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Lost Dragon's great scans from UK C&VG magazine, Gauntlet, Ancient Mariner

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ST Gauntlet-chalk up yet another 'what could of been' in terms of 1040ST Enhanced Gauntlet and a stunning looking UK crack at a Cinemaware-style game on ST in form of Ancient Mariner, something i've been very surprised UK mags like Edge/Retro Gamer have NEVER picked up on, espically given Ex-RARE coder was involved.UK Press usually go all wobbly at the knees for all things Rare/Ultimate play the game.



Guess Freelancers employed by both publications were unaware of games existance?.

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Mad respect for the ST version since it was the best version out there until Tengen - aka Atari Games themselves - did their version for the Genesis/Mega Drive using original source code.


Just imagine if they'd done a version that used the BLiTTER as well as 1 or 2MB of RAM. And that's not even including STE or Falcon enhancements.


Man, I wish Gauntlet would've been the pack-in game for the Jaguar.

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Yep that's the 'downside' with re-reading articles like these, when you here of what coders would really have liked to have done, in terms of 'enhanced' versions to make use of extras on host hardware (ie Blitter, extra Ram etc).Guess realistically they had deadlines, the 1040ST market in terms of gaming, must not have been commercially viable enough for publisher to consider putting extra time/resources to a S.E version.

But then, is'nt that the old Catch-22? people not going to buy upgrades unless there is software that uses it, publishers not going to produce said software until enough enhanced users in the market to justify it....
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  • 2 years later...

There is nothing much wrong with Gauntlet 1 on ST if you had a 16mhz 68000 fitted ;)


Honestly they had sold bugger all blitter equipped machines and there was no guarantee any meaningful numbers of 1040STFs would ever be sold let alone ones with a blitter so what do you expect them to do. Be greatful it is not as god awful as the SMS/NES/ZX/CPC/A8/C64/MSX versions and it is better than Garrison and Gauntlet 2 on an Amiga.

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