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The Air Raid cart pic in the rarity guide


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To straighten things out:


I did not buy it







Hmm, if it wasn't you, it must have been Rick. Either that or you traded a truckload of stuff for it. :ponder:


Maybe he traded a TRUCK for it :D :D (I would have, I know I have a spare truck around here somewhere...)

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To straighten things out:


I did not buy it







Hmm, if it wasn't you, it must have been Rick. Either that or you traded a truckload of stuff for it. :ponder:


Yes..it was me! 8)


that's why i told you NOT to "bet" that it was Marco that got it!.. :D


Take Care,



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Hey Rick,


Wondering if you would enlighten us who have aspirations of owning such a cart, what it would take (or more plainly stated, what should we expect to give up for one?)


Obviously, you can decline to answer, but it would be helpful to know (for a frame of reference.) :D




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Hey Rick,


Wondering if you would enlighten us who have aspirations of owning such a cart, what it would take (or more plainly stated, what should we expect to give up for one?)


Obviously, you can decline to answer, but it would be helpful to know (for a frame of reference.)   :D  





I would say minimum is $1200.00 dollars.

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The ROM on AA is PAL.  :ponder:


after reading pitfall's description of whether or not his air raid is pal/ntsc, i used z26 to look at the atariage rom and it reported 291 scan lines. so, really, it would be more accurate to say the ROM on AA is not your typical NTSC and not your typical PAL ROM. so just what the heck is it?


there have been a lot of games found in south america with t-handle cases. it could have been something released in south america and only very few have migrated to the US.

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as far as pricing- that is an incredible example of a game that could fluctuate wildly in value... depending on who wants it and when, i could see that cartridge fall in the $ 2,000 - $ 4,000 range


that was an insane aquisition rick- amazing



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Hey Rick,  


Wondering if you would enlighten us who have aspirations of owning such a cart, what it would take (or more plainly stated, what should we expect to give up for one?)  


Obviously, you can decline to answer, but it would be helpful to know (for a frame of reference.)  


His lack of answering such a question should be a frame of reference too 8)


If he is trying to fit within PacNW culture, he will probably remain politey vague about this. For political reasons as explained below.


Perhaps, we need to audit his books, tax returns, hire a detective, etc... We need to find out how he makes his money to afford such luxuries. Inquiring minds need to know. My theory: Me thinks, Rick is a quiet relation to Paul Allen. If so, look for Rick's collection to be displayed in the EGP (Experience Gaming Project) right next door to the EMP (Experience Music Project) at the Space Needle :D




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Hey Rick,


Wondering if you would enlighten us who have aspirations of owning such a cart, what it would take (or more plainly stated, what should we expect to give up for one?)


Obviously, you can decline to answer, but it would be helpful to know (for a frame of reference.)  


His lack of answering such a question should be a frame of reference too 8)


If he is trying to fit within PacNW culture, he will probably remain politey vague about this. For political reasons as explained below.


Perhaps, we need to audit his books, tax returns, hire a detective, etc... We need to find out how he makes his money to afford such luxuries. Inquiring minds need to know. My theory: Me thinks, Rick is a quiet relation to Paul Allen. If so, look for Rick's collection to be displayed in the EGP (Experience Gaming Project) right next door to the EMP (Experience Music Project) at the Space Needle :D






:lol: :ponder: :D


next step in my plans is to get a house to display my collection! that and spending most of my time Playing games not collecting them!!


Take care,



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Could it br seacam? Or is that just a hybrid PAL?


The SECAM video standard calls for the exact same number of scanlines per frame (625) and frames per second (25) as the PAL standard. What distinguishes SECAM from PAL is the method in which color information is transmitted. The SE in SECAM stands for SEquential, indicating that the color components of each scan line are transmitted sequentially, rather than simultaneously as is done with PAL.


An Atari 2600 videogame cartridge is pretty dumb, as far as electronics goes. A programmer can assign a value to a register to specify how frequently the Atari console will trigger a vertical refresh signal, but that's just about all he can do within the confines of cartridge ROM code. The value entered will be identical whether the game is targeted for a SECAM or a PAL market, because the frame rates are the same. Therefore, one cannot hold up a PAL cartridge in one hand and a SECAM version of the same game in the other. At the cartridge level, the games and ROMs are exactly the same.


The method of color transmission, on the other hand, is something that has to be handled in the console, where specialized ciruitry (appropriate for the country and TV format in which it is marketed) is tasked with the details of the transmission peculiarities of NTSC, PAL or SECAM.



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