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Battlemorph Walkthrough


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22 hours ago, phoenixdownita said:

Did the GD lock on you or is the experience smooth enough?

Yes it was smooth start to end. I did finished today and everything works just fine👍


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3 hours ago, doctorclu said:

I think what would be cool is to sell Jaguar Micro SD cards.   Plug into the Game Drive and so to town.   Songbird needs to sell Battlemorph in Micro SD form to save converting from CD to Game Drive format.

Yes and with box, manual and overlay!

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Posted (edited)

@Songbird any chance you and Saint can work out a way to get your jag cdrom games to play legit from GameDrive?

One way would entail selling one off small SDs with the game on it instead of the cd (or cart which probably cost more to produce), another is access to digital downloads.


Does it make any economic sense?



Edited by phoenixdownita
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Songbird might chime in at some point.  I was talking to him about this and going to try to put together something here in a little bit.


I wanted to have it where the name tracks would be with the soundtrack files, but at this time we collectively don't know what the track names are.   Would love to hear from anyone that knows.  Maybe @Shinto might have picked something up in his Jaguar Podcast research?

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On 6/3/2024 at 4:36 PM, doctorclu said:

Hello all, I have once again started up this game now that the Game Drive has CD support.  Been naturally a blast.  I saw that I tried to play through the game in 2015.   Not entirely sure why I stopped playing then, but I am caught up to where I left off, somewhere in the third star cluster.  I manage to complete about a planet a day on this first play through.


Considering how long this game is, would love to hear who has braved this game to the end aside from Saturn?  I think we need a hall of fame list for those that completed this!


Aside from other Battlemorph news, of course Songbird sold the re-release of Battlemorph, the overlay, the SOUNDTRACK, and the all in one deal.  I mostly said all that because of the soundtrack which is just cool to have now. 


So my only question is.. where can I find the track list of these 16 tracks?  Also plan on checking to see if the link CharlieChaplin provided has any tracks not featured on the soundtrack CD?  To date my favorite Battlemorph track is the one played in the Planet Charnel (third star cluster.)


Favorite tracks, and those that have completed this game and your overall thoughts.  Would love to hear both. 





as you can guess from my Battlemorph sound recordings, I completed the game and I really liked it. Back in the 90s I did own a Jaguar with CD-ROM, Catbox and two Pro-Controllers. I finished Battlemorph, Blue Lightning, Hover Strike UL and a few other games, but Battlemorph was one of my personal top 3 Jaguar games (together with Tempest and Rayman). It was so much fun exploring all those planets, collecting stuff, shooting enemies and finishing the main boss. And the music did fit so well to the surrounding and gave that special atmosphere (under water music, tunnel music, etc.). In comparison I found Cybermorph totally boring, while I liked BM very much. It was not a simple "collect pods" game, in BM you had different and varying missions and I liked the variance very much.


[Sidenote: Someone once said, BM is a kind of "holocaust" game, where you wipe out a whole (alien) race, alas, looking at it from a different point of view, this is true. But one could say the same about many other video games, even Space Invaders, Galaga, Star Raiders, Star Raiders 2 and in the end, this is just a video game and not reality. ]


There are several tracks in BM, that I like, e.g. the under water track(s) and the last track, where the narrator gives strange / funny credits. The tunnel sounds are sounding rather strange (or boring) if you listen to them, without playing the game though.


How did I make my BM (or other Jaguar) sound recordings ? Well, in the 90s I simply connected the Jaguar to my HiFi stereo system (with RCA / cinch audio cables), played the games and recorded everything with my Pioneer Mini Disc recorder. Alas, the sound coming from the Jaguar had a lot of white noise, so I used Dolby noise reduction and also the cut and edit features of my Mini Disc recorder. Some Jaguar CD's had CD-Audio recorded on the CD's, but not that many. Some Jaguar CD's in the CD-player simply played back something like "This is an Atari Jaguar Multimedia Disc and not an audio CD" or something similar, while others had one (Blue Lightning) or several (Hover Strike UL) audio tracks on them. Tip: Listen to the great audio tracks from Hover Strike UL.


But I do not remember if BM had an audio track on the CD, think it didn't, but then again, I am not sure. I simply put in every Jaguar CD I had into my Hifi CD-player and if it had an audio sound, then I recorded it with my Mini Disc recorder. When my recordings had been finished, I digitally copied them from Mini Disc to my HiFi CD-recorder using optical audio cables (TOSlink). The audio CD's were then copied to the PC in the 90s and afair in the 2000s uploaded to the internet (see link above).


Believe it or not, I sold my whole Jaguar collection, including Jaguar + PSU, CD-ROM + PSU, two Pro-Controllers, Catbox and some 30-40 games and some cables for 250 Deutsche Mark in the late 90s (approx. 130 Euro or approx. 142 USD today).


P.S.: There is at least one BM audio recording, where I pressed the record+play buttons too late and you can clearly hear that some of the narration is missing. Back then, I had plans to record that track again at a later time, but it never happened...

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If I recall correctly, BM uses the left/right stereo channels to stream two different tracks simultaneously, but only plays one in the game, obviously. I think it's how they were able to swap music from above ground to underwater so quickly. 

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2 hours ago, Songbird said:

If I recall correctly, BM uses the left/right stereo channels to stream two different tracks simultaneously, but only plays one in the game, obviously. I think it's how they were able to swap music from above ground to underwater so quickly. 

Exactly - a nice trick for the time.  Though it did prevent stereo music in game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played this through to completion several times back in the day.  Probably the best Jag CD game IMHO, Iron Soldier 2 is also excellent. 


I'm sure if Battlemorph had been ported to other systems it would have got decent reviews but the Jag CD was too niche, even in 1996. 


If there was a way to officially and legitimately make this available for the GD I'd be interested. 

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