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Atarian magazin scans by Lost Dragon

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All three Atarians are here on AtariAge.

And some of us here had tips published in The Atarian and then got stiffed*on the games we were supposed to receive! :)


That was probably due to the editorial staff of Atari Explorer/The Atarian getting sacked.



*I settled for 1 Lynx game - Dirty Larry - courtesy of Gary Tramiel at Atari HQ after a shareholder's meeting.

Edited by Lynxpro
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Please don't. LOL.


No, it's worth it. Then someone else can contact the programmer directly and verify the authenticity of this "fact" just as someone did with Jeff Minter last month and put to rest The Laird's assertion that Minter had ported Star Raiders to the Lynx [he never got the chance to work on the Lynx].

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Re; Star Raiders, you mean THIS claim?



Also worth noting that Jeff Minter's next Jaguar game was Major Havoc 2000, would have loved to have seen what he did with that. He was also working on a Lynx game at one point too - Ultra Star Raiders, which was at least started but when I asked Jeff he was rather hazy on the exact details. He did say how much he liked the Lynx hardware though and wished he had got more of a chance to work with it.





And please lets not get started on Jaguar Creature Shock, 'i spoke to..claim'.Jez San, Mike Fullton and Daryll Still all confirmed it was never started.Jez in Edge interview, other 2 in emails to myself.


I'd love to hear true story behind Deflektor, but only from coder himself.

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I was in contact with Alexander Holland shortly after Lairds Thallion article for RG (and long before i was in contact with Darryl or Mike regarding Lost Jaguar games) and i know exactly what he said about possibility of Creature Shock Jag CD and this was confirmed by Mike Fullton himself.Darryl kindly gave me Atari UK's stance on Creature Shock-They wanted, Jez would'nt do it and Jez told Edge exactly why he would'nt as well.

Plus poor old Alexander was quoted in said RG article as working on (canned) SNES Starfox II whilst at Argonaught, yet game was canned some 2 years before he even started working there.

If people are going to name drop who they spoke to via Facebook (something i won't touch with a barge pole) or quote from for paid for work, it helps to get the quotes correct.My interviews take flak for not being 'proof-read' but raw as they are, they are done for free and i have them put out as the coders themselves answered.

Grammar might be rough, but factually they are spot-on.

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:-) Anywho, drawing a line under all the 'I spoke to...' stuff.Entire point of myself spending time interviewing is to uncover real stories behind UK press claims and uncover 'Lost Games' i never knew of (blowing own trumpet but had 3 replies to questions sent, in past 24 hrs, 1 Lost ST/Amiga game i'd never known of mentioned in 1 of the 2 replies i've had chance to look at already)-will link to interview when it's up.


And hope that those i cannot reach will see posts and come forward and say they wrote it/still have code.


False claims i simply do not have time for these days.The 'Official' lost Jaguar/Lynx lists by he who shall not be named needed serious correcting, so much miss-information.

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Interesting, I had seen a copy of The Atarian online once but it has been a while. I remember seeing a "Top 10 games wanted on the 7800" list and of course players wanted Super Mario Bros. (probably figured that Mario Bros. was on the system so why not!).


I did not remember that Ninja Golf was in development for the XE. I wonder what happened to that build?

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Atarian was the only magazine i've seen to claim (both) Ninja Golf and Road Runner were headed to the XE.Thought if i had scan put up, someone might be able to shhed more light on these claims.


Without wishing to sound arrogant, whenever i 'interview' someone, it's the Lost Games i'm really keen to hear on.Even if it's just as simple as putting a claim to rest (planned, never started) or being surprised just how far along work actually got, i love to add an extra layer to what happened to....


Best ones are the games i never knew existed in any form until the person says 'ohh i was working on X, Y and Z but sadly...'



In amongst the 3 interviews i've had come in this week alone, 1 lost Dreamcast game, 1 lost ST/Amiga game.....

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Re; Star Raiders, you mean THIS claim?



Also worth noting that Jeff Minter's next Jaguar game was Major Havoc 2000, would have loved to have seen what he did with that. He was also working on a Lynx game at one point too - Ultra Star Raiders, which was at least started but when I asked Jeff he was rather hazy on the exact details. He did say how much he liked the Lynx hardware though and wished he had got more of a chance to work with it.





And please lets not get started on Jaguar Creature Shock, 'i spoke to..claim'.Jez San, Mike Fullton and Daryll Still all confirmed it was never started.Jez in Edge interview, other 2 in emails to myself.


