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Is it safe to use a muti-system compatible PS on multiple systems at once?


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I'd like to free up one spot on my surge protector and have less cords in my cabinet. This thing actually has two, separate system-end plugs. Can I plug this kind of power supply into two systems at once (assuming, of course, I would never turn both systems ON at once) safely? Or is this a bad idea?

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I don't recommend that adapter. I bought one a few years ago when I needed a PS for my Genesis. The quality on the one I bought was garbage. The adapter apparently had no shielding, it introduced rolling bands of interference on the Genesis' output and interferred with nearby radios set to AM.

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only if one system is on at a time ... but its sketchy just for the fact that IF two systems are on for a period of time it will load it down pretty darn good, maybe to the point of bad things happening, compounding that concern, its a no name china model which have only the highest quality parts, construction, and proper safe design


also make sure that one of those plugs aint putting out 9v AC, NES used that (even though it doesnt need it) and no other console makers ever though "gee lets throw a 1 cent protection diode on this thing"

Edited by Osgeld
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Hmm well I actually just grabbed a stock photo from online of a dual-ender PS....I actually have two like this but perhaps NOT identical to the photo (or it could be, never saw the box but the place I got it does carry that "level" of stuff).


I have one that is very very light (like a toy as Rex mentioned, it seems TOO Light) that I am using on my NES and one that has the same dual-ends but is heavy that I am using on my SNES as it came with it (I'm at work now so can't see what the respective stickers on each say). I'm not doubling two systems on one PS now. Nor do I intend to now I guess, one more block ps sticking out of the surge pro won't matter. I was just trying to eliminate some clutter anyway.


Any recommendations for a GOOD NES PS? Though it has only happened twice in say, two years, my NES has spontaneously shut itself off. No sparks or pops, just the light goes out. But has always powered right back on and the brick has not been hot. I guess I should replace it. (the first time this happened was right after I cut the fourth leg off the lockout chip so I blamed myself initially--I cleaned out the machine and it hasn't happened again until recently).

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Yes, the best choice indeed.


The problem with some of these "multi game" power supplies is that they're meant to get a quick buck from people who don't know any better. A big problem when they're light is that they're likely not designed for longevity... and might even burn your house down when they fail.




Granted, that's USB chargers, but considering that they're just scaled down and miniatured-to-the-point-of-pain versions of what we plug into our consoles... buyer beware.

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Thanks to all!


Anyone have an opinion on this one though?




Frankly I'd like to have something good and NEW as opposed to good and 25+ years old. I know, I know, the hardware is that old too. I know I can test the PS with a volt meter or whatever but I'd just as soon have new.


If I have to go full vintage I will! ;) I just really don't want to.

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Oh AND.....would you guys consider all multi system supplies bad, heavy or light? As I said, my SNES has one that came with it, and it is a real HEAVY brick. I don't know what the other plug is, never used it, but assume its the same as the one I linked, NES/SNES/Genesis 1.


Is it just bad that the thing is trying to accommodate differing loads/specs, period? Or could I HOPE that the weight of my SNES one implies it is of decent quality?

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Thanks to all!


Anyone have an opinion on this one though?




Frankly I'd like to have something good and NEW as opposed to good and 25+ years old. I know, I know, the hardware is that old too. I know I can test the PS with a volt meter or whatever but I'd just as soon have new.



Isn't that one old, too? I don't think Innovation is still in business, and the seller claims to have been selling that model for 20 years.


Regarding multi system supplies in general, they're not necessarily all bad. I have one that's modeled after a laptop PSU, but with interchangeable tips & selectable output voltage up to 16v or so. It's been my power supply for various systems until I could pick up better single-use supplies for them and it's worked great. I think it was like $40 at Fry's Electronics.

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Isn't that one old, too? I don't think Innovation is still in business, and the seller claims to have been selling that model for 20 years.


Regarding multi system supplies in general, they're not necessarily all bad. I have one that's modeled after a laptop PSU, but with interchangeable tips & selectable output voltage up to 16v or so. It's been my power supply for various systems until I could pick up better single-use supplies for them and it's worked great. I think it was like $40 at Fry's Electronics.


Ha! Good point Rex, I should have said used vs unused, anyway, as that actually worries me more than when it was made. Just like you don't trust cheap stuff, I don't necessarily trust a used PS of unknown origin that has had it's cord wrapped/brick dropped however many times.


I'm tempted to replace my SNES one with an official now too. Small investment to save myself from being really mad at myself for NOT doing it if something bad ever happened.


Thanks for your input. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's hard to find stuff not made in China any more. Not all stuff coming out of China is crap, but it's always a gamble. You can't just judge by price alone either, because a price much higher than appropriate can be placed on rubbish. Also, because labor is very cheap in China, and companies can horrably polute all day long, they often can offer similar quality to something made elsewhere, but at a much cheaper price.


It's a shame really. I would pay more for quality I can trust.

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