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Do you still enjoy eBay?


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I used to have a full watch list on eBay and almost every day an auction ended on which I was bidding on. I also used to stay up longer (we are 6 hours ahead of the east coast) to check for newly listed items and often it was rewarding, especially on weekends. Also often there were so many nice items on eBay at the same time that I had to set priorities to not overstretch the budget. But that has totally changed, my watch list is completely empty. I no longer enjoy eBay.


I think there are several reason for this. Most of the listings are BIN now. If you search for "atari" 90% of the listings are BIN. Almost everything I've bought in the last months was BIN. So if you aren't really quick someone else buys it. And there are many resellers and guys who have nothing else to do than to click on reload every 3 minutes. So if you don't check eBay frequently the good BIN listings are gone.This wouldn't be too bad, if it at least would be rewarding. But the overall "quality" of the listings is going down. Not many rare or interesting items lately. Seems the good stuff is now mostly in collectors hand. When I have a look at the completed listings there isn't really anything that I've missed. So a lot of competition for nothing. And BIN listings aren't half as fun as auctions. No thrill of anticipation of the end of the auction.


Checking eBay every hour for just one item per week isn't worth the time anymore. I guess I'll only check eBay once or twice per day now, maybe stop looking on eBay at all. Not sure what is the driving force here. eBay promoting BIN listings over auctions? Less new old stock finds and only mediocre stuff left in the attics and basements?


Maybe my impression is biased because the larger an collection gets the less stuff you need. How about you? Do you still enjoy eBay?


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And he's worried about the guys who check every three minutes lol. No wonder I don't find great BINs!

Well, when I click on an item listed within the last hour it always says at least "5 people are viewing this item per hour". And you have several resellers that bid on anything within 30 minutes after it has been listed. Always the same who put the first bid.

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Well, when I click on an item listed within the last hour it always says at least "5 people are viewing this item per hour". And you have several resellers that bid on anything within 30 minutes after it has been listed. Always the same who put the first bid.

Of course you don't enjoy it. You've turned it into a job!


There aren't as many auctions (at least compared to BINs) but it doesn't make sense to go through the auction process for common items that would end at about the same price anyhow. It's good if you're looking for something specific to be able to just go to ebay and buy it without waiting for an auction to end.

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I never enjoyed ebay, I only go there for things I know I want buy it now no out of country crap... back when it was still fairly new I spent a lot of time trying to bid on a CPU and got snipped at the last second and instantly saw the exact same CPU photos and everything get re listed by someone else within a half hour, thought to myself "this is bullshi+"


have not bidded ever again

Edited by Osgeld
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Fleabay is a tool and service to be used.. just like any other online shopping venue. If they have what I want at a reasonable price I will buy it. If it is a bidding auction, I only bid (using my bid bot) at the last 1 or 2 seconds at the maximum price I'm willing to pay. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. I never fret a loss or a miss.


I also understand the fleabag culture. And if I sell something I ask a fair price, make the sale, and don't bother looking to see if it shows up again as a flipped item.


People that track items and refresh every 10 seconds are just obsessive compulsive.


People that let one "bad" experience prevent them from using the(a) service are just one dimensional.

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And BIN listings aren't half as fun as auctions. No thrill of anticipation of the end of the auction.


My opinion is that auctions suck. If it's something rare or uncommon, I can guarantee someone wants it more than you. There's sniping, waiting, etc. I lose sleep and stuff wondering if I'll still be the high bidder when it all ends. Also sometimes it defies logic, but I often see auctions sitting with a half dozen bids already, and if the item has multiple listings, the auctions often get higher than BINs. Honestly it makes no fiscal sense to bid on an item when another item in similar condition is available for a few dollars less as a BIN.


With BIN, I can just buy it immediately, and rest easy knowing that the item will be in my posession in fairly short order. True I still have to wait for the post, but it's nothing compared to the wait on a live auction, not knowing yet if I'll win the item or not.


Another thing, I don't collect high dollar collectibles, so I consider myself mostly safe from fakes and forgeries, but for items exceeding $100, it can be a real issue. After a few thousand, the trolls come out and shill bid stuff up for schitz and giggles, especially if it circulates news sites or social media. The un-minty NWCs (the gray ripped Mario label, and the labelless gold) which both "sold" for $99k come to mind.

Edited by stardust4ever
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I enjoy buying cool stuff on there for a good price. Maybe that happens less than it used to, I dunno. But I do enjoy "shopping" or browsing ebay. It's not like I'm stumbling over too many TG-16 games out here, and crazy prices or not it is an interesting place to just find weird things.


Maybe you guys are all awash in awesome retro games stores every block with great selection and pricing...but I'm not. I've got two options for B&M game stores that carry anything before, say, ps3: one 30 mins east, one over an hour south. Ebay beats both on price regularly. Since most everyone prices by ebay anyway.


I brought a Master System into the one south of me a few weeks ago and you might have thought I was bringing in an NWC cart or something. The clerks came over and were...impressed. By a SMS.

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I enjoyed buying on ebay in the early 2000s. Only auctions, loads of rare items for reasonable prices.


Today I don't like ebay anymore. 95 % of the items are overpriced BIN. Oh and the Global Shipping Program sucks donkeyballs, it's a scam, I don't bid on auctions with GSP and because of that, many of the US auctions are a no-go for me. Sad story ...

Edited by ccc---
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I don't like auctions, though I do BINs from time to time. The best deals I have found have been on private forums. One thing I love about a place like Atari Age is that you mention you are looking for something and often times you can meet up with a seller just like that. I got my old Mac that way after giving up from looking on eBay.

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From a collecting point, not really (anymore). Dreams still come true every once in awhile, but I'm using eBay more to acquire convention exclusives for things like comic books and toys and far less when it comes to video games. A lot of buyers (collectors, (re)sellers) are/have been drinking from the same pool, and supply has dried up as time has gone on (at least with the rarities that I'm looking for). I still have over 100 searches set up between 2 accounts, but lately I've just been deleting the emails unless I get a hit on something I haven't gotten a hit on in a long time.

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Actually I find eBait to be a cheap way of getting electronic components. Just type in the part number, and up comes a Chinese company willing to sell you 12 or more of what Rip Shock will sell you one for... and shipping is usually included. You just have to be patient as it does seem to come over on a slow boat...

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