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vbb being finicky with colors (SOLVED)


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I've been getting errors in player and playfield colors for some reason, and I can't figure out what causes them, but my code wont compile, citing issues in colors like $2E or $80. I'm sure there's a simple fix and I think i remember having this problem a long time ago too but I don't know what to look for.

EDIT: caused by using semicolons for comments instead of rem statements. Weirdest thing.

Edited by pacgreg
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? Put all the DFxFRACINC's before the drawscreen in the main loop?

Glad you solved it!

I don't remember exactly why I started putting the DFx definitions right before the drawscreens, but it does fix something weird that was happening when you get into switching banks each with its own drawscreen.


I'd make sure you have the latest RevEng version of batari Basic due to the fact it has the most fixes, additions like vertical scrolling, proper pfpixel reading and player alignments, and 9 extra ram variables. It will do everything from 2K games to DPC+. Here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/214909-bb-with-native-64k-cart-support-11dreveng/?p=2799489

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