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atarifan2600's questions thread


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My first problem is, jumping up and down.


I'm not making a platform game. I'm making a "walk around" game if you know what I mean (like adventure).

If you press fire, then jump. The longer you hold, the higher you jump until you fall back down.


Like what happens in atari2600land's Super Mario 64 2600 game.


Any help appreciated, especially the fact that I am a beginner :P

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Neither compile for me....

If you're still having problems compiling, you may not actually be using the new version of bB and just think you are. Did you double click on the file "install_win.bat" that is in the latest batari Basic folder that you have downloaded and unzipped?

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Will do later. Back to the jumping then!


If you don't get the latest version of batari Basic working, there's no point in giving you code that probably won't compile.


After you've been using bB for a while, you might discover that the kind of jumping in Super Mario 64 is too primitive and you might want to use something similar to what you will find in the two links I posted earlier.

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