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2 buton joysticks


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I'm sure it's been asked many times but I am wondering if there are any controllers for 2 button games other than the regular joysticks? i also have notice that Xevious uses the R button, haven't tried it with a 2600 joystick, but I'm guessing since it is the opposite button from other games that it would not work.

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Europads are very hard to find so I was hoping to find something else. I know that there are not that many games that actually use both buttons, but I have a few and that controller cramps my hands so much. I'm assuming the NES conversion ruins the NES pads, so i will need to find more NES controllers.

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Europads are very hard to find so I was hoping to find something else. I know that there are not that many games that actually use both buttons, but I have a few and that controller cramps my hands so much. I'm assuming the NES conversion ruins the NES pads, so i will need to find more NES controllers.

It does not ruin the pads. It converts them. Edited by Jinks
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Personally, I wouldn't lose much sleep over "ruining" an NES controller. I've "ruined" a couple to build my favorite Vectrex controller. I'd certainly consider "ruining" some more to build a 7800 controller if I hadn't already converted a Radica Space Invaders to a 7800, two button controller.


I see a lot of mention on the 'net about conversions of NES controllers, but, an adapter shouldn't be horribly difficult to build with a microcontroller. I do have to wonder at what frequency one would need to sample and convert the NES data stream to achieve a seamless experience...

Edited by BigO
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