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Anybody seen that XEGS article from Popular Science

Joey Kay

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Or maybe it was Popular Mechanics...


Anyhow, does anybody have that article comparing the XEGS, NES, and SMS from Popular <whatever> back in 1987 or 88? I just got to thinking about it today... I remember reading it a few times at the school library in grade 7. I can't really remember much about the content though... perhaps a dig through the archives at the U of S will refresh my memory...





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  • 3 weeks later...

Dunno about Popular Mechanics or whatever, but Antic March 88(?) has the 3-system comparison (w/ a decidedly positive spin for the XEGS! ;) )




Choose to view a single issue Table of Contents, then scroll down to find March 88. Rather simple, really.


Did your school library have ANTIC Magazine? :D

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Actually, I have the Antic magazine and article right here. March '88, volume 6, number 11, page 36. Also, actually, it is/was a very unbiased article, which was very fair across the board and the author actually suggested, in an Atari magazine, that the NES and SMS did seem to edge out the XEGS, although he also concluded that this may merely be because most ot the XEGS games were re-hashed older 8-bit tiltes compared to the newer ideas and graphics on the other systems, in the end he says that they are all good systems and no matter which you choose, you will get a good deal. He badsically states that he thought the NES had the best graphics, the SMS games were more sophisticated, but that the XEGS was the only one with the ability to become a full-fledged computer with a huge existing cartridge library and with the addtion of a disk drive, it go even larger. Although by the time of this article, I believe the NES had a substancial library itself, with the SMS not too far behind.

I tell you though, I think he was wrong about the NES having the best graphics and about the SMS having the most sophisticated games. I always felt the SMS had far superior graphics than either of the others, and that the disk-based games of the XE, like the LucasFilm games and others were far superior to the graphics of NES cartridges too! As for sophistication in games, what about classics like M.U.L.E or Ultima series, Alternate Reality, and even Flight simulator (which was on XEGS cart). But that's just my humble opinion.

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