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Ordered a NOS PEB. Now what?


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They always seemed to be mixed together in the stores too, back in the day, so the fact that these are mixed is no surprise. PEBs didn't sell all that well at first, so stocks built up until TI came out with a really nice deal that got you a PEB with 32K, RS-232, Disk Controller+Disk, and a Logo, E/A, TI Writer, or Microsoft Multiplan set for something like $300 or $400. It was one of the last pre-Black Friday attempts to jump start the market. That was when I switched from sidecar peripherals to my first PEB. I bought it at a K-Mart. . .


Very interesting. Good to know more about the history.
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I have the push button type (got it NOS from ebay for $80 something years ago). Personally I think the button looks nicer than the rocker switch but that's just me. At the same time I got a NOS disk drive for it just so everything would match.

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Omega's great blog post has convinced me to attempt the 80 track mod next on my newly delivered FDC. I'm going to get the HxC from Lotharek, but I can't decide what to fill the remaining space with. A 5.25" or 3.5" or a spacer? What do other folks use and why?



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All this talk about replacing the fan, I finally broke down and got a fan off eBay, now just gotta wait for it to come in :)

The tiny fan nuts are a bit of a pain to remove, especially the one on the bottom left. I left it out when I re-assembled it as the fan moulding got in the way of the washer and nut. I might file down the moulding the next time it's apart.

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Omega's great blog post has convinced me to attempt the 80 track mod next on my newly delivered FDC. I'm going to get the HxC from Lotharek, but I can't decide what to fill the remaining space with. A 5.25" or 3.5" or a spacer? What do other folks use and why?




Well, honestly I started with two 3.5's", before I got the HDX and HxC so that is WHY I use that particular configuration... but that trio is THE BOMB! One of the coolest things is how freaking easy it is to make a .DSK image for someone. All I have to do is use DSK2PC on the TI and everything gets auto-magically turned into a .DSK image in my HDX's DOAD directory on the PC.


Before Fred added the DSSD 80 track format to his latest version of Ti99Dir, it was the only way I was able to get a valid image for my HxC. Fortunately you'll not have that problem as you'll be able to make your blank images easily for your HxC with that program, which means you'll not even need a second drive at first.

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Actually, 720K half-height 5.25 drives are relatively easy to find. Here's one of about four different auctions I saw on eBay for Teac FD-55F drives when I went looking today (some of them are unreasonable prices, but you can usually find one for under $40, shipped, if you look for a while).



Edited by Ksarul
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Would this FFD work ok with the PEB? http://www.ebay.com/itm/SONY-MPF920-1-44MB-BLACK-FLOPPY-DRIVE-/181481651076?pt=US_Internal_Port_Expansion_Cards&hash=item2a41263b84 I remember seeing a list somewhere, but I can't find it now!


Is this FDD cable OK http://www.ebay.com/itm/30-Flat-Ribbon-FDD-Floppy-Drive-Cable-2-device-NEW-/310078009875?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483216f213 to work with the above FDD and the HxC?




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The cable should work (although you might have to remove the twist on the wires going to the second connector, as that was standard for the IBM, but not for the TI). The drive will work as an 80-track drive--you probably don't want to use it in 40-track mode if you want to exchange the disks with anyone. They will work, but you'd need someone with a similarly configured drive for them to be able to read them.


Note also that this drive is configured as TI drive 1 (with the first TI drive number being 0 at the hardware level), so it would show up as drive 2.

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The cable should work (although you might have to remove the twist on the wires going to the second connector, as that was standard for the IBM, but not for the TI). The drive will work as an 80-track drive--you probably don't want to use it in 40-track mode if you want to exchange the disks with anyone. They will work, but you'd need someone with a similarly configured drive for them to be able to read them.


Note also that this drive is configured as TI drive 1 (with the first TI drive number being 0 at the hardware level), so it would show up as drive 2.

Ok - Thanks.


I'm going to be doing the 80 track mod as described in Omega's blog. Just getting the shopping list together and making sure that I get the correct parts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is your mini-PEB a Corcomp? If so, you might be interested in the new DSR eprom for it. It removes that nasty startup code and allows it to respond like a normal TI, eliminating the problems with some software and games.




Can you check your PMs please?

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