I'd love to hear true story behind Deflektor, but only from coder himself.

From Facebook:


Kieren Hawken Some information regarding Deflektor on the 7800. It was programmed by Bob Armour and is complete but unreleased. Lost Dragon should know that too given that he was a member of RVG when I did the interview. I could actually add a lot of information to that thread and clear some of those stories up but I am not a member on AA so hey ho. I certainly have no wish to help in any way either given the amount bile Lost Dragon is spewing about me over there.


So, does anyone have a means of contacting Bob Armour in order to get the facts directly from him?

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:-) Looks like the Jeff Minter tweet touched a nerve.Bile indeed, if your going to claim you 'spoke' to someone like Jeff and that he said he'd worked on the Lynx, you really have to expect someone to follow it up and ask him about just what Lynx projects he was working on.


Plus if your going to claim you spoke to coder of Creature shock who said it was 'nearly finished' (when in fact all he said was he'd seen some 'silvers' that MIGHT have been part of anything attempted Creature shock wise), don't be surprised when people speak to 2X Ex-Atari staff and reference an interview with Jez where he makes it clear game was never started and why.


And talking of bile..RVG...odd someone might claim they simply quit Atari age in an RVG post...think facts differed there, ever so slightly as well.

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As for the RVG interview, lol given that Alexander Holland was interviewed by the same person, yet is quoted in a paid-for article as working on Starfox II on SNES when at Argonaught, despite him not even joining the company until 2 years after the game was canned, you'll forgive me if i don't reference that particular interview with Bob.Plus the original interview he did with the UK press (where they falsely claimed he was working on 7800 Gauntlet) i lent the very same person, amongst other scans.Not best days work there either.

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Well, unless Bob's quotes are made up, that seems slightly credible. Maybe 7800 fans can ask him nicely to check those ST discs of his to see if he still has Deflektor around. I'm sure plenty of 7800 fans would like yet another unreleased game to be made available...

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I'd have a crack at contacting Bob, but forwarded 4 interviews (2 to find new homes, lol) tonight already, plus working up questions for a superb forth coming interview (some KEY Atari questions in there, hell yes) and i'm awaiting replies to questions sent out to a further 2 coders, plus you guys have still the ST Gamer Vol 2 interviews to see...



And to think, someone once said i was 'nothing but old magazines''.+Think sheer amount of interviews, myths corrected etc might suggest different, lol.

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Re:this quote on Facebook: 'Lost Dragon should know that too given that he was a member of RVG when I did the interview. '

I remember only too well what happened on RVG when i was a memember, in terms of interviews thank you, i took part in enough of the bloody things.I even had to think up a whole list of questions for the guy behind Kick Off, yet i hate football games, as no-one else was coming forward with questions, I had Bob from Cinemaware answer pretty much everything put to him by myself, yet he avoided others questions for some reason.
I gave freely of my time and materials on RVG, just as i do here.I might be getting on in years, but my memory is as sharp as a pin, thank you.
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Lets be 100% clear here.I asked for my RVG account to be closed (and MODS know just why this was).I was told they physically could'nt do this, just don't sign in, software will automatically lock your account after set period.As for Retro Gamer, there (whilst it took repeated requests) a MOD was kind enough to close my account.Gamestm, they closed at my request soon as i asked, so lets not hear 'bile' about me being BANNED from ANY forums...

doing the rounds elsewhere.(This is'nt aimed at any AA poster, just certain readers....)


Dreamarena account closed when Sega pulled the plug on DC :-)


It's caused enough trouble in past 24 hours with me having to personally say sorry to an industry figure on behalf of another forum....thankfully his work will appear elsewhere now.

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Ironically i started posting on here to clear up a lot of the 'information' that had been posted up in that now LOCKED Official lost games Jaguar thread, after doing a lot of research into the claimed lost games myself, from checking through magazine interviews (thanks again to Edge for that Jez San interview) and checking with Ex-Atari UK sources regarding Creature Shock, Waterworld etc, both wanted by Atari it seems, but nothing ever started on either. Ex-Thallion source for claims of Thallion plans for Jaguar-there simply were none etc etc.Evey coder i've spoken to i've either named in a post along the way or simply had the raw (yes raw, unedited or tampered with) email Q+A up for people to see online in the form of an 'interview'.


I'm not the one posting claims i'd spoken to Jeff Minter and whilst Jeff's memory was 'hazy' he'd worked on the Lynx, then gotten found out when someone tweeted Jeff to follow up on that claim.....



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