 4-ports made from leftover parts and sold in 2-port boxes that had mostly soldered IC's and even some jumper wires on the boards. It is possible to find a * with one of these boards as well.

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I just got back home to check it out. I popped in the 2600 adapter and it works! Again, for whatever reason, I was under the impression that using one of these on a unmodified board would "fry" something so I was a little shy of trying it. Thanks all!

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