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Best time to end a Auction?


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I haven't sold anything on EBay for years, cause I use either Amazon or Craiglist 99 percent of the time. I have a few uncommon items though that has no listing on Amazon for it and should get me enough money (Over $100) to justify paying the EBay fees for the exposure and getting them sold.


From your experience, what's the best day and time to have a auction end for max effect?

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Usually a Sunday, at around 6-9 in the evening, US Eastern time. That seems to be when most people would be available to bid or actively snipe a listing. If you have multiple listings that buyers might be interested in, space the listings out by at least 5 minutes so that motivated buyers can manually snipe each one they'd like as they end.

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My main window is a little broader but basically overlaps with the above folks. List it on Saturday or Sunday from 1pm EST to 9pm EST (this way PST is 10am to 6pm). This way, morning and evening folks on both US coasts can bid.


Separately, I recommend including Canada and Western Europe to increase the potential bidders. Have these countries paid for their own shipping since it varies from country to country and eBay can auto-calculate it for you.

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Tuesdays @ 11pm EST.


Sunday evenings are crap, people are watching tv shows or sports, or they are thinking about having to go back to work on Monday.

Mondays people go back to work and are getting back into their weekly routine.

Tuesdays are best. The routine is back in gear, new media release day has people thinking about games, and people aren't generally distracted by other things in life.

Wednesdays are hump days and people are thinking about the weekend.

Thursday night is more tv or Thirsty Thursday at the local bar.

Friday and Saturday are the weekend and people are more likely to be away from their computers.


You want 11pm EST as people on the East Coast are still awake and West Coasters should be home from work.

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I've been doing Sundays traditionally. The Peter Olafson auctions have been really informative. He has a huge awesome computer game collection he is selling off. He lists around 10 items a day. It keeps people looking and spaces out auctions so people can sort of afford them, rather than everything ending on one day.


I'm not sure if the end day makes as much of a difference as it used it. The eBay market is weird these days. I would favor evenings though.

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I used to swear by Sunday evenings (and I'm surprised to hear people talking about Saturday auctions). I'm not so certain that the day entirely matters anymore but I've found between 9 and 10 EST PM to be a sweet spot time wise.


You can't go wrong with Sunday evening 9 to 10:30 EST PM spaced at least two minutes apart if they are items that would be of interest to the same person.

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