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5200 problem - Need to power system off and on to get joystick working ?


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Here is my issue: Whenever I power up the 5200, the controllers don't completely work. Usually down on the joystick doesn't work. Sometimes, down and the fire buttons don't work.


Now, here is how I get it to work. I power the machine off and on and then the joystick will go down. But, sometimes I end up powering it off and on up to four times to get all the functions working, first direction, then fire button, then keypad, etc. It always works eventually, but this can't be good for the system and it must be a symptom of something that needs fixing. But what? This happens on multiple types of controllers, so it is not the joystick or controller (which is what I used to think, as I took them apart and looked for issues).


Any help appreciated!

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I really don't have any idea why powering the system on and off would help make your controls work better. That said, I can suggest the usual remedies for 5200 controls...


1. Sticks not working, especially in a certain direction.


That really sounds like the control pot needs to be calibrated. Check the below thread for instructions:




2. Buttons not working.


This may be the single most common problem with the original 5200 joysticks. Perhaps you are already familiar with the tin foil fix for them that is frequently suggested in this forum? But you say this problem occurs on different types of controllers... Do you mean controllers like the Wico and the Competition Pro? I've never heard of problems with the buttons on those, but perhaps you could try swapping the Pokey chip (see the above thread.) If it's not that, perhaps there's a problem with the controller port itself... You could try a 2 player game to check that.


Good luck!!!

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