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Which AV-mod to go for (Atari 2600)


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I am new to this place! A lot of really fun reading in this forum!


I have two 2600 units (both PAL versions). One 2600 4-button and one 2600 JR. I want to modify them with an better picture and an easier way to connect them to my home cinema reciever. So the AV/S-video-mod seems like the way to go.


When searching the net I find several versions of this mods. For example:

Longhorn Engineer





I wonder which mods you guys have tested?

And if some are better than others?


Cheers Jens


Edit: added PAL to clarify my systems...

Edited by shootking
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I use a homebew longhorn based design, and it does just fantastic, in a nutshell the FMS video filter/driver/amp is a good series of chip and is what's driving the final output to your TV, but the ebay link has the ability to adjust trim different parts of the picture, which I would suggest as no 2 atari's or tv's look exactly the same

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The eBay one is designed by batari who started from scratch, but it happens to be close to the longhorn board.

I have both a longhorn and a batari board. Both the 2600 ones are great.

One in a 4-switch, and the other in a light 6-switch.

Everything after the Heavy Sixer's beautiful RF video just does not compare, although I've heard claim some 7800 is very good, I just haven't come across any.

The 7800 av board falls a little short of the nice picture you get with a modded 2600, some people really complain, but I could not even use my 7800's with RF they were that terrible, the mod is worth it for me.

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The "ebay one" is from Electronic Sentimentalities.....



....who offer installation services for those of us too ham-fisted and inexperienced to effectively wield a soldering iron without destroying something. I've had 3 or 4 consoles modded by him, and the results are absolutely pristine and top-notch.

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