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How rare is a Pro Controller?


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Was thinking for adding a Jaguar Pro Controller to my system and went on eBay but nothing for auction. Did a "Completed Auction" search and only one Pro Controller (from Go Atari, new and in box) had been auctioned in the last 30 days, and it sold for $40.00.


How hard is it to get a Pro Controller? And other than perhaps a couple fighting games, is it really a big improvement over the standard controller for most Jaguar games?


Thanks in advance for any responses!



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I highly recommend the procontroller, even many games that weren't originally design for the controller can take advantage of it in many ways; IS&IS2 you can use the extra buttons to select weapons that would normally require using the keypad, it makes it much more convenient, AvP has strafing, but using the kepad makes it a real pain, with the procontroller, those strafing buttons are Z&X buttons and make it a joy to use that movemnet option, the list goes on and on, any game that uses the keypad extensively is greatly improved with the procontroller because the left&right buttons as well as the X,Y&Z buttons are mapped to the location of the 4&6 buttons and 7,8,9 buttons respectively, about the only keypad use you will encounter is the easier to reach 1,2&3 buttons with the procontroller...

I'd be patient and wait for some E-bay auctions, I have three procontrollers, and two I got off of E-bay, brand new, for $25&$30 respectively, the $25 dollar one was a GoAtari auction I won. Those prices INCLUDED shipping, the auction price was less! They are rare, but not THAT rare, the dealers just want to make bank on them. If you want a good price, look for their auctions and don't buy directly from their websites, unless you want to overpay for it! ;)

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I really enjoy using the Pro Controller. :cool: As stated before, the extra buttons come in handy and the slightly different design feels better in my opinion. A couple of months ago, Pro Controllers were found more frequently on ebay and I passed several opportunities to score an additional one. :(

I purchased mine from Telegames about eight months ago and it totalled around $51.00, :o but at the time there had been one of these "dry spells" on ebay and I figured I'd give it a whirl. Turned out to be another Telegames spanking. ;)

God, I love this Jaguar! :P



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I like the pro controllers a lot better than the standard controllers. They have round real buttons instead of the smooth streamlined buttons of the regular controller, It's just more natural feeling I guess.


There are very few games programmed to intentionally use the Pro controllers. Which is to bad, cause that thing was awesome. But most games that have heavy use of the keypad can use the buttons in place of 4,6,7,8,9 keys.

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I like the pro controllers a lot better than the standard controllers.  They have round real buttons instead of the smooth streamlined buttons of the regular controller, It's just more natural feeling I guess.


There are very few games programmed to intentionally use the Pro controllers.  Which is to bad, cause that thing was awesome.  But most games that have heavy use of the keypad can use the buttons in place of 4,6,7,8,9 keys.


The direction pad seems to have a lighter touch than my standard controller, which makes it easier on the thumbs!

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Thanks to EVERYONE for the information and the posts. Much appreciated.


I'm going to try and contact myatari.com and see about a Pro-Controller and perhaps see if they have any Primal Rage CD's left (they are listed on their website). And I bid on a Rotary Controller on eBay...


Who says there is a slow-down in the ecomony?? With what I've been spending on the Jag over the last month the DOW should be back over 10,000! :D



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Thanks to EVERYONE for the information and the posts. Much appreciated.


I'm going to try and contact myatari.com and see about a Pro-Controller and perhaps see if they have any Primal Rage CD's left (they are listed on their website). And I bid on a Rotary Controller on eBay...  


Who says there is a slow-down in the ecomony?? With what I've been spending on the Jag over the last month the DOW should be back over 10,000! :D  




If Jag market was so good when it came out, maybe.... who knows? :D

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Well, good luck on winning a rotery controller. Just beware, I useually see them go over a $100. Probably because at the moment, there's only a few people making them.


Yeah, I think the pad is more relaxed on the pro controller. It's just better for long gaming marathons IMHO.

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