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Atari 850 w/ iPocket232 Success


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I was playing around and got the Precidia iPocket232 device working well as an Internet Modem with my Atari 130XE w/ an 850. Stuff like this has been done 1,000 times before but I figured I'd share. Can do telnet handshaking or just dump raw data. Supports several modes of operation. Does *NOT* do DNS lookups but you could write your own DNS client if you wanted. Made the serial cable, simple 850->9-pin modem cable.




The SX212 in the picture is a paperweight.... the Happy 1050 and the 850 actually work. One screenshot shows device config, one shows a screenshot of telnet session to my Hackintosh. Having fun with it so far.


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If it's wired correct, it'll just kind of work. Hold down config button on iPocket for 5 seconds to get a config screen to set IP and initial serial params.


One question I have though..... is it possible to squeeze 19200 out of an 850? 9600 isn't bad (fairly impressive for the time actually) but near-floppy speeds for file transfers would be nice.

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If it's wired correct, it'll just kind of work. Hold down config button on iPocket for 5 seconds to get a config screen to set IP and initial serial params.


One question I have though..... is it possible to squeeze 19200 out of an 850? 9600 isn't bad (fairly impressive for the time actually) but near-floppy speeds for file transfers would be nice.

I don't think it's possible, due to the 850 just using the 6502 to bit-bang the serial port.

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Oh well. Still cool though. Paid $10 for the 850 a while back and the iPocket was free because it was "dead".


I think with a little effort I might be able to squeeze 19200 out of an RVerter. Seeing similar embedded boards and Serial->Wifi versions for $20 lately is encouraging. Building a version with a built-in RVERTER into a project box with an SIO connector would be trivial.

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The Black Box/MIO are 19,200 capable, the P:R: Connection is also supposed to be but I have no experience with it. The serial SIO2PC is basically an R-Verter with the SIO command signal attached to one of the RS232 handshaking lines, so the R-Verter should be able to handle the same speeds as the serial SIO2PC.

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I've seen 56K with serial SIO2PC connections.... 19200+ should be very doable then. Maybe if I get bored in a couple weeks I'll slap something together. For now, 9600 is good enough to have plenty of fun with. Faster file transfers would almost eliminate the need for the SIO2PC entirely, especially with the IDEPlus I can store tons of ATR images on.


I'd love an MIO but they go for big bucks usually. For the price of one MIO these days, I could probably buy an IDEPlus, 2 850's and a VBXE. Or.... a modern PC motherboard w/ an i5 and low end Nvidia video card. LOL

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