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I always thought it would be cool to have - even though I don't know any Pascal yet. I understand it's kind of mathematic, which is appealing.


Seems like a fair price though.


Actually Fortran was the language of choice for science and engineering, and still is believe it or not. Pascal is no more scientific than Basic, and maybe even less. It's forte (and bad rap) lies in its highly structured design which some people find very restrictive (think C/C++ folks :) ). Personally I have always love that language, which perhaps is a reflection of my personality :D

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I always kind of hated C as this is a quote from Dennis Richie the creator of C


"C as a general purpose language has some issues where the programmer can write a program that even "I" could not even figure out what it does."


He also said C was never designed to be used for more then single instructions at a time.

I have to agree with him that C was never designed for what it is used for today.

Most of the problems with any OS today is directly the fault of C being used outside the original design.


Other languages were better suited long term but not used. Computer Science has acknowledged this over the years.

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I cut my programming teeth on Fortran in the mid '60s. In the mid '70s, I fell in love with Algol. Pascal is more restrictive than Algol, but practically identical. In both Algol and Pascal, blocks of code are surrounded by BEGIN ... END, which became { ... } in C, which is easier to write. C supplanted Algol as my first love and remains such. Though, of course, Forth is it for me on the TI-99/4A since the mid '80s. I believe Algol was invented as a publication language before it was ever implemented as a computer language. Pascal was initially developed to teach structured programming and is principally a child of Algol because Niklaus Wirth used it as his guide. I think C was designed initially as an operating system development and system programming language. I'm done rambling for now...



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The C programming language was devised in the early 1970s as a system implementation language for the nascent Unix operating system. Derived from the typeless language BCPL, it evolved a type structure; created on a tiny machine as a tool to improve a meager programming environment, it has become one of the dominant languages of today. This paper studies its evolution.

Reference: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/dmr/chist.html

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Actually Fortran was the language of choice for science and engineering, and still is believe it or not. Pascal is no more scientific than Basic, and maybe even less. It's forte (and bad rap) lies in its highly structured design which some people find very restrictive (think C/C++ folks :) ). Personally I have always love that language, which perhaps is a reflection of my personality :D

Yeah, I too have always had high regard for Pascal. It's highly structure nature is it's strength, I think, and it's why it won out in many large development projects back in the day. The Borland compilers were the best in the world for quite a while. They basically set the standard for other compilers (e.g. Microsofts QuickC) to meet.


I have always wondered why there was this massive shift from Pascal to C in the mid 80's. Up to that time, Pascal was king, not is small part due to Borland's excellent extension of the language with its Turbo Pascal series.

AT&T (IIRC). It was distributed to colleges and institutions for free. Simple as that.

